I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1398: 90 million in two hours

While Wang Bo felt very shameless, he took care of himself.

"Brother Han, I think President Jiang should be the same as you and call him twice. He is the richest man. Calling one is too simple."

Wang Bo urged Gao He and Da Chaowei to agree.

Yesterday, I said yes, as long as there is a chance, he must be embarrassed!

The audience liked booing the most, so they all agreed.

Wang Han didn't know for a moment whether he should agree or not.

Jiang Siming was not verbose, so he picked up the phone again and called Wang Ou.

"Hello? What's the matter?" Wang Ou's surprised voice came over the phone.

Jiang Siming's ability to take the initiative to call her really surprised and delighted her.

The two have no contact at ordinary times. It may be that Jiang Siming will look at her with interest only at a certain award ceremony or coincidentally.

Jiang Siming was also afraid to say too much to expose the relationship between the two, so he said seriously: "I need 30 million now, can I borrow it?"

"Of course, but I recently voted for a movie. Maybe I don't have so many on hand. Are you in a hurry? If you are in a hurry, I will sell my small villa in Kyoto right away." Wang Ou said seriously.

All the men showed a polite ‘fake smile’. Could this be the legend that you can eat on your face, but you depend on talent?

Jiang Siming has the ability to find a female friend who can borrow 30 million yuan, and they are willing to sell the house to raise money for him.

Oh my god...if they had Jiang Siming's fate for a woman, it's so popular...

"Uh... don't worry, I'll hang up first, you read WeChat, I sent you a message."

Jiang Siming finished the task and hung up the phone, for fear that Wang Ou would really sell his house to him to make money.

Still like a ghost, after telling Wang Ou the whole story, Jiang Siming simply called Tong Ya again.

This time it was even simpler. Jiang Siming directly asked 30 million.

Tong Ya didn't have a problem, so let Jiang Siming issue the card number...

In the end, Jiang Siming passed the loan task perfectly. He borrowed three people's money totaling 90 million, and the process took less than two minutes.

Compared with Wang Bo's borrowing two million, it would take a lot of words and words, and he had to establish written evidence. He felt that his face was lost today.

In fact, other people didn't care about this. After all, he was just a star. Jiang Siming is the richest man in Asia. It is normal that his status and popularity are better than him.

It's just that Wang Bo is arrogant and conceited, and he thinks so wishful thinking.

Of course, no one cares about him now.

Everyone is curious, how rich is Jiang Siming?

"Amin, the 90 million you just borrowed. If you can earn 90 million at your own company's profit rate, how long will it take you?" Wang Han asked curiously.

"I haven't counted this. If all my companies are included, 90 million should take two hours." Jiang Siming replied.

He really didn't talk nonsense, just for Fu Xi, lipsticks, facial masks and medicinal pills can sell tens of millions of profits within an hour.

In addition, Qin Yiyi's medical company Qingai Dan and the dengue vaccine that is about to succeed are being produced.

In two hours, it is absolutely no problem for the pharmaceutical factory to sell the price of 20-30 million.

In addition, there are a lot of large and small companies such as LILI Voice, Gulu Weibo, Station B, Blue Hole, R Star, etc.

There are also many commercial buildings for Jiang Siming, such as teams, physical stores, live broadcasts, PM Internet cafes, literary websites, etc. These add a piece, not even winning.

Ninety million in two hours is not an exaggeration.

90 million yuan in two hours, 750,000 yuan a minute, 12,500 yuan a second.

Jiang Siming can earn more than 10,000 yuan per second, and many office workers may not earn as much as he earns per second after working for a month...

Wang Han was also afraid that everyone would not understand, so he gave a more convenient analogy.

"That is to say, I buy 5 million lottery tickets a day and win 5 million big prizes every day. It will take 140 years for me to surpass Mr. Ma. But if I want to surpass Mr. Jiang, I need to win more than 230 years in a row. This is still no tax. in the case of."

Everyone was dizzy, what kind of concept is this.

I used to read the news and said that Jiang Siming's new richest man in Asia had hundreds of billions of dollars, and they didn't have much idea.

It may be that many of the rich have hundreds of billions, so they think this is normal, and they don't seem to feel much.

But now they understand that the real super-rich are how fierce they can be.

Jiang Siming's few minutes may be wealth that many people will not earn in their entire lives.

How old is he, twenty-six years old...

Da Chaowei and the others were so shocked by the data that they were speechless, and they began to take the initiative.

People at this level can't afford to offend them at all.

I haven't thought about this before, thinking Jiang Siming is just a young man in his twenties.

Now I find that this thing really cannot be estimated by age.

Wang Bo has even begun to worry about his acting career.

Regarding Jiang Siming's wealth, if he wants to buy his brokerage company, he may only need a word.

When the time comes, he thinks he is unhappy, isn't it... he can directly block cold storage?

Thinking of this, Wang Bo felt uneasy, and he didn't dare to make any noise.

"Well, let's not talk about this topic anymore, lest I get too much excitement and shock after listening to my job as a host and go to sea."

Wang Han’s joke brought everyone back to reality, yes, it can’t be compared anymore, and even more than myself, I really came to the earth to make up...

Then Wang Han's content has nothing to do with wealth. Talk to Jiang Siming about basketball and football, or talk about live broadcast, music, and so on.

The process went very smoothly, and I didn't stand up against it anymore.

Da Chaowei and Gao He, who were still smug before, didn't dare to say anything, and the show went smoothly.

The show also came to an end.

"When the show ends, can Amin sing a song to this show every day? Many of us here are your fans."

Wang Han reluctantly said that he was really reluctant to end the show so early.

Chatting with Jiang Siming was really fun. From the beginning to the end, there was no need to deliberately search for topics. It was just like a friend's kind of casual chat.

It wasn't until Wang Han realized that his throat was about to smoke before he knew that he had been chatting with Jiang Siming for an hour or two.

There are a thousand cups of wine every confidant, but a few words are not speculative.

Wang Han can now understand why Hejiu likes Jiang Siming so much.

It's not because the other party has money or something, it's pure personality charm!

Hearing Wang Han's request, Jiang Siming generously agreed.

"Okay, it just happens to be Qingming Festival. Let's sing a new song for you, a song related to Qingming."

Everyone was taken aback, a song related to Qingming? Can you write songs on Ching Ming Festival? impossible...


[Author's digression]: Second more~~

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