I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1411: Drunkard Yui

As soon as the two walked out of the airport passage, Ishihara made a difficult situation. Looking at the vast crowd, he did not know who Hashimoto Kanna was.

Besides, the other party is a well-known Japanese artist, who must be disguised in all directions.

How can she find her best friend from so many people.

Just about to make a call, Jiang Siming pointed his hand and said, "Here."

Ishihara Rimi looked in the direction, and the short figures were waving at them.

Ishihara recognized it a little, and said in surprise: "It's Huanna~ Alada, you are amazing!"

But after speaking, her expression began to smirk again, and she whispered: "How did you find Huan Nai so quickly? Sure enough, you still remember her~"

Jiang Siming was speechless, and was so angry that he squeezed her cocked T secretly.

Too wrong, I'm a cultivator, and I can't find someone to find it.

It's a pity that Ishihara didn't care, thinking Jiang Siming was still thinking about Hashimoto Kanna, giggling with joy.

Well, the girlfriends of other people's homes are all precautions to stare at her boyfriend and girlfriends, she is better, wishing her boyfriend and girlfriends had something.

The two walked over, and Rimi Ishihara and Kanna Hashimoto embraced the two women excitedly.

The best friend whom I haven't seen for a long time is completely understandable.

It was Jiang Siming who looked at the little man Hashimoto Kanna. In Ishihara Rimi’s arms, there was always a sense of sight of a mother hugging her daughter...

Ishihara's height was tall and great before, but after the rehabilitation of Jiang Siming's blessings and pills, he became even more perfect.

On the other hand, Hashimoto Kanna is still small, less than 1.6 meters tall and thin, and she is indeed very tall with Ishihara.

After a short ‘warmness’ with Ishihara, Hashimoto Kanna looked at Jiang Siming.

"Mr. Jiang, welcome to Japan."

Jiang Siming walked over carelessly, touched her head, and said, "Long time no see."

This kind of intimacy and petting action made Hashimoto Kannaa blush.

Unconsciously think of the bit by bit in Sheshan, China.

"long time no see."

For fear of Ishihara's misunderstanding, Kannah Hashimoto dared to reply quietly.

"Well, let's go to the hospital first, Yui is still in the ward." Ishihara, who cares about Xinheng Yui, can only interrupt this good opportunity for Jiang Siming to communicate with Huanna.

"Well, let's go, I drove." Hashimoto Kanna led the two to the parking lot and got into her car.

The three drove directly to Tokyo's most famous orthopedic hospital.

Along the way, Jiang Siming looked at the scenery of Tokyo, Japan with novelty, purely as a tourist.

Hashimoto Kanna was driving, Ishihara Rimi and Jiang Siming sat in the back, and the young couple cuddled together.

Ishihara was holding Jiang Siming's arm and introducing him to some local customs in Tokyo.

Hashimoto Kanna occasionally peeked through the rearview mirror, with envy in his eyes.

"Ishihara... how many days are you going to stay in Japan?" Hashimoto Kanna asked quietly.

After hearing this, Ishihara Rimi asked Jiang Siming, "Alada, how many days shall we stay in Japan?"

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "I have come to my natal house. I must stay for two days. I will stop by to see your parents."

"Yeah~Thank you Alada~Trojan horse~" Rimi Ishihara nodded happily and sent a sweet kiss.

Knowing that Jiang Siming will be in Japan for two days, Hashimoto Kanna is also very happy.

"It's okay to have dinner together tonight, I invite you." Hashimoto Kanna asked expectantly.

Before Jiang Siming could speak, Ishihara Rimi took the lead in agreeing: "Okay, okay."

Jiang Siming glanced at her unexpectedly, who knew Ishihara winked at him.

In an instant, Jiang Siming got what she meant and turned his eyes on the roof cover. What is it? Jiang Siming is really not this kind of person!

Driving to the hospital, Hashimoto Hannah took the two to outside the ward with ease.

Surprisingly, Xinheng Yui's ward was very deserted.

It stands to reason that even if she avoided a lot of media reporters, there should be her family members taking care of her inside and outside the ward.

But they didn't see even one person, only the nurse.

"Are Yui's parents still not here?" Ishihara asked Hashimoto Kanna.

Hashimoto Kanna shook his head regretfully, and sighed: "Yuyi's parents are still the same, they don't care about Yui at all, and even when Yui was in hospital, they didn't forget to ask her for a high cost of living."

"Her parents are really too much." Ishihara was a little angry.

Hashimoto Kanna comforted: "Her parents are like this. They only ask Yui for money all the time. Even the most exaggerated, they told her to buy insurance after Yui broke her leg. The beneficiary filled them with it, as if they couldn't wait for it. Yi early.... Oh, forget it, don’t talk about it."

"Well, let's go in." Ishihara finished speaking and took Jiang Siming's hand into the ward.

As soon as I entered the ward, I smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

Several bottles of red wine were placed on Yui's table.

Seeing someone coming in, she was already drunk.

"My god, Yui, why are you drinking again? This is in the hospital. You are recuperating."

Hashimoto Kanna hurried over and snatched Yui's bottle.

Jiang Siming remembered that Ishihara had shown him a picture of Xinheng Yui, the indispensable thing in the photo.

But the alcoholic in front of me is completely different from the picture.

Full of alcohol and messy hair.

Jiang Siming could feel that it was not that he cheated him, but that the girl had lost her energy.

It must have gone through a lot of excitement before being so drunk.

Seeing Hashimoto Kanna's Yui, he smiled silly and said, "Kannana, I didn't drink much."

"I haven't drunk much yet? No, I need a nurse to settle the accounts, how can I leave it alone?" Hashimoto Kanna said angrily.

Xinheng Yui Limala took her hand and said: "Please, Huannai, don't go, I used money to buy a nurse and let her buy me wine. If you sue her, she will work."

Hashimoto Kanna became angry for a while and didn't know what to do.

Ishihara, who had been watching by the side, made his eyes red from heartache.

"Yui Yi..." she shouted.

Xinheng Yui heard a familiar voice and turned to see that it was Ishihara.

One of her best girlfriends, she only has two friends, one is Hannah and the other is Ishihara.

"Ishihara, you are here, hurry up, let me hug you."

Ishihara Rimi walked over, and the two hugged each other.

"Yui Yi, how could you... be like this?"

Ishihara felt very distressed.

Xinheng Yui smiled dismal, drunk already apparent, and whispered in Ishihara's ear: "You know Ishihara, my parents visited me yesterday."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Haha, haha." Xinheng Yui smiled, laughing extremely sadly, her trembling lips and eyes were full of tears.

"They came to see me, you know what they said to me, they... persuaded me to commit suicide."

After speaking, Xinheng Yui burst into tears.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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