I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1422: Cun Tou Ming!

Zhao Xiaoxiao's words finally made Jiang Siming aware of the source of the problem, which must be his hair.

Jiang Siming couldn't watch the TV series anymore, so he quickly turned on his phone to take a selfie and glanced at his hair.

I go!

The middle piece was recessed in a large circle.

Looking at the tuft of hair on the ground, Jiang Siming instantly understood.

"Reba!" Jiang Siming stared at Reba fiercely.

Reba quickly admitted her mistake: "I didn't mean it, I wanted to cut it shorter for you, but I didn't expect to shake my hand and...cut too much..."

"Say, how do you compensate me?" Jiang Siming said coldly.

Reba thought that Jiang Siming was really angry, so she couldn't take care of her embarrassment: "You can compensate as much as you want."

"This is what you said." Jiang Siming smiled with satisfaction.

Reba was taken aback and said, "Are you not angry?"

"I'm not angry at all." Jiang Siming said with a smile.

"Then your hair..."

"Oh, I didn't cut my baldness again. I just cut it a little bit shorter. I just need an inch." Jiang Siming said indifferently.

Do people with good looks care about hairstyles?

Even if it's bald, it's all shaved after a big deal, and it's okay to be a monk.

"Keep cutting." Jiang Siming beckoned to Reba.

But Reba didn't dare to cut anything, and hurried into the house to beg Jiang Lan. Jiang Lan just came out after taking a shower and couldn't help but laugh.

After taking over Reba's tools, Jiang Lan gave Jiang Si an inch.

After finishing the cut, he got up, Jiang Siming turned his head, and his wives showed idiotic expressions.

It’s the first time to see my husband cut his head, but he is still super handsome~

This hairstyle is to test a man's bones and looks.

First of all, the facial features must be good-looking, otherwise Yue Yunpeng's feeling will be the cut of an inch.

Secondly, only the facial features are good-looking. You have to look at the bones.

If the cheekbones are high, the zygomatic arches are wide, and the temples are sunken, the facial features are useless.

You must have smooth facial lines, well-defined features, and clear bones in order to control the inch.

So boys shouldn’t stay open unless you are very satisfied and confident with your looks.

Jiang Siming is the perfect model to control the cinch. It is estimated that after the next time he shows his face and starts the live broadcast, a large number of male water friends will imitate the cinch.

"Husband is so beautiful~~" Reba smiled and hugged Jiang Siming.

Husband, hug~~

Jiang Siming lowered his head and smirked at her: "Don't forget, you still owe me."

Reba's face suddenly blushed. I knew I didn't cut his head just for this moment. It's over, this guy will definitely have to'toss' himself at night...

Jiang Lan became more satisfied with the look she had cut, and couldn't help but show Jiang Siming a series of handsome photos with her mobile phone.

Then choose carefully and retouch the picture a little bit.

Although Jiang Siming's appearance does not need to be edited at all, girls, they must edit the photos if they want to post photos. They will feel uneasy if they don't edit the photos.

In addition, retouching is actually to protect personal privacy, which can prevent some privacy leaks in the photos from being sent out.

And now it’s best not to post the original picture when you post it online, because the original picture can be traced to your shooting address.

Therefore, editing pictures for girls is also a good way to protect themselves.

After fixing the picture, the other sisters are rushing to ask for it. They want to change their phone or computer to a handsome picture of their husband~

After sending it to the sisters, Jiang Lan logged on Jiang Siming's Guru Weibo again and posted a wave of news, and a set of pictures of the handsome Jiang God in Jiugongge was so freshly released.

This Weibo instantly made Jiang Siming's Gulu account madly **** a wave of female fans, idol fans, and mother fans.

The number of downloads and reprints of photos both increased by hundreds of thousands within a few minutes.

One night, this is just a Weibo that Jiang Lan wanted to post a wave of photos, but it was topped by many female fans overnight.

The download volume is more than 30 million horrible! One night time!

It is conceivable that Jiang Siming's short-term photos have caused a great impact on female fans.

Even many female stars in the entertainment industry have fallen under Jiang Siming's ‘pomegranate skirt’.

[Gulu Da V Xu Qing]: "Handsome! This is the best-looking man I have ever seen with a small head! Forgive my sister for being an idiot at such an age~ (Nympho x10)

Likes: 6647544//Comments: 500982 //

[Gulu Da V Ouyang Na]: "I will not admit that my sister and I stared at these nine photos for more than an hour, hehe, hehe black."

Likes: 5214874 // Comments: 396578 //

[Gulu Da V Yang Zi]: "Love, love, this is Prince Charming! @张山, I heard that you are going to play Jiang Shen, do you look good enough? (smirk

Likes: 4245751//Comments: 365666 //

[Gulu Da V Yang Ying]: "My boss is so handsome! With such a boss, I feel so motivated to work at Huayi every day, and I regret getting married so early~"

Likes: 3544675 // Comments: 311152 //


Many female celebrities came to join in the fun, Jiang Siming's Gulu Weibo has become a big gathering place for female celebrities.

Jiang Siming only learned about it the next day, but there was no fluctuation in it.

Don't worship brother.

Happy weekend.

It was time for work again, and Jiang Siming went to the company on time.

He also has a mission to go to the company. The Samsung screen technology that he picked up in the last China-South Korea anchor match, he hasn't used it to cooperate with others.

Now that I have taken the time to give this matter, what a waste of it all the time.

Cooperate early and make money early, isn't it fragrant?

This time the screen technology can not only be limited to mobile phones, mobile phone screens, computer screens, TV screens, etc., these can all become Jiang Siming's channels for making money.

But if you can cooperate now, you should hook up with your mobile phone first.

Jiang Siming originally had Warwick’s first goal. After all, he had already cooperated with Mr. Ren.

But Hundreds of Billions suggested to cast the net widely. Warwick has asked some day, and there will be no new opportunities for the time being.

It would be better to look at the sincerity of other mobile phone manufacturers.

Jiang Siming also agreed, so today it has arranged a dozen mobile phone manufacturers to come to Jiang's Group to compete for this screen technology.

In the conference room, after Jiang Siming showed this technology to everyone, everyone was surprised that Jiang Siming could get the same level of screen technology as Samsung.

Jiang Siming can only smile at this, sorry, he is not equal, it is Samsung at all.

It's just that he changed his name, got a trademark and patent, and no one can prove that this is Samsung technology.

Hey, I'm such a genius.

Now that they have all seen this technology, these mobile phone manufacturers are not distracted.

Start bidding one by one.

Warwick, Xiaomi, China Unicom, Meizu, VIVO, OPPO, etc., a lot of mobile phone business representatives, began fierce bidding.

Jiang Siming doesn't need money, as long as it is divided.

They can only give up profits again and again.


[Author's digression]: First more~~

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