"I understand."

In this way, the sub-manager immediately arranged the arrangement, and first asked Wu Fan to go back and wait for the news. In fact, waiting for the news was nothing.

Moreover, Wu Fan and the crew have not formally signed a contract, just a verbal agreement to test the show. Apart from the hard work of the previous few days, Huayi didn't need to give him a penny.

It means that Wu Fan has been doing nothing these days, and all the plots he filmed will be deleted.

Wu Fan and his agent were so angry, but no matter how angry they were, they would not dare to make trouble in front of Jiang Siming.

After the two left, the branch manager immediately invited another director over.

But acting teachers are not easy to find, so they have to be temporarily transferred from the theater school.

At this time, Chen Daoming stood up and said to Jiang Siming, "Why don't I come? I'll be an acting teacher. Can you think that's okay?"

"Really? Of course it is the best." Jiang Siming of course agreed.

Which performance teacher can have a senior and old drama like Chen Daoming?

"Anyway, I'm fine when I'm idle now, so I'll be a teacher and enjoy myself." Chen Daoming took over the burden.

With Chen Daoming's promise, Jiang Siming walked to the great **** and the others.

"I'm Teacher Chen lectures to you. Don't let me down. Although we are only a web drama, we have to be more serious. This kind of education opportunity is not available to ordinary people."

Jiang Siming said to them.

This group of guys knew that if they could learn acting skills with Daoming Chen, even the top performers of Nortel in the show couldn't do it.

Fortunately for them, they were treated like this for the first time acting in their lives.

"Lao Jiang, the way you were angry just now is really domineering, real man!" The Great God has not forgotten how Jiang Siming was angry just now.

No matter what you direct and associate producer, what flow star gold manager do you care about, shit! According to scolding!

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "My company has rectified this kind of thing, making you laugh."

After speaking, Jiang Siming looked at Wang Dashao who was a little embarrassed next to him, and knew what he was embarrassing about.

Because Wu Fan is his friend, Jiang Siming is so bitter about Wu Fan. Just now, Wu Fan winked at him and wanted him to say something for himself.

But Young Master Wang was also shocked by Jiang Siming's aura, and didn't dare to move at all.

Now that Wu Fan is gone, Wang Dashao still has a little resentment towards Jiang Siming.

It's not that Wang Dashao and Wu Fan's relationship is so ironic, no matter how iron can iron Lin Gou?

It's just that Wang Dashao felt that Jiang Siming was so embarrassed by his friend in front of him that he was a little bit embarrassed.

Jiang Siming saw that he didn't say a word, and he knew exactly how he was in his heart.

"Why is your face like bitter gourd?" Jiang Siming asked knowingly.

Young Master Wang gave him a white look, lit a cigarette and started smoking in depression.

Jiang Siming walked over and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Don't blame Brother for being too direct. It is imperative for me to rectify the atmosphere in the entertainment industry. Just like you rectified the gaming industry back then, you don't want a mouse. Shit broke a pot of porridge, right?"

The smoking movement of Wang Dashao paused, and he immediately understood Jiang Siming's meaning and Jiang Siming's difficulties.

If Jiang Siming doesn't kill a hundred people today, I am afraid his company will continue to happen in the future.

Conversely, what Jiang Siming did today was not wrong, and if he changed him, he would do the same.

After understanding, Wang Dashao smiled and punched Jiang Siming, and the man's misunderstanding was solved so simply.

"Don't laugh in a hurry. Since you want to star in our web drama with your true colors, you have to learn acting skills from Teacher Chen." Jiang Siming poured cold water on him.

He also added: "It would take a long time to learn acting, but considering that we are filming a web drama, I reduced the requirement a little bit, half a month. From now on, every morning, before nine o'clock, come to the crew to learn acting with Teacher Chen. Everyone must come, remember, don’t be late."

"Huh?" Young Master Wang was dumbfounded.

Jiang Siming patted him on the shoulder again, and smiled: "You don't want to ruin a pot of porridge just because of your mouse shit, right?"

Everyone laughed, and Young Master Wang was so angry that he shouted.

In this way, this group of e-sports players began to learn acting skills with Chen Daoming.

The sub-manager also contacted Dong Jian and Zhang Shan.

Both of them happen to have schedules, and they are very willing to accept Huayi's invitation to film.

Of course, the matter of digging people has to take time.

Both agreed, the sub-manager struggled, and didn't know who to choose, so he asked Jiang Siming to make his decision.

Jiang Siming is also entangled. Dong Jian and Zhang Shan are all capable young actors. It seems that everyone is suitable.

At this time, Wang Dashao thought of a trick: "Aren't you just asking actors to play your role? Why don't you let them play Teacher Chen's play and the other play our web drama."

Jiang Siming's eyes lit up and let one of them act as himself, as if he was the most suitable actor.

"Then give them the right to choose and ask them which drama they want to play. If they have opposite opinions, that's fine. If they agree, we will discuss it again." Jiang Siming said.

The sub-manager also quickly threw the problem to Dong Jian and Zhang Shan. What was unexpected was that their choices were just different.

Dong Jian chose Chen Daoming's play, and Zhang Shan chose a web drama.

Zhang Shan's reason for choosing online dramas is simple, because... he is also a game fan and a loyal fan of Jiang Siming...

Knowing that he would have the opportunity to play the role of'Jiang Siming', Zhang Shan agreed without thinking.

And also said that it's easy to say anything about the pay, the condition is that Jiang Siming will play PUBG in the future and bring him more...

Hearing this reply, Jiang Siming was happy, and generously agreed.

In this way, the online drama turmoil was settled and finalized.

Zhang Shan will play the role of ‘Jiang Siming’, re-interpreting Jiang Siming’s glorious moments in e-sports events throughout the year in online dramas.

To tell the truth, if you ask Jiang Siming to take another photo of his own deeds of winning various championships in the competition, he would be really embarrassed.

Let others act just fine.

Jiang Siming couldn't help but look forward to this unreleased web drama.

Seeing that Wang Dashao and Weishen both started to receive teacher Chen's assault training, Jiang Siming was fine. He had to go to Japan with Ishihara tomorrow, so he planned to go home first.

Just as Jiang Siming got in the car and was about to leave the film and television base, a figure walked over.

"President Jiang."

Jiang Siming turned his head and looked out the car window, and it was Lu Benwei.

It was the first time he took a serious look at this young man who had already experienced the ups and downs in his life in his twenties.

There is a saying that the name Choukai is not for nothing, it does look very distinctive, but in fact, after watching it for a long time, it feels very festive.

"Is there something?" Jiang Siming asked suspiciously.

Lu Benwei stood in front of the car, he was hesitant to speak, and said somewhat grimly: "Mr. Jiang, I..."

"You don't need to call me President Jiang, anyone in the e-sports circle can call me Mingshen, or Lao Jiang." Jiang Siming said kindly.

"Okay Myojin, I... I want to ask you for one thing."

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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