I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1403: I won't learn to kill!

"I said you are too slow, I have smoked two cigarettes."

When the man saw them chasing, instead of running, he complained to them.

When Li Shengxue saw this person, her cold face immediately melted, and she couldn't help rushing over and rushing into the other's arms.

But when Bing Beauty and Huo Wu saw this man, they had different expressions, and they couldn't laugh anyway.

"The strength is good now."

The man held Li Shengxue and praised with a smile.

This man, who else could it be without Jiang Siming.

"Master, you can teach well." Li Shengxue said playfully.

Suddenly remembering that there were two people watching behind him, Li Shengxue was embarrassed and quickly got out of Jiang Siming's arms.

"Did you solve these two people?"

Li Shengxue asked. After she finished speaking, she felt that this question was superfluous. Who else but Jiang Siming.

"Not exactly, a master helped me." Jiang Siming gave her an unexpected answer.

"There is a master? Who?" Li Sheng felt curious.

Just after she asked, a small head came out from behind Jiang Siming and smiled at her and said, "It's me~"

"Xiaoxiao, why are you here?" Li Shengxue said in surprise.

"I had nothing to do with my dad after breakfast, so I came to see you to solve the case. Later, I saw that you had a fight with the bad guy and two bad guys were running away, so I helped my dad to stop them."

Zhao Xiaoxiao answered cleverly.

"This... you defeated these two people?" Li Shengxue asked.

Zhao Xiaoxiao nodded, pointed at Li Jianbin and said, "I did this."

Pointing to the elder again, he said, "This, it's my father."

"But I didn't kill him. Dad said it was enough to stun, so I did."

Li Shengxue couldn't laugh or cry after hearing it. She heard Jiang Siming say that Zhao Xiaoxiao's talent is a rare super genius in thousands of years, and his cultivation speed is very fast.

But she had never seen it before, and now she finally understood.

Although Li Jianbin is not a cultivator, he is at least a master of the profound level pinnacle in the hermit clan, and he can even say that he has reached the earth level with half his foot.

But it was easily handled by Zhao Xiaoxiao.

Although she had never seen a fighting scene, seeing Zhao Xiaoxiao's relaxed look also knew that it was not difficult to clean up Li Jianbin.

"Xiaoxiao is really amazing, and my mother will have to ask you to teach me to practice." Li Shengxue praised her with a thumbs up.

Zhao Xiaoxiao smiled happily.

The Bing Beauty and Huo Wu behind them are just like listening to the heavenly scriptures. They even thought it was a play performed by Jiang Siming and Li Shengxue.

impossible! They didn't believe it if they were killed.

Li Jianbin was defeated by this little girl?

She... only went to high school at most, even if she started practicing in the womb, she couldn't beat Li Jianbin!

Afraid of being trapped, Huo Wu walked over and squatted in front of Zhao Xiaoxiao, and gently asked, "Xiao Penyu, tell my sister, did you really defeat this person?"

"Yeah, hey, you are the Aunt Huowu that Shengxue's mother said?"

"Um... I want to call my sister." Huo Wu's forehead was black.

Zhao Xiaoxiao said patiently: "You and Ms. Shengxue are best friends, of course I want to call you aunt. And you are about the same age as Ms. Shengxue. Calling my sister is self-deception. You have to face reality, aunty~ "

"Puff!" Huo Wu almost spit out old blood.

But Bingmei and Li Shengxue both laughed at the same time.

Jiang Siming pinched the cigarette **** and threw it into the trash can, and said to Huo Wu: "Face reality, old aunt."

"Shut your mouth, Jiang Siming!" Huo Wu jumped up with anger.

"You are leading my daughter to say something against her will, I can't speak yet?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile.

Huo Wu was so angry that she couldn't speak, and her majestic chest fell together. The scenery is really good~

"Okay, these two silly deficiencies have also been solved for you. Dantian has helped you abolish them. You can bring them back and get out of the nest to torture them. We went home to watch TV."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he took Zhao Xiaoxiao's little hand and told Li Shengxue to go home early for dinner, and then left.

Huo Wu and Bingmei watched Jiang Siming leave, their eyes were a little complicated.

Although this man is a bit...that, but he is always helping them.

Doing the math, he helped them at least three times.

Huo Wu remembered her attitude towards Jiang Siming, and suddenly felt regretful and guilty.

"Okay, it's time for us to work, and take them back to the Tianzu base immediately, and see what the teacher says."

Li Shengxue called the other members of the sky team and asked them to **** the two away.

Things are temporarily fixed.

The rest of the tracing of the lair, I believe that after entering the base of the Tian Group, Li Jianbin is useless no matter how hard his mouth is, the teacher will go out in person by then.

To deal with the Yinxie Sect, not only the Tian Group will be dispatched, but other hermit families will also be dispatched.

Because the Yinxie Gate has always been an evil door that everyone has obtained and punished, everyone who is in the Yinxie Gate is a public enemy in the whole world.

It is estimated that the three of them will be able to do it without any hands.

"Okay, the case is solved, the people are also arrested, it should be fine for me, I can go home to eat." Li Shengxue clapped his hands and said to the ice beauty and Huo Wu.

But the two women immediately grabbed Li Shengxue's hand and refused to let her go.

"What's the matter with you two?" Li Shengxue asked suspiciously.

Huo Wu said with a knowingly asked expression: "Furthermore, shouldn't you explain the reason why your strength has improved so much? It's just that food alone is to be despised."

Li Shengxue smiled and replied, "I didn't eat alone, and the reason is that my husband taught me."

"That little girl was also taught by him?"

"Yeah." Li Shengxue did not hide it.

"Then...then you teach me too, you just had that trick, so handsome, and a bunch of ice cubes came out of your hand, and after eating it for those poisoned colleagues, they will be fine. This is What trick?"

Huo Wu was very curious, and the ice beauty beside her stared at Li Shengxue with wide eyes.

Li Shengxue pursed her lips when she heard the words, and said mysteriously: "Well, keep it secret~"

"Ah hello! You are too loyal to your girlfriends. We are comrades in arms, but girlfriends, but buddies~" Huo Wu complained.

Li Shengxue spread her hands and said, "It's not that I don't teach, but that my husband has rules. Unless one condition is met, I can teach you."

"What are the conditions?" Huo Wu asked quickly.

Li Shengxue gave them a smirk, and then said something in their ear.

Then the two women blushed at the same time.

"I'm pooh! I'm not rare to learn!"

"That's it, no more!"

The two women sipped at the same time, and they all said that they would not learn, and that they would not learn when killed.

I, Ice Beauty, I was hit by a car and killed by someone today, and I can't learn it!

I, Huo Wu, will never improve my strength for a lifetime, and I will be at a profound level for the rest of my life, and I will never learn!

This is the vow they both swear.

Li Shengxue nodded admiringly, admiring their arrogance.

[Author's digression]: Fourth! ! ! Add more, add more~

Knowing that everyone is uncomfortable when the game is stopped, sake has added a chapter for you!

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