I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1424: Today is not open!

Sending away Nokia's daughter, Jiang Siming got up from the chair in the conference room, yawned and stretched.

It's not that he is in bad spirits, it is mainly this kind of business negotiation, which he finds a bit boring.

Originally a hundred billions could be done, but Jiang Siming came to the company today, and a representative of Warwick was present, so he was always embarrassed not to show up.

"Finally it's okay, I'm going back to my office to sleep for a while." Jiang Siming said lazily.

Hundred Billion pursed his lips and said with a smile: "It's good to throw your hand at the shopkeeper. It seems that I come to work every day, but I actually come to enjoy it."

When Jiang Siming heard this, he stretched out his hand and hugged a slender waist of 100 billion yuan, leaning his head against her ear and blowing.

His body was crisp in an instant, blushing and struggling twice.

"Why? This is the conference room. Auntie cleaner will come in to sweep the floor later."

"Then you accompany me to the office? Coax me to sleep." Jiang Siming said Raipi.

Hundred Billion's face is even redder, who doesn't know how to coax him to sleep, so I don’t want it~~

"I... I still have to work, or I ask Mu Qing and Mu Xin to accompany you?"

Jiang Siming was not satisfied, and said, "No, I want the three of you to accompany me together."

Hundreds of billions can't laugh or cry, the two are in love.

The door was opened, and Auntie Cleaning really came.

Jiang Siming can only quickly release the beauty in his arms.

"Xiao Yi, you have to pay attention. This project is very important to our company. You have to complete it seriously, you know."

Jiang Siming pretended to make Hundred Billion angry and funny.

"I know, chairman~" Hundred Billion had to cooperate with him in this play.

Jiang Siming nodded in satisfaction, his hands backed like an old cadre, and he left the meeting room leisurely, followed by 100 billion.

"By the way, do you know the daughter of Samsung? He came to our company to make trouble before."

"Remember, what's wrong, she's here again?"

Hundred Billion shook his head and said, "No, she is dead. I heard that she had a very strange disease."

After speaking, Hundred Billion asked curiously: "Did you do it?"

Jiang Siming confessed generously: "Yes, she will turn around to retaliate against us if she doesn't kill her. My attitude towards the enemy has always been to kill as soon as possible, so as not to let the tiger go back."

Hundred Billion nodded, agreeing with her husband's point of view.

Since it's an enemy, why don't you leave it to let her cause big trouble for yourself if you don't solve it.

Although killing is a bit bloody, Hundred Billion is also a person in the realm of cultivation. Most importantly, she supports her husband~

"Samsung has few young heirs now. I estimate that in a few years, their family may face serious internal conflicts."

One hundred billion analysis said: "At that time, you can let Yingzi snipe Samsung's stock together and take advantage of the fire."

"Good idea, worthy of my wife." Jiang Siming raised his hands in agreement.

He has always looked at them very unhappy about the Samsung group. The family members are all scum after another. It is Jiang Siming's most willing to take advantage of his illness to kill him.

"I'll remember to go to my office later." Jiang Siming still didn't forget this.

Hundreds of billions of coquettish eyes gave him a blank look. At this moment, she saw the people walking towards him and said with a smile to Jiang Siming:

"You have solved both the Samsung daughter and the Nokia daughter. Now there is another daughter coming to you. You can solve it first."

After speaking, Qian Yi slipped away and entered her own office.

But Jiang Siming looked around and walked towards him. It was LV's daughter, Eva.

"Hello boss~" Eva twisted her **** water snake waist and came to Jiang Siming, and yelled charmingly.

Jiang Siming smiled helplessly, and said, "You are a daughter, I can't stand to be your boss."

"But you are my boss now, and I am an employee of the Jiang Group, have you forgotten?"

As Eva spoke, she pointed to the employee tag on her chest.

But Jiang Siming looked over and could only look at her magnificent bust.

To tell the truth, Eastern beauties look at their faces, and Western beauties look at their bodies.

Eva with blond hair and blue eyes, the first thing that attracts people is her figure.

But Jiang Siming is not a junior, and he didn't sink in because of this.

"Are you here to find me?" Jiang Siming asked.

"of course."

"Then go to my office and talk." Jiang Siming said and took Eva into his office.

Outside the office, Qi Muxin winked at him.

Jiang Siming replied with a particularly upright look, indicating that brother is not as dirty as you think!

"Go ahead, what's the matter?"

Entering the office, Jiang Siming invited Eva to sit down, and he collapsed on the sofa in Beijing, and poured another glass of red wine for a sip.

"I...I'm about to quit..." Eva said.

"Huh? So fast?" Jiang Siming was a little surprised.

Eva nodded and said, "The branch my father established for me is almost complete. I am going to be the boss."

"That's not good, congratulations, boss Eva." Jiang Siming smiled and congratulated.

Eva was only an intern at his company, so she will leave sooner or later.

Eva was not happy, but sad and unwilling on her face.

"I'm leaving, would you miss me?"

"Ahem, this is the beginning? Your company is very close to our company. Come and take a look if you want to come." Jiang Siming didn't get the bait so easily.

"But then I'm not a member of the company anymore. Even if you come over, you may not always be in the company. What's the point of my coming?" Eva said with a loss.

"Uh, you can come and see your colleagues, or..."

Before Jiang Siming finished speaking, Eva suddenly got up and turned upside down towards him.

Jiang Siming was slumping on the sofa, so it was inevitable that he could only subconsciously raise his hand to protect Eva, for fear of her falling.

In this way, the two of them rolled onto the sofa.

Eva pressed on Jiang Siming, with beautiful blue eyes, looking at Jiang Siming up close.

"You know, you are the most charming man I have ever seen, and the first man I fell in love with..."

After speaking, before Jiang Siming could say anything to pretend, Eva's red lips were printed.

Jiang Siming was forced to kiss, and there was only one sentence in his heart: Fuck! Lao Tzu will be pushed back one day? ? ?

Then, Comrade Lao Jiang was absolutely dissatisfied, and when he turned over, he changed from defense to offense and took the initiative.

Just when Jiang Siming was about to start business, Eva gasped and said, "I... a holiday..."

Jiang Siming: "???"

Finally, he was forced to let go of Eva who succeeded in the trick.

After Eva left several fragrant kisses on his mouth, she left with a happily smile.

Jiang Siming's expression is as uncomfortable as eating shit. Why is there such a woman?

Obviously GY yourself on official holidays? Didn't this give people croton and lock the toilet door?

I'm such a ****!

Don't open the forest, Jiang Siming, today, don't open the forest!


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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