I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1408: You are not qualified to talk to me

The reason why Jiang Siming had such a big fire is very simple.

I have worked hard for the quality of the national film and television industry. It is also to improve the treatment of old opera bones and to set up opera bone awards.

What for? Could it be that Jiang Siming can make a lot of money with this?

Didn't he just know that the common people have long been disgusted with the current **** soap operas, and want to watch TV dramas with real quality and acting skills?

Moreover, he has always stated in public that his company will take the lead, and Huayi will not accept any stars who do not have acting skills and become popular purely by hype.

Even if there was one before, it will be refunded immediately after the contract.

Speaking of conscience, what was the film industry like before Jiang Siming did these actions?

If a movie or TV series has a total investment of 100 million, half of it will be used to invite those traffic stars.

On the other hand, it doesn't matter what script or acting skills are, those directors only approve of traffic and popularity.

The old drama and old artists invited by this show may not even get a fraction of the flow star's pay.

Is this reasonable?

Take Yang Y as an example. She paid an average of 60 million yuan for a film and television series.

She still feels less, and feels that she is totally worth the price.

But do you know what level of actors can be hired in Hollywood with 60 million pay? You can invite four Phoenix from "Joker", three Rock Johnson, and two "Iron Man" Downey, even with a little extra money, you can invite Xiao Lizi.

This is by no means fawning on foreigners, but anyone who has seen the above Hollywood movies has a clear claim in their hearts.

And this kind of outrageous phenomenon in China has changed significantly since Jiang Siming's intervention.

The quality of film and television dramas is now rising steadily, and the salary of actors who are truly capable and acting has also increased by a large margin on average.

Seeing that the evil spirits of the past are about to be contained, Jiang Siming's own company and his own director are taking the lead in the violation.

Can Jiang Siming not get angry?

After Fan Jiu and the deputy producer left with a disgusting expression, the general manager of the Huayi branch in Shanghai hurried over.

Also accompanied by Wu Fan's agent.

As soon as Wu Fan explained to the agent, the agent walked over without a nose or a face, and made a solemn protest to Jiang Siming.

The language is still in English, a Chinese person, speaking with a Chinese person, in English.

"Close your beak to me. Foreign languages ​​are used to communicate with foreigners. Have you forgotten what your parents are called?" Jiang Siming replied.

The agent became angry and began to use Chinese, but Jiang Siming just said, "You are too low-level to speak to me, go away."

"You...you..." The gold medalist was so angry that he couldn't say anything.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, I have a great responsibility for such a thing." The sub-manager quickly came up to admit his mistake.

Jiang Siming didn't forgive him right away, and said, "Do you know about Fan Jiu's request for Wu Fan?"

The sub-manager hurriedly shook his head and said: "I really don't know the chairman, because we are only responsible for managing the operation of the company and the artists who have signed contracts with the company. As for the filming, the directors, investors, and producers are responsible.

"I really didn't know that Fan Jiu would invite a traffic star. If you want to know, I will never tolerate it."

"Manager Zhang, what do you mean by this? Why is Wu Fan a traffic star? He is also capable. Do you know how hard Fan Fan works?"

The agent's words were true to everyone's amusement, even Chen Daoming couldn't help his expression not stiff.

The agent thought that everyone didn’t believe it, and immediately explained: “It’s true. For this play, my family Fanfan has been studying acting skills and memorizing the lines every day, and he has not been late for several days in a row. It’s all early. To the crew."

Hearing this, Jiang Siming looked at him like a fool.

"He is a master of acting? Just the level just now? Memorizing lines? Memorizing numbers?"

The agent embarrassed: "He just didn't remember some lines. He also remembered a lot of lines. It's hard to come by."

Hearing this, even Chen Daoming couldn't listen anymore.

"When will an actor memorize the familiar lines and it will be an honor not to be late? Don’t you want to be shameless, you just eat this bowl of rice, isn’t it all right to memorize the familiar lines early to the crew? What's more, he is fundamental Never recite a decent line."

The agent turned dark and said in a bad tone: "Teacher Chen, I and my family Fanfan respect you as an old actor, but talking nonsense is not allowed."

"How is it supposed to be? Listen to your tone, do you still want to take revenge?"

Jiang Siming was in the middle, looking at the agent disdainfully, and said: "I put my words here. If you have the ability to retaliate, I have the ability to make you unable to mix in China, do you believe it?"

He didn't even say that he was in the entertainment circle, and made Jiang Siming annoyed. She couldn't stay in China.

The corner of the agent's mouth twitched, she didn't dare to doubt the authenticity of Jiang Siming's words.

"President Jiang, you misunderstood, what happened today..."

"Say you are not qualified to talk to me, go away."

After Jiang Siming was too lazy to talk to her, he turned to the sub-manager: "I believe you don't know. I want a perfect result for this matter today. If you can't satisfy me, you, the sub-manager, don't do it."

The sub-manager was sweating and quickly nodded to make sure to come down.

"In addition, a director was rescheduled to be responsible for filming e-sports online dramas, and then an acting teacher was invited to teach my friends acting."

"Okay, no problem."

Jiang Siming was considered to have calmed down his anger and turned to apologize to Daoming Chen: "I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, I'm afraid it will delay your time. We will kick Wu Fan out and invite another actor."

Chen Daoming waved his hand again and again, and said with a smile: "Boss Jiang is too polite. You are for the quality of the film and television drama. I can fully afford it."

"That's good, it just so happens that we haven't arranged actors yet. Do you have any young actors that you are interested in? If it suits you, we will invite you directly."

Chen Daoming was taken aback. He always chooses the role of the director and producer or investor. Which round will be the cast?

"This is not appropriate."

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "What's wrong with this? You are professional and have the best natural vision. I believe in you. Just say it."

When Chen Daoming heard the words, he was not too hypocritical. He thought about it and said, "I personally think that Dong Zijian and Zhang Yishan are both good for young actors."

Jiang Siming's eyes lit up and said, "I like these two too."

The sub-manager immediately understood without Jiang Siming speaking, and said: "Chairman, I will contact the company immediately."

"It would be better if you have the opportunity to sign in." Jiang Siming explained.

Young and capable actors, of course, are promising Xiangmo. It is of course the best to be able to get into their own company.

[Author's digression]: The second one is coming~

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