I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1414: If there is a kind, you can drop here!

"Mr. Police, I can testify that he fell on his own and wants to blame others!"

Xinheng Yui's words made her brother jump into a rage.

"Xinheng Yui, do you know what you are talking about? I am your brother!"

Xinheng Yui smiled disdainfully and said: "I know, but I can't give you a fake certificate just because you are my brother?"


"Okay, sir, if you want to blame others, we can only take you away. This time it's a warning. The injury on your head should be dealt with in the hospital. Take the team."

The police thought he was playing tricks, and left unhappy.

Suddenly he was the only outsider left in the ward.

Yui's elder brother looked at Jiang Siming and found that the other person was also looking at him. Without shaking his calves, he turned his head and wanted to run.

But I don't know why, the door of the ward suddenly couldn't be opened no matter how to push it.

Jiang Siming walked over slowly, and the other party sweated profusely on the spot.

"Remember what I told you just now?" Jiang Siming asked.

"Don't come here, Yui, save me, please, brother is wrong, brother is really wrong."

But despite this pleading, Xinheng Yui remained indifferent, and her heart was completely desperate for such family affection.

Jiang Siming was about to do something, when a knock came from outside the door, and a middle-aged couple in their fifties were angrily tapping the door.

Yui's brother looked at the people outside and shouted excitedly: "Dad, Mom, come and save me, your unfilial daughter will kill her brother!"

Unexpectedly, all the family members came, so it happened to be solved at once.

Jiang Siming opened the door of the ward.

The middle-aged couple rushed in immediately and protected their son.

The woman screwed up her Prada bag fiercely and was about to smash it at Jiang Siming.

"Stop it!"

Jiang Siming hadn't moved yet, but Xinheng Yui yelled.

The woman was so frightened that she stopped temporarily.

"If you dare to move my benefactor, I will immediately sell the house I bought for you."

Xinheng Yui threatened.

The woman almost couldn't believe her ears, and the sheep's daughter, who had always been meek and unruly, dared to talk to her like that.

"You have hardened wings, right? You dare to talk to me like this! I moved today!"

After speaking, the woman raised her bag and smashed it towards Jiang Siming.

But I didn't expect to hit someone, so Jiang Siming kicked him out.

What do you think I don't beat women?

The woman was kicked and fell to the ground, lying on the ground holding her belly in pain.

The husband next to him saw that Jiang Siming was so big and tall that he was so embarrassed that he dared to run to see his wife.

Seeing that his parents were beaten, Xinheng Yui didn't worry about them. Instead, he took out his cell phone and dialed the real estate company.

Tell them to sell the two properties that she once bought for her parents and brother separately, even if they were sold at a low price.

Hearing this, the woman didn't even have time to scream. She got up from the ground and pointed at Xinheng Yui and yelled at her, saying that she was an unfilial daughter and that she was a poisonous snake. Anyway, any bad language came out.

Then the woman's husband and her own son also began to join the scolding sequence.

Xinheng Yui also seems to have become commonplace, immune to their curses.

But Ishihara and the others can't listen, how could they let them scold their girlfriends.

"Alada, they are so noisy~" Ishihara said irritably.

"Understood." Jiang Siming made an OK gesture and picked up a wine bottle.

Before they started, the three of them fell silent for an instant, hiding far away.

The woman didn't seem to believe in evil yet, facing Jiang Siming with a grin, holding her head high, and pointing to her own Heavenly Spirit Gai, and said brutally: "If there is a kind, you can smash here!"


As she wishes.

Jiang Siming swiped a bottle of wine directly on her forehead, and completely stunned the woman on the spot.

Covering his bleeding forehead, he fell to the ground, crying.

"You all heard it. She asked me to beat me. I have never heard a request like this in my life."

Jiang Siming used the lines in the Xingye movie to excuse himself perfectly.

But Ishihara and the others hadn't seen "Nine-Rank Sesame Official", and they couldn't help but laugh after listening to their still serious expressions.

"Call the police, you must call the police!" The husband said that he wanted to call the police.

Jiang Siming shook his head and sighed, not wanting to grind down like this.

Turning his head to Xinheng Yui and asked: "I ask you, do you want to completely separate from them? If I can make them forget your daughter, would you?"

"I'm willing!" Xinheng Yui categorically answered without hesitation.

Yes, whoever meets such a family, everyone thinks that there has never been such a family member.

"If you think about it, I will give you some time to think about it."

Jiang Siming said that he had taken out a few pills from Qiankun Ring.

Amnestics pills, this thing was used by Yin Zhirou's parents before.

Zhirou's situation is actually similar to Xinheng Yui's.

After Zhirou decided to sever relationship with such parents, Jiang Siming gave them amnestics.

After all, there is a blood relationship, you said that Jiang Siming killed all is too exaggerated, Jiang Siming could not be so cruel.

But erase their memories, and if you have nothing to do with your wife in the future, you won't bother her again. Jiang Siming is still happy to do this.

I ran out of the previous ones, but there were alchemy robots at home, and I had practiced a few spares before, but I didn’t expect it to be useful now.

"I thought about it a long time ago, please, sir, help me again." Xinheng Yui's tone was so decisive, without any thoughts.

From a young age, she has experienced the same family treatment as she grew up.

The elder brother is the jewel in the palm at home, and she is the least welcome.

Even from the time she was born, she was ostracized everywhere.

When I was a child, I could only wear old clothes that my brother couldn’t wear. Every time my parents bought something delicious, I must give my brother the taste first, and then I might give the rest to her. It’s only possible. Maybe they will pay. Will keep it locked and wait until my brother wants to eat it for him next time.

Her results in school are clearly among the best every time, but she can't get a word of praise from her parents.

On the contrary, as long as this elder brother who is studying very poorly improves his grades by a few points, they will celebrate his brother happily and give him a large amount of pocket money.

During the college entrance examination, Yui scored very high and he could go to a good university. However, his parents considered that the school had to pay for it at their own expense, and the university that was close could be free, so they forced Yui to go to the bad university.

On the other hand, because my brother had poor school studies, they even willing to pay a lot of money to open the back door for my brother to send him to the university that originally belonged to her.

And after going to university, Yui never confiscated a penny of her parents' living expenses. She had no choice but to do odd jobs during the holidays and spare time, washing dishes, and earning living expenses for herself.

It wasn't until after she graduated from university that she was lucky enough to be selected by a kind female scout and trained her carefully, and Yui has gradually grown into a well-known Japanese artist.

[Author's digression]: Second more~~

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