I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1419: Wow, this is a sixth!

"Oh, we forgot to delay the opening of Myojin, should we slip away?"

PDD looked at the vast water friend in front of him, and retreated in his heart.

"Yes, a lot of water friends, they will peep on the screen to snipe us in a while." Eggplant said as he felt the cabinet behind him moved again...

Jiang Siming smiled, and while hammering each other in the game, he said, "It's okay. After you land, find a safe place to hang out and wait until I finish killing you before you come out."

"But the water is much more friendly..."

"That's okay. How many friends come, how many I kill." Jiang Siming responded domineeringly.

If you pair it with a smoking emoji, and then carry a machete, it is really invincible.

Killing water friend Jiang Siming, cowhide~

After listening to the friends, they all shuddered. They must feel bragging when others say this, but Jiang Siming said... or don't attack this one...

After the waiting time passed, the four boarded the plane.

"Where to go to Myojin? I think we can go for it, how about?"

Da Sima spoke with a trembling voice, because he really didn't want to die anymore, he seemed to have tried all the methods of death in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Just two words, miserable~

Jiang Siming disagreed, and said, "The map of Karajin is useless for you, and if you go to remote places with poor equipment, more people will stop you."

"Where are you going?" Eggplant asked.

Jiang Siming marked a place where the gun was just shot, the third factory on the top of the mountain.

The three of them looked bitter, but there was no way, Myojin had the final say, Fei!

The four of them flew to the third factory, and when they were about to arrive, the three of PDD were all screamed in fright.


"Play six or six!"

"What about the little boss?"

There are people beside the three!

There are more than 20 umbrella bags, and Karajin can only drop 75 in total. Almost one-third of the people on the map have come.

"You open your umbrella in advance and swing in the sky, don't come down." Jiang Siming said to them.


It's not that they don't want to go down, they will die if they go down.

Myojin said he would take them to eat chicken, but they didn't want to be the first to burp and become a clerk.

Whoever plays this game likes to die first. Those who die first can only watch their teammates keep playing, and then the OB will play the whole game.

The three can only pray to Myojin to take care of themselves.

The friends in the live broadcast room laughed and scolded Jiang Siming the chicken thief, trying to prevent the death of the three diners in this way.

But that's useless, they will come down sooner or later.

Jiang Siming had already landed himself, directly on the roof, with an AKM at his feet.

There were two boys nearby who wanted to grab them, but Jiang Siming had already picked up all the guns and bullets at the speed of light.

And the bullet is on.

The two looked stupid and ran quickly.

"Run, run faster, let you run one more meter." Jiang Siming said happily.

Just when the two were about to jump off the roof, Jiang Siming's gun moved!


On both sides, one shot a shot on the head, and two lively lives, they fell down.

"The player [4am_Ming] used AKM to knock down the player [4am_Mong]"

"The player [4am_Ming] used AKM to knock down the player [4am_Godw]"

Well, seeing these two IDs, Jiang Siming said aloud.

"How come there are two pirated guys."

The audience laughed, it was normal.

How many players have 4am in front of their ID, no way, I really like this team.

Of course, there are countless players who like to imitate Jiang Siming's ID, Ming1, Ming2, Mlng, etc.

Anyway, they are all kinds of imitations. Even abroad, many foreigners like to imitate Jiang Siming's ID.

Every time they kill someone, they like to hear: omg! Are you Ming? I am your fan!

This can completely satisfy their little vanity.

Of course, Jiang Siming doesn't mind these pirated IDs, because everyone likes you and will imitate your ID.

I don't even want to make up for them.

Then, Jiang Siming looked at the other two roofs.

But all the living people I saw couldn't escape Jiang Siming's bullet.

After solving the roof, Jiang Siming quickly jumped off and cleaned the bottom.

No one I saw escaped a 7.62 bullet.

Even if someone wanted to attack, Jiang Siming's perception of danger brightened, and he quickly turned his head to clean up these average water friends.

Among them, there are some small anchors who want to fish in troubled waters and make a sneak attack to kill Jiang Siming's popularity.

It is a pity that they have all become the dead souls of Jiang Siming.

Gunshots have never stopped in the entire Peak Three Factory. Jiang Siming’s and others beat each other again.

PDD they didn't dare to land at all, and they didn't even have the courage to land a little faster.

Don't ask, ask is counsel, and ask again is gossip.

The three of them can only watch the teammate kill reminder in the upper right corner, just like the list of actors at the end of the movie, one by one, it’s amazing!

Until the gunfire subsided, Jiang Siming still stood in the third factory.

"It's time to get down, I have a box here, just come and lick it." Jiang Siming slowly sprayed medicine under the factory, and enjoyed the scenery of the top of Karajin Mountain by the way.

"I'm coming!"

Hearing the call, the three of them flew off immediately, no longer need to wander in the sky.

"Myoshin, how many did you kill?" Eggplant asked.

"Huh? Let me see, oh, fifteen." Jiang Siming replied.


All of a sudden, three people swallowed.

Why does it feel like playing with Myojin is not a game at all? No other professional players say it is so outrageous.

"Xiaoxin, if you reach one-tenth of Myojin's level, I will set up a PUBG professional team specifically for you."

PDD said to Xiaoxin who was also watching the battle next to him.

Xiaoxin gave him a roll of eyes and said: "If I had the patience, I would still be here. I would have been robbed by the major Jedi teams a long time ago."

PDD laughed, too.

The three licked their bags happily after landing.

There are corpse boxes everywhere in these three factories, almost like mass graves, and you can pick up things in just two steps. They don't need to search from room to room.

The three licked happily, and suddenly, a gunshot sounded in the factory.

With a howl of Da Sima, he was knocked to the ground.

There are people hiding!

"Wow, this is the sixth child. After the golden wheel is over, it will be replaced."

As soon as PDD was finished, Jiang Si, who hadn't slackened, spotted the man tomorrow morning.

Cut out an M24 instant shot on your back and give the old 6 seconds to the old 6 who still wants to make up!

This man died without even having a chance to refill his gun.

Whether he was able to defeat Da Sima or because Da Sima just blocked Jiang Siming's gun line, Jiang Siming did not shoot because he was afraid that he would knock him down.

Otherwise, he even hopes to defeat Da Sima.

"Pull people, I will shoot." Jiang Siming said calmly.

Da Sima escaped from the dead, his heart still not stable.

The feeling of being yawned by someone when Sou's is happy is too exciting for him, a middle-aged man...

[Author's digression]: First more~~

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