I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1397: I am afraid that others will borrow from him...

When he was about to start the next one, Wang Han called out another timeout.

"I don't think this is challenging. Everyone can definitely borrow it. Let's change the gameplay and reduce the restriction a little bit. It is only for women," Wang Han said.

And he borrowed another one million from a female friend without shame. Brother Han still has a lot of face.

The next one is Qian Feng's turn. Qian Feng is thinking about it, and the male friend he had thought of is now overthrown.

This is too difficult for him. After searching for a long time, I finally found one that is quite reliable.

After a lot of talk, I finally got it.

Then came Dachao Wei and Gao He. Three to five million yuan is not difficult for them, but it is also difficult for female friends.

Da Chaowei was very thief and called his agent and successfully borrowed it.

Gao He called one at first, but no one answered it. Later, he found another one. When he mentioned the loan, the other party said there was not so much.

Then I found another one before finally borrowing it.

After borrowing, Gao He sweated all over his head.

In this kind of scene, it will be broadcast nationwide, and it would be too embarrassing to not be able to borrow it.

It was Wang Bo's turn. Wang Bo confidently called a rich female friend in the circle, who was still his predecessor, who happened to be the former Reba boss, that is, Yang Mi.

Unexpectedly, after Wang Bo wasted a lot of talk, when the other party heard that he had borrowed two million, he had a reason to say that he had no money.

Wang Bona called an embarrassment. Maybe he valued his own face too much, and he was still reluctant.

Wang Han has already hung up the phone to wink him. He hasn't noticed yet. You said that such a host is on duty.

"Sister, I'm really in a hurry. If you borrow me to turn around, I'll pay you back soon."

"Oh, Xiaobo, I really can't spend so much money here at the moment. You don't know that the film and television industry has been cold recently. How can I have money? Let's not talk about it, sister has to hang up in advance."

After speaking, Yang Mi hung up the phone, leaving Wang Bo on the stage very embarrassed.

Do you know why Yang Mi refused to borrow, because starting this year, both Chinese officials and ordinary people have a strong resistance to traffic stars.

Now when you hear a TV show performed by a traffic star, who will watch it? Except for the ignorant children of rice balls, almost no one wants to see it.

Many people even say thank the traffic stars for letting them get rid of the addiction of chasing dramas.

This is not groundless, now the popularity of traffic stars in the society has dropped again and again.

In addition, Jiang Siming launched a drama bone award to greatly increase the remuneration of the old drama bones, and many old drama bones began to have spring.

Therefore, the current trend in the entertainment industry has begun to lean toward quality. Unlike before, I just want to find traffic stars and popular artists.

Therefore, Yang Mi felt that Wang Bo's investment was of little value, so she refused so decisively. Otherwise, how could she not get the two million.

Fortunately, Wang Boqiang came forward and found a woman again with a strong smile. This time he found another Yang Xing actress who was also much older than him.

Jiang Siming didn't understand why Wang Bo knew all married women in the circle.

He thought of the actress Yi Yang pointed out, and the incident between Ma Lao Bustard and Li Hair, and felt a chill.

This time, after Wang Bo said badly, the other party finally agreed.

Wang Bo thought it was done, but he didn't wait for a sigh of relief.

The other party actually added: "You can borrow, but if you want to write an IOU, remember to sign and press your fingerprint."

After saying this, don't mention the embarrassment on Wang Bo's face.

The main reason is that he thinks too much of himself, borrowing two million, two million is not a small sum.

It is normal for people to ask for an IOU.

If you are three to five million, maybe you don't need it.

But it has happened. Wang Bo can only hang up the phone with everyone's strange eyes.

In the end, Jiang Siming was left.

"Aming it's your turn." Wang Han kindly ended the game for Wang Bo and skipped the topic.

Jiang Siming took out his mobile phone, opened the WeChat list and flipped through it. He wanted to find what he wanted from his wife.

But he felt a little suspicion of cheating, and said that he could not belong to the relatives of his parents and daughter-in-law.

Then...change another one.


As soon as the phone rang, it was quickly connected.

"Huh~ Daxia Jiang, why call me when you have time?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was cute, but the audience was very familiar with it and immediately recognized it, as if it was a ghost voice.

Jiang Siming actually borrowed money from ghosts?

Wang Bo and Da Chaowei laughed in their hearts, Jiang Siming took themselves too seriously.

GuiGui doesn't seem to be familiar with him at all, he has only collaborated on two shows.

The most important thing is that Guigui has a characteristic, that is, stingy! Very stingy.

This is what everyone in the circle knows.

Everyone began to wait for Jiang Siming to be rejected.

In fact, Jiang Siming was also a ghost who was looking for on a temporary basis, mainly because he was too lazy to find it. The first ghost in the friend list was looking for her.

"Something's going on." Jiang Siming replied.

"What is it, you say you say it."

"Lend me thirty million." Jiang Siming said directly, there was no prelude, and polite remarks were automatically omitted.

Everyone thought that ghosts would refuse, and no matter how bad they were, they would refuse.

Who knows that the ghost did not even hesitate for a second, and said: "Thirty million? Okay, but I don’t have that much now. I will find my good friend to lend it to you. I will give it to you tomorrow at the latest. Can you see Daxia Jiang?"

"Let me say yes. I may not be able to pay you back this money for a while. My company is in very bad condition recently and may go bankrupt."

Jiang Siming also added that if someone else listens to this kind of remark, he will definitely regret it.

Everyone is speechless, Jiang Siming is so courageous, this is for fear that others will lend you money, right?

And I dare to say anything, my company is about to close down, I can say it, only 6666.

"It’s okay. I don’t spend much money anyway. You can use it first. Your company has a problem. Or you can participate in more variety shows. Jiang Daxia, I can also introduce you to our Wanwan variety show. You will definitely be very welcome."

GuiGui not only didn't regret it, but worried for Jiang Siming and gave up ideas.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Don't worry, I can find you when I can't open the pot and can't eat."

"Yeah, I will give you the money tomorrow, and I will find my friend now."

The two hung up the phone, Jiang Siming successfully completed the task, and sent a WeChat account to Guigui to explain the reason.

It's just a routine for programming.

When the audience saw that Jiang Siming borrowed 30 million so easily, they all felt a bit too simple.

Just a phone call can borrow money that ordinary people can't make for a lifetime.

The most uncomfortable is Wang Bo. He borrowed money so hard and so embarrassed.

But Jiang Siming is so simple, isn't this just a comparison.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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