I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1423: Accidental representative

Finally, in constant bidding, representatives kept leaving the meeting room.

Leaving means that they have given up the bidding and cannot make their debut with a higher share than others.

In the end, only Huawei, Xiaomi and the representatives of Nokia manufacturers who surprised Jiang Siming are still there.

"On behalf of Mr. Ren, the last price was 35 percent." The Warwick representative couldn't stand it either.

For the super chip that Jiang Siming gave, Warwick gave 40%, but the screen is not a chip.

There is also no chip as important, just like a computer, the most important thing is the host, not the monitor.

No matter how good the display is, the host can't move it.

Therefore, in the field of mobile phones, the share of screen technology must be lower than that of chips.

The other mobile phone manufacturers that have left are only willing to make the highest profit by 25%.

Warwick’s 35 percent is already a big business and it is Mr. Ren's relationship with Jiang Siming's good friend.

As soon as Warwick spoke, Xiaomi and Nokia obviously felt a lot of pressure on their faces.

"We, Xiaomi, make a price reduction of 36%!" The representative of Xiaomi said through gritted teeth.

Don't look at one percent as trivial, but you have to know that when sales are huge, one percent of profits are calculated in 100 million units.

Since seeing Warwick's Tianwen mobile phone, Mr. Lei has been coveted by Jiang Siming's mobile phone technology.

They originally had a new machine on the market, but because they encountered Tianwen, they had a miserable loss. Up to now, the sales volume has not been more than one third of that of Warwick Tianwen.

So this time, President Lei gave him an order to kill Warwick and grab the screen technology.

In Lei's words: "areyouok? Go to Warwick! Friends and merchants are stupid!"

The Warwick representative shook his head regretfully, got up and left the meeting room.

Only Xiaomi and Nokia are left.

The representative of Xiaomi has shown a satisfied smile. He feels that Warwick is gone, and no one can offer a higher price than him.

At this time, Nokia's representative, a quiet and quiet girl, said: "We, Nokia, are willing to make 40% profit."

"What?" The representative of Xiaomi was taken aback and sat up from the chair.

Adding 4% at once, this Nokia is crazy!

"Little girl, don't make random prices if you are young and ignorant. Have you ever asked your boss?" said the representative of Xiaomi.

The little girl nodded and said seriously: "Our chairman personally confessed to me, and he said it must be taken."

Xiaomi has a headache now, forty percent, he can't be the master.

I immediately paused and made a call when I went out.

After returning, Xiaomi representatives also announced their withdrawal from the bidding and left the meeting room.

Jiang Siming and Hundred Billion didn't expect that in the end, Nokia actually snatched their screen technology.

And they also grabbed it strongly with a share exceeding a lot of their budget.

Nokia, a very old brand that no one knows about.

If time goes back fifteen years ago, there would be no apples at that time.

At that time, the mobile phone market was all button machines.

Nokia, can be described as the original super overlord!

The top ten mobile phone sales in the world, the top five are all different models of Nokia.

When Jiang Siming went to school, if anyone had a Nokia, that guy could immediately become the object of a large number of classmates who gathered to observe after class.

Jiang Siming remembered that when he was in junior high school, a male student in his class had money at home and bought the latest Nokia.

Every time get out of class is over, all the boys will run to him and watch him play games. That's greedy.

Later, the boy relied on this phone and soaked away the art committee members from the class.

Nokia is really easy to use. It is the absolute leader in the key press. A Nokia can be used as a brick, smashing walnuts, and nailing nails.

Now if you can find out the previous Nokia button phone, you may still be able to open it for use, the quality is so good.

Anyway, at the peak of Nokia, Apple had to step aside.

Unfortunately, because of the era of touch-screen mobile phones, Nokia did not update the style of touch-screen mobile phones for the first time, and it was gradually forgotten by people.

Then in January 2007, the first generation of Apple came out, which also represented the arrival of the era of smart phones.

Apple's cross-age mobile phone technology completely overthrew the pyramid of the mobile phone industry.

In this way, Nokia slowly went downhill.

So far, their company is about to close down. Fortunately, the skinny camel is bigger than a horse and can survive.

Although they have already produced various smart phones with good performance, people rarely give them priority when buying mobile phones.

After all, there are too many mobile phone brands on the market now, and there are so many dazzling arrays that few people will pay attention to the old ones again.

In particular, most of the people who love to buy and replace mobile phones are young people. Young people are not willing to buy old brands, which seems too outdated.

Jiang Siming thought that Nokia would be the first group to leave the meeting room, but he did not expect that they would persist to the end and won the bidding.

"Congratulations, happy cooperation." Jiang Siming stood up smiling and shook hands with the little girl.

The little girl blushed and shook hands with Jiang Siming, and said, "Happy cooperation, President Jiang."

The little girl does not look good, but she has the aura of an upper-level manager.

Hundred Billion looked at her several times and said: "You don't seem to be just a representative, right?"

The little girl smiled and said, "Well, my father is the chairman of Nokia."

Jiang Siming was slightly surprised. He didn't expect this little girl to be the jewel of the Nokia family.

Although her identity is still far away from 100 billion, if you put it in the past, then she is a true wealthy child, and 100 billion will have to bow before her.

"Fortunately, I can ask, why is your company willing to pay such a high price to photograph our screen technology?" Hundred Billion asked curiously.

The little girl smiled bitterly, and said: "Because our company has to make a big change before we have the opportunity to break out of the market again and let the world know us."

These words were a bit depressing, and also a bit of a heroic twilight.

However, Jiang Siming and Qianyi could only sympathize a little, and did not express much.

It is normal for the survival of the fittest to compete in the market. Only with competition can there be better products.

So there is nothing pitiful to say.

Then Jiang Siming carefully discussed the cooperation process with Qian Yibian and Nokia's daughter.

Nokia will use the greatest energy to create a folding phone, they are very confident, have Jiang Siming's technology and their own strong background.

It must be able to create a mobile phone that is more powerful than Samsung's folding screen.

Jiang Siming is naturally happy to see this. After all, the better the mobile phones they make, the more he earns.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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