I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1418: Sunset red with Myojin

"Yes, there must be!"

PDD responded immediately, this kind of opportunity is really rare.

"Myojin tells you that we haven't eaten a chicken at sunset in 27 days." Da Sima sent a barrage.

Everyone looked very sad, but didn't know why they just wanted to laugh.

"Ma Senei remembers it clearly. I only remember that our Red Sunset Team was established for two months, and it seemed to have eaten chicken twice." Eggplant sent a barrage.

The three crouching dragon and phoenix chicks in the red sunset cherished their sad record in Jiang Siming's live broadcast.

Jiang Siming said that he couldn't stand it anymore. He ate chicken twice in two months, and he ate their chickens on a monthly basis.

Is there anyone worse than them?

"Okay, come if you have time, come to my LILI channel first, so you don't have to type."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he sent each of them his channel number and password.

Soon, three accounts poured in and greeted Jiang Siming.

Everyone knows who is who everybody is.

"Wait a minute, I'll open a quiz first." Jiang Siming opened the quiz without a hassle.

"What quiz?" PDD asked curiously.

Jiang Siming said, "Oh, the water friends bet me, and asked if I can take you guys to eat chicken."

"Then I have to vote too!"

"I'm coming too, I'm coming too!"

"And I."

The three of them began to bet after they said, and all their fish **** were suppressed.

Eggplant and PDD can be voted, only Da Sima... can't actually vote.

In other words, Da Sima felt that Jiang Siming couldn't take them to eat chicken.

"Ah hey Han Jinlun, what do you mean, you are too unambitious." PDD spit out.

"Teacher Ma, you won't be a traitor, you won't send someone a head by yourself for a while." Eggplant questioned.

Da Sima smiled embarrassedly, and said, "I just analyzed a wave. It must be very easy for Myoshin to take us to eat chicken, but I think it is still difficult to eat chicken with a full set, because I think you two will definitely be inexplicable. shoot."

"Yeah! Who is killed the most times?"

"That's right, how many times have you been violently killed?"

The two immediately dissatisfied the debate, and the audience was so happy.

The Red Sunset Team is fighting, is this going to be disbanded? Haha!

"Okay, don't fight, let's make sure that we won't die suddenly and won't give it away in vain." Jiang Siming interrupted their ‘struggle’ with a smile.

"I promise! I will follow Myojin's ass."

"I promise, I will never leave!"

Upon seeing this, Da Sima immediately said: "Me too!"

"Then it's okay, gogogo!"

Jiang Siming greeted him, copied and searched the IDs sent by the three of them, and invited them to join the team.

The popularity of the four-person live studio has skyrocketed a lot.

Team Sunset Red matches the God of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds!

Such program effects are not often seen.

No, this is the first time!

In the past, to be honest with PDD, they would also bring in a strong player to increase their rate of eating chicken.

But the effect is actually very poor, because no matter how strong a person is, the three of them are useless.

Any player who comes has to be played autistic.

But this time, they pulled Jiang Siming!

This big demon king who is unmatched in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds can have a series of fours in professional competitions. What is the effect of bringing three oil bottles now?

Thinking about it, I look forward to it!

"From the beginning, whether the gambling will come, Han Jinlun, let's bet whether this one can eat chicken."

Before entering the game, PDD began to clean up.

"Does the card apply for 80,000?" Da Sima's eyes lit up. If this is the case, then he can come!

"Are you dreaming? Is Myojin still trying to apply for a card against 80,000?" PDD scolded.

"Then... how about the plane right 80,000?"

Da Sima said bitingly.

In fact, many water friends think that Da Sima is very picky. In fact, Da Sima is old, and there are wives and children in the family to raise, and his personality is more economical.

People have experienced days without money, even if they have money now, they will think about saving.

PDD must make money faster than Da Sima, so if people can afford it, they don’t necessarily have to be able to.

Jiang Siming liked the behavior of Da Sima very much. He wouldn't become profligate because of his sudden development. He was still a good saving man holding a Sima tank.

"Airplanes are not good either. This time the bet must be 50-50, 80,000 vs. 80,000. Does anyone pick it up?" PDD said.

"This is too fierce, I want to pick it up with a super hot, I won't pick it up."

As soon as the eggplant heard it, he quickly retreated, not to mention Da Sima.

"I'll answer." Jiang Siming responded with a smile, no one picked him up.

"Ah... Myojin, you want to pick it up...?" PDD stunned instantly.

"Haha, what's the matter, can't Myojin pick it up?" The eggplant immediately got excited.

"That's right, you can't just bully the honest people, can you?" Da Sima made up the knife.

PDD smiled bitterly and said, "I am mainly afraid that Myojin thinks this bet is too small."

Before he was finished, Jiang Siming said: "That's right, add a little more, 80?"

"Puff!" PDD cried, and quickly shook his hand: "80,000 is 80,000. Eighty can't come, can't come."

Everyone laughed wildly, PDD, you have time to admit it.

In the past, PDD always saw 80,000 bets on PDD, and Maggie agreed.

Now that the richest man in Asia is here, PDD dare to show it.

"That's okay, 80,000 is 80,000." Jiang Siming also took it. No matter how small the fly is, it is meat. It can make a little bit.

"Okay..." PDD could only agree to it, and at the same time there was a hint of luck in his heart, in case the Myojin car overturned, it might be possible.

In this way, the game began.

Jiang Siming took a look at the quiz pool by the way. Good guy, more than 500 billion fish balls, an epic gamble!

This is also the biggest gambling game of a certain fish, more than 500 billion!

There are also fish **** contributed by Dasima, PDD, eggplant, and many other anchors who came to watch the station, plus one piece, more than 500 billion.

As soon as the game started, Jiang Siming sealed the plate.

In fact, he could open it for a while, but he didn't want to take the audience away and indulge in fishball gambling.

Although fish **** don't require money, and gambling is fine, this kind of atmosphere should not be brought along.

After the disk was sealed, the four entered the game.

Karakin map, this is more difficult to eat chicken.

Because Karakin's map is famous and there are people everywhere, Jiang Siming wants to take the three of them to eat chicken, but he can guard against enemies that may appear in all directions.

The most terrible thing, this one seems to have many water friends.

As soon as they entered the hall, they hammered them.

Boy, this is worse.

Many water friends laughed, claiming that the rice cooker is ready and waiting for it to cook by itself.

Others say that their mouths have been opened, just waiting for rice to evolve into rice.

As for what does it mean?

Have a meal!


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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