I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1426: Make an appointment directly!

This Weibo was quickly pushed to the top by everyone, and its popularity remained high.

Netizens all agreed to support Jiang Siming's remarks. They said so well that the national football team should not cut their salary, but should be revoked!

At this time, Jiang Siming angered the news that the national football team should be delisted.

Others said that everyone may not think anything, after all, no matter how weak the national football team is, the domestic team is also the strongest team.

But Jiang Siming said it was completely different. He is the boss of Barcelona and owns all the players of Barcelona. They also saw Messi and them come to Shanghai a while ago.

And Jiang Siming himself is good at playing football. Professionals who have watched the Barcelona vs. Real Madrid game will definitely give Jiang Siming a thumbs up.

Such a person is absolutely qualified to comment on the national football team.

He said that the national football should be delisted, and it must be that the national football is rotten to a certain extent.

Coupled with Jiang Siming's high popularity, when he speaks, countless fans are destined to follow suit.

Everyone thought that the national football players were ridiculed by Jiang Siming, they must pretend to be invisible.

But I didn't expect that there was really no fear of death.

When the turmoil was getting bigger, the players of the national football team couldn't bear it anymore, and once again published a long article, saying that they are indeed capable of worthy of the salary.

And also began to accuse some people of not knowing football's ostentation. Don’t think that if you buy a team with a bit of stinky money, you’ll just break off. Their national football team just didn’t have the opportunity to head-to-head with his team. They really ran into it. It.

This counterattack Weibo from the National Football Team made thousands of netizens laugh instantly.

What kind of confidence is this? Can you say such a thing?

What is the difference with a bronze player pointing a professional player?

Netizens really enjoyed it and commented on the Chinese Football Association Weibo.

"You guys can't even play Syria and want to beat Barcelona?"

"Oh, has the National Football team changed to play comedy? The effect is pretty good."

"If you really run into Barcelona, ​​you will probably be kicked by Messi."

"That is to see that Jiang Shen has no kung fu bird you, otherwise I will teach you how to be human in minutes."

"I went to Dalian to watch a national football match a few days ago. After watching it, I said to the reporter: Japan NM! Refund!"


In fact, the National Football team published this Weibo just to save some face. They did not believe that Jiang Siming would be so free to face them.

They are thinking, how can such a big man have time to watch the news every day.

Secretly pretend to be forced, pull back a little face, and that's it.

But unexpectedly, Jiang Siming was so boring (covering his face).

After they published this Weibo, Jiang Siming turned around and directly challenged him!

[Gulu Da V Jiang Siming]: "Aite National Football Club. Then don't talk nonsense, I'll call someone, and you guys should also prepare directly, make an appointment to play a game, and who counsels the grandson."

At this moment, the atmosphere of the Internet heat was blown up!

On behalf of Barcelona, ​​Jiang Siming invited the Warring States Football Team to make them realize the reality!

This sentence of who counsels his grandson has pushed the national football team to a dead end, and it will not work if there is no fight.

If this is not a fight, then netizens still have to spray their skin off?

Besides, at the beginning, they said head-on, but now it's too shameful to admit it.

The national football club is probably also angered, and immediately agreed, and also set a bet.

As long as the National Football Team wins Barcelona, ​​Jiang Siming will apologize publicly, and will have to send five national football players to Barcelona each year for further studies, and finally have to compensate each of their national football players for one year's annual salary.

If the national football loses, they will apologize publicly.

That's it, it's over.

Jiang Siming was dizzy by their operation show.

[Gulu Da V Jiang Siming]: "Aite National Football Club. People want faces and trees want skins. You are still faceless. If you lose this bet, you will apologize. If I lose, I will not only apologize but also pay a huge sum of money to support you. Help Caibian, just listen to your apology if you win? Do you want to be shameless? Ask you, do you want to be shameless?"

This Weibo is very funny and angry for netizens. Yes, the national football team is too shameless.

This kind of overlord bet is really a fool.

Jiang Siming didn't talk too much nonsense with them, and posted another Weibo to change the bet.

If the national football team won Barcelona, ​​then they said that they would compensate and apologize and cultivate talents, he agreed.

But if the national football loses, he does not need to apologize. All players' annual salaries and bonuses will be deducted by half and donated to the women's football.

This bet made everyone agree with both hands.

As soon as the national football club saw that the consensus was difficult to disobey, it had no choice but to agree.

In this way, a strange battle between the two sides was settled so easily.

Since no one can understand who, since the National Football team feels that they are worthy of the annual salary and the honor, and are so confident that they can beat Barcelona, ​​then come on.

As soon as the bet was established, Jiang Siming called the Barcelona club and asked them to arrange the players to fly to China immediately.

Of course, the players will book their tickets without saying anything. Who is Jiang Siming is not only their boss, but also their genius doctor.

If any player wants to extend his career a little bit, he must fudge Jiang Siming.

Even Cristiano Ronaldo owes Jiang Siming a huge favor. If Jiang Siming calls Cristiano Ronaldo, he will definitely say nothing.

After the Barcelona club knew about Jiang Siming's gambling agreement with the national football team, it was also very serious about letting Messi lead the team.

Originally playing in the national football, they sent a second team or even the youth training team is more than enough, but considering that this is about the boss's face, they must take good care of it.

Messi did his part, personally selecting the players, forming a space battleship-level team, and going to Shanghai.

The National Football Club also began to lay out tactics and players. They even spent a lot of energy to invite back the rising Chinese player Wu Xiaolei from Spain.

Wu Xiaolei is now one of the strongest active players in China, with a bright future. He is currently serving in the Royal Espanyol Football Club.

For the face of the national football team, they also invited Wu Xiaolei back to help them.

And began to deploy tactics urgently.

From the perspective of the National Football Club, Barcelona is now different from the past and there is nothing to be afraid of.

In the past, Barcelona was a bull at its peak, but now, Barcelona are all players with injuries.

Even Messi has a lot of injuries now, belonging to the older players, who are about to retire.

Then what are they afraid of.

As long as the tactics are right, they may not be able to beat Barcelona.

But they never expected that Barcelona not only recently signed a few super players like Neymar, but also accepted Jiang Siming's unified conditioning.

All his physical fitness has improved a lot, and injuries and illnesses have long since disappeared.

But because the Champions League is over and the next season has not arrived, Barcelona has not yet officially played, and they are only in secret training.

So no one knows how strong Barcelona is now!

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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