I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1410: Give him a hand

"You mean the rebroadcast, right?"

Jiang Siming could guess what the other party wanted to say.

Lu Benwei nodded, eyes wistful.

Jiang Siming looked at him and reviewed what he knew in his mind.

To tell the truth, he doesn't have any dislike for Lu Benwei. On the contrary, he feels that the other party is indeed a genius who is rare in the field of live broadcasting.

The stalks that came out of him are everywhere, such as cappuccino, 17 cards, Lu Benwei square, and faker.

Even if you stay away from live broadcast for two or three years, many people who love to watch live broadcast still remember him and remember his stalk.

In short, at his peak, PDD was not an opponent.

In fact, he was not banned, but was stepped on the minefield by his youth and frivolous, encouraging fans to step on the minefield, which led to the unfortunate end of his live broadcast career.

In fact, many young people like to watch him live, in addition to his terrifying, more of them actually saw the shadow of their youth from Lu Benwei.

He started playing professionally from Yiping, to winning the runner-up and retiring to live broadcast, and became the first brother of a fish at the time.

He succeeded, and he hasn't forgotten the father-in-law and girlfriend who helped him at the beginning.

A little bit, it shows that he is not bad in nature.

Moreover, he has an impulsive personality, likes to speak bad words, has a bad mouth, and speaks very often without thinking about it, which easily offends people.

This is one of the reasons why he cools so quickly.

The most important thing is that I don’t have much culture, and I don’t understand the law.

If he knew that he would encourage fans to curse someone against the law, he wouldn't do anything.

But one step is wrong, and all the games are lost.

In recent years, he has also been punished due to it.

Jiang Siming can help Haibo, but he can also help him.

"The rebroadcast is okay, I'll find a way to arrange it for you."

When Jiang Siming said his words, it means that he is willing to help.

"Thank you, thank you very much, Myoshin." Lu Benwei's excited eyes were red.

No one knows how he has spent the past few years. In fact, he was blocked in China and could go live on foreign live broadcast platforms.

Live streaming platforms like twitch and Microsoft can go.

I believe that as long as he is willing to go, there will still be many people willing to go over the wall to see him.

In this case, he can still make money easily.

But he didn't. He still wanted to broadcast live on his own country's platform. In his words, I admit that I did something wrong, but where I fell I hope to get up.

On this point, Jiang Siming was willing to help him.

"You are welcome, where are you going to broadcast it?" Jiang Siming asked, and handed him a cigarette from the car.

Lu Benwei took the cigarette, but was not in the mood to smoke happily.

"If I can, I still want to go to a certain fish, because that is where my live broadcast career started."

Jiang Siming nodded and said, "Okay, in two days I will let a certain fish related personnel sign a contract with you. How long do you plan to sign and what contract do you want?"

"Sign a lifetime! The contract is just B grade."

Jiang Siming glanced at him unexpectedly, and asked with certainty: "Lifetime?"


It was a great surprise for him to be able to broadcast again. Jiang Siming was the owner of a fish, and he also liked the audience of a fish very much.

So Lu Benwei decided to stay at a fish in the future, and it was a small one to repay Jiang Siming for his great favor.

"Okay, but the contract B grade is too wronged of you. I don't want to be told that you deliberately squeeze you, just follow the PDD contract."

"Thank you so much, thank you... I... can I treat you to a meal?"

Lu Ben Great, who was a little incoherent, was so dizzy that he even thought he was dreaming today.

Jiang Siming smiled and looked at the time, and it was indeed time for dinner.

"Okay, you can pick a place. Did you drive here? Didn't drive into my car."

"I drove and I drove. It's over there. I will lead the way. By the way, can I ask my girlfriend and brother to come together? They must be very happy when they know."

"Okay, so crowded." Jiang Siming agreed with a smile.

Lu Benwei clenched his fists in excitement, and his body trembled twice. This was an expression of extreme happiness.

After that, Jiang Siming was invited to sit in a box with Lu Benwei in a very good Chinese restaurant.

Lu's girlfriends UU and Ma Fei also came after him.

When they learned that Jiang Siming was willing to help Lu Benwei repeat the broadcast, they thought Lu Benwei was playing with them.

But when they really saw Jiang Siming sitting with Lu Benwei, UU and Ma Fei were willing to believe it was true.

For the next meal, the guests enjoyed themselves, Lu Benwei and Jiang Siming also became friends.

Before leaving, Jiang Siming did not forget to remind Lu Benwei to prepare for the replay and remember not to make similar mistakes again.

Knowing that Jiang Siming's car had drove away, Lu Benwei was still staring at the direction the car was leaving, and finally he wiped his sleeves with tears.

"Thank you, Brother Jiang."

Deeply remember this kindness, this man, remember it for a lifetime.

In fact, he knew that Jiang Siming had also put a lot of pressure on his body by helping him replay.

He didn't have any reason or need to help him at all. Even if he had great live broadcast value, Jiang Siming would not take this benefit into his eyes.

Can help him, definitely out of good intentions and kindness, to give him a hand.

After sending away Jiang Siming, Lu Benwei sent the news to his good brother PDD and shared the news on WeChat.

PDD was shocked at the time.

"Brother Ya'er, you really posted, congratulations, congratulations, envy you, wait for your replay! Haha."

"Jie Jie Jie (classic baboon laugh), waiting for me! I, retired God of War, Lu Benwei, Paratrooper One, ready, ready!"

The recovered Lu Benwei once again showed his cheerful personality, and full of longing for his upcoming live broadcast career.

(This is just to commemorate the retired God of War of the first brother in the live broadcast industry. There is no other meaning, let alone the meaning of discrediting the other party. Knowing that everyone misses him, so is sake. Sake writing this paragraph is also burdened with a lot of pressure, in case Thank you for being audited~~)


The next morning, under Ishihara's urging, Jiang Siming followed her to Japan.

When they were still on the plane, Hashimoto Kanna had arrived at the airport early.

Today, she tidied up for herself carefully, and looked at the exit nervously.

In fact, the last time she met Jiang Siming was the only time she met, and it has been more than half a year since now.

But she still couldn't forget this man, the man who appeared in her mind every day.

The time to fly from Shanghai to Japan is quite fast, and it will arrive in two or three hours.

In fact, Jiang Siming has been in Japan for a long time in the zombie copy.

But at the end of the world, there were ruins and zombies everywhere, no matter if you went to Japan, you simply went to **** on earth.

When he really came to Japan, Jiang Siming still went to the hospital to see patients.

"Hurry up Alada~ Yui is still in the hospital, and Huanna is waiting for us."

Ishihara took Jiang Siming's hand and walked like wind.


[Author's digression]: First more~~

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