I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1402: The powerful snow girl!

"It's the Yinxie Cultivation technique. That's right, Xue Nu, Huo Wu, you must not act rashly. The Yinxie Cultivation method is very vicious and weird, and the Yinxie Clan has a set of rules. I followed several accomplices to protect him. They were dispatched as a group. You may not only meet Li Jianbin alone. There may be several accomplices around him."

The ice beauty said anxiously.

"I'll come over right now and call all the members of the sky team nearby. You must not disturb them."

"Sure, I..."

Before Li Shengxue finished speaking, a loud noise rang out of the car.

Li Shengxue saw that it was Li Jianbin who was driving away. The police officer of the criminal group was afraid that the suspect would leave, so they drove to follow.

But I didn't expect that Li Jianbin noticed it just after leaving.

Li Jianbin directly drove the criminal group's car into a smash, knocked over the criminal group's car, and then walked away with a big laugh.

Li Shengxue became angry, and his whole body was full of comprehension. He got off the car, took a vertical leap, and flew onto the roof of Li Jianbin.

A palm full of invigoration patted the front of Li Jianbin's car.

Li Jianbin's Hummer, like paper, sags in an instant.

Huo Wu, who was still watching from the car, opened her mouth wide in surprise. She had never seen Li Shengxue with such strength.

Mainly there is no special situation, Li Shengxue has not revealed her strength, has been hiding it.

Both Bing Beauty and Huo Wu thought that Li Shengxue was about the same as theirs.

But with this trick, they knew that Li Shengxue had definitely surpassed them, and surpassed a lot.

"What's wrong? What's wrong!" Bing Meiren couldn't see it, she just heard two loud noises on the phone, thinking that Yinxiemen had acted on them.

Huo Wu was stunned and said, "Bing, come on, there are fairies..."

"What are you talking about?" Bingmei didn't understand perfectly.

Outside, Li Jianbin's Hummer was dented by Li Shengxue's palm, and the tires burst.

Li Shengxue herself was a little surprised, she turned out to be so strong.

"Is this the power of "Bi Hai Chao Sheng Jue", it is too strong... no hermit school can match it."

Li Shengxue sighed that she was only practicing the first level, and Bihai Chaosheng had nine levels in total.

It's hard to imagine how powerful the sound of the blue sea tide of nine layers is.

Li Jianbin was instantly stunned, but he quickly reacted and got out of the car while pressing the distress signal in his arms.

"Shengxue, it's you!" Li Jianbin didn't expect that it was the woman he wanted to stop him.

Li Shengxue had no feelings at all, and she looked at him with beautiful eyes as if she were dead.

"Li Jianbin, you are suspected of multiple homicides, and you have joined the heinous Hidden Sect. You'd better surrender yourself to martial arts, otherwise I can kill you on the spot."

Li Jianbin was surprised that Li Shengxue could see his biggest details at once, but he smiled happily:

"Aren't you relying on the sky team? What kind of air, my Li Jianbin now is different from the past, now I am..."

Before Li Jianbin had finished speaking, he flew out upside down and hit the gate of the club house hard, the gate shattered.

Then Li Jianbin vomited blood, raised his head with difficulty, and... then fainted.

Li Shengxue shook his wrist coolly, and walked towards Li Jianbin blankly.

He twisted him up like a little chicken, and then threw it outside. Poor Li Jianbin flew out again.

"Handcuffed." Li Shengxue said to the criminal team.

The colleagues of the criminal team recovered from the deep shock and immediately planned to handcuff Li Jianbin in the past.

But at this moment, several dark shadows suddenly appeared around the criminal team colleagues.

They snatched Li Jianbin, one of the thin and thin people, and immediately fed a smelly medicine into Li Jianbin's mouth.

A miraculous thing happened. Li Jianbin, who was originally knocked out, suddenly opened his eyes and was alive and well.

"Go!" Several dark shadows pulled Li Jianbin and were about to flee.

"Want to go? It's not that easy!" Huo Wu had already started, and instantly fought with the two shadows.

There were four shadows and Li Jianbin left. They wanted to run, but Li Shengxue was just in front of them.

"Damn the heavenly team, take your life!" The black shadow who had fed Li Jianbin the pill before started to Li Shengxue.

"Elder be careful, her strength is very strange!" Li Jianbin quickly reminded.

But it was too late. With only two strikes, Li Jianbin's elder flew out like a kite with a broken line.

Li Jianbin immediately went over and gave him a smelly medicine.

As if the other party was not injured, he quickly got up from the ground.

"Damn it, besides Dongfang Su, there is such a master in the team this day! Go! Go!"

After the elder finished speaking, he took out a few fishy **** and threw them on the ground.

In an instant, the entire clubhouse was enveloped by a poisonous gas, and the black was invisible.

Li Shengxue held his breath and immediately chased after him. Under the power of the blue sea and tide, he locked some of the slow black shadows that were escaping.

In a few blinks, these shadows all fell to the ground.

The elder saw that his disciple was arrested, but did not dare to stay. He took Li Jianbin and fled with all his strength.

Li Shengxue wanted to hunt down, but behind him came a painful call for help from colleagues in the criminal team.

They inhaled the stench of poisonous gas, and the situation was very serious.

As a last resort, Li Shengxue had to withdraw back. It was important to save people first. Bi Hai Chao Sheng Jue Li has the effect of healing and detoxification.

Li Shengxue found a glass of water and poured it on her hand. The water in her hand instantly formed ice cubes.

"Swallow these ice cubes and it will be fine."

Li Shengxue distributed the ice cubes to the poisoned colleagues.

Huo Wu's look was almost subversive, she poked Li Shengxue cautiously on the side.

"Hey... Are you... Jiang Siming again?"

Li Shengxue gave her a dumbfounded look, and said, "It's me, all right."

"Then how did you become so powerful?" Huo Wu said incredulously.

"How about my husband's teaching? Not convinced?" Li Shengxue raised her eyebrows proudly.

Huo Wu was suddenly speechless, so annoying...

Soon, the ice beauty arrived with the team, and she was also surprised when she saw the scene.

"Two people escaped, Bing, we have to catch up quickly, otherwise they will probably harm the people." Li Shengxue said.

The Bing Beauty nodded solemnly, and ordered the other members of the Tian Group to stay and deal with the scene. With Huo Wu and Li Shengxue, they drove after Li Jianbin in the direction of escape.

The three were originally worried that the escaped Li Jianbin and the elders of Yinxiemen would avenge the innocent people.

But before they drove far away, they found that Li Jianbin and the elders of Yinxiemen both fell beside an unmanned sidewalk.

There is also a man standing on the side of the road and smoking a cigarette leisurely...


[Author's digression]: Third more~~

Yan Bing Danqing, the world of virtue, the glory of the sun and the moon, the line of history, fortunately you, the mountains and rivers are safe! Be cautious in chasing far away, the virtues of the people will return, remember the heroes, and the loyal soul will be immortal. The dead rest in peace, the living is tough, the flowers bloom and the disease is exhausted, the country is peaceful

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