I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1413: Scared to pee

Under the persuasion of Ishihara Rimi, Xinheng Yui was finally willing to go to China.

But she still refuses to live in Ishihara's home, after all, no one will be used to staying in someone's home.

In the end, under the negotiation and encouragement of the two women, Xinheng Yui decided to go to Jiang Siming's company for an interview, and went to Fu Xi to work, starting from the most basic learning.

As for the place to live, just in the company’s staff apartment would be fine.

During the period, Xinheng Yui once again expressed his gratitude to Jiang Siming.

If it weren't for Jiang Siming and Ishihara to come today, he might really not have the courage to survive.

She even wanted to jump out of the hospital window with Jiujin.

The thought of suicide was so clear in her mind at the time.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming and the others arrived in time.

Then Jiang Siming began to treat Xinheng Yui's leg injury, just about to start.

The door of the ward was pushed open.

A man in his early thirties walked in, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with a human appearance, dressed as a successful person.

"Sister, brother came to see you."

This person had spoken before he even entered the house, but from this sentence, he could not hear the slightest concern, but rather joking and gloating.

When Xinheng Yui saw him, the face that had recovered some smile immediately sank again.

"I don't welcome you, please go out!"

"Don't be like this, my brother still cares about you very much. Look, I'm afraid you are bored, and I brought you a little friend to accompany you."

The man lifted the small box he had brought, opened it, and there was a spider inside.

Xinheng Yui screamed when she saw this spider as if she saw something terrible.

Hashimoto Kanna stood up and scolded him angrily: "You are still not a human being. You know that Yui was scared by spiders when she was a child, and then she was always afraid of spiders. You brought it to the ward!"

"Oh, there are still people here, it's Huannai, eh, and Ishihara, I heard that you went to China, and there was a rich man next to you. It must be the one next to you, right?"

When the man saw the other people in the ward, he didn't panic much, but felt confident.

"I just came to visit my sister. Isn't that wrong? The spider is just a small animal. I don't like it if I throw it away."

After the man finished speaking, he deliberately threw the spider in the box onto Yui's hospital bed.

Xinheng Yui couldn't move at all because of the plaster cast on her leg. Seeing the spider was about to fly into her bed, her face paled in fright and helpless.

And when the spider was about to fly there, a wine bottle suddenly came from the side.

In the middle of this spider, the spider flew back like a baseball that had been hit.

It happened to fly on the man's face, and the frightened spider immediately struggled, and the thorns on his body pierced his face!

The man screamed, slapped the spider on his face in a panic, and stomped to death.

"Baga! Are you looking for death?" The man stared at Jiang Siming viciously.

Jiang Siming didn't bother to play with him in the novel pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger step by step.

To deal with the enemy, he would always use the most direct and violent solution, and he never procrastinated.

A wine bottle was thrown over.


The wine bottle hit the man's forehead with a cracking sound.

For a while, there was only the scream of this man in the ward.

The three women opened their mouths in surprise, and didn't expect Jiang Siming to start suddenly.

But they didn't even know that this was just the beginning.

Jiang Siming walked over, grabbed his collar with one hand, dragged him to the ward window like a chicken, and opened the window.

Pushing half of his body out the window again.

Outside the window, there is a tens of meters high in the air.

The man was scared to pee by the scene before he was relieved from the bloodshed.

"Help, help, I was wrong, I was wrong, please pull me up."

Jiang Siming didn't panic, twisting his hand with one hand and lit a cigarette by the way.

"What are you doing?"

"I came to visit my sister."

As soon as he finished speaking, his body was pushed out again by a quarter.

"I said I said, I came to see if she committed suicide."

The man was so scared that he quickly told the truth to save his life.

"What good is her suicide for you?"

"I can get her inheritance and insurance compensation, and my company needs capital turnover..."

Xinheng Yui, who could not bear to beg for mercy, immediately laughed at himself when he heard this, and completely ignored his brother.

The little hope that still remained at that point was completely shattered.

She is like Zhirou from the beginning.

"Who told you to come?"

"My parents."

After hearing this, Jiang Siming shook his head and felt really incredible for such a family and parents.

What kind of attitudes are the parents of the Three Views that can treat their own daughters like this?

It just so happened that he still had the Amnesia Pill left before.

Back then, it was only used for Zhirou's parents, but now he doesn't mind using it for Yui's parents.

But even before using it, he still got the bad breath in his heart.

For nothing else, simply can't stand it, it's not pleasing to the eye.

Jiang Siming directly let go of his hand, and the man immediately fell from the window.

The three women exclaimed. They were not concerned about the life and death of Yui's brother, they were afraid that Jiang Siming would kill him.

But the next second, Jiang Siming grabbed his ankle with one of his hands, but didn't let him fall.

This is the case, the man was so scared that he was peeing, his crotch was wet.

Because of the upside-down relationship, his urine flows into his face, and some even flows into his mouth.

Jiang Siming couldn't see the disgusting picture, so he pulled him back to the ward with disgust and threw him out the door.

"If you dare to appear in front of us again, I will let you taste suicide. Don't you always want to see people commit suicide." Jiang Siming said.

The man was so scared that he ignored the slightest image, and ran away rolling.

But before long, the man returned the same way and brought the police.

"It's him, he almost killed me! Get him up quickly and put him in prison!"

The police came in, but saw everyone sitting obediently in the room, Jiang Siming even yawned.

"Sir, is it true that someone accused you of deliberate murder?"

Jiang Siming looked innocent and said, "Who did I deliberately murder? Why don't I know?"

"This man said it."

"Does he have evidence?" Jiang Siming asked.

The man pointed to his forehead and said, "Isn't this proof? You broke my head!"

"I didn't hit you on the head. You came in by yourself and accidentally fell and knocked your head on the ground. Someone here testified to me." Jiang Siming pointed to Ishihara and the others.

"Yes, that's right, he fell on his own!"

"Yes, Mr. Police, he wants to blackmail others."

After the police heard it, they couldn't figure it out.

"You two!" The man was furious and looked at Xinheng Yui suddenly.

"Sister, I am your brother, I was almost killed by you, don't you help me testify?"

Xinheng Yui said to the police after hearing: "I testify."

The man showed a happy expression.

[Author's digression]: First more~~

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