I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1427: They have no chance of winning!

Two days later, all Barcelona players arrived in China, bringing the strongest lineup, and even the head coach came in person.

Jiang Siming still allows them to stay in Fuding Hotel temporarily, and has contracted a private football field for them to train.

"The boss can rest assured, we must treat this game with the most serious attitude." Messi issued a guarantee to Jiang Siming, and then went back to train with the players.

Jiang Siming nodded with satisfaction. To tell the truth, if the national football players have half the self-discipline of foreign professional players, they will not be like this.

Messi, Ronaldo, which of them will play football in their lifetime? What they rely on is not hard training day after day, super self-discipline.

Isn't Ronaldinho not talented enough? But he just doesn't discipline himself, and has abandoned himself, so he can only play the prison cup now.

Ronaldinho at the peak of the year was someone who even Messi and Ronaldo had to look forward to, an elf on the green field, a man who kicked football out of artistic sense.

It's a pity that Ronaldinho quickly met with this kind of achievement and began to slacken training, wandering around bars, drinking, picking up girls and playing with women.

In less than a year, his physical condition began to go downhill. The decline in his condition was very serious, and he slowly faded out of everyone's vision.

The same goes for national football players. Many players even practice every day. Instead, they can often be seen in various nightclubs and bars.

If you don’t believe me, you can look at the muscles of national football players and the muscles of top players.

Top players like Ronaldo Messi, their clothes opened, it is called a picturesque.

The national football player's clothes are equally picturesque as soon as they are opened. Of course, if the big belly beer belly is also called beautiful.

The appointment will be scheduled for three days and the venue will be the largest green stadium in Shanghai.

Before the battle began, tickets became China’s most sought-after tickets. Ticket rarity and thirst are estimated to be surpassed by the Kyoto Olympics tickets that year.

Mainly this game, not only has heat, but also quality.

This is the first time Barcelona has come to China to play. I usually want to watch the live version of the Barcelona game and watch it abroad.

Now it's hard to see it in China, and the fans of China will certainly not miss it.

More than 50,000 tickets were emptied as soon as they went on sale. The tickets were originally priced at an average of only 350, but they were only priced at 3,500 in the black market.

Three days passed in a flash, and at seven o'clock in the morning, the green stadium was already full of people.

There are those who have bought tickets and are ready to enter the arena, and there are those who still want to feel the atmosphere of the game outside without tickets, and almost all the sports media reporters in China have already flocked to it.

The visually estimated number of people is at least 100,000 or more.

Mo City ZF also thoughtfully arranged a large number of police forces to maintain the internal and external order of the game.

As the national football bus drove over, the scene became a bit lively.

Although most people hate the national football team, there are still some enthusiastic fans who hold the national football flag to welcome the national football players and shout for them.

It's just that the sound is too small and too little, scattered.

At first everyone thought it was nothing, but when the Barcelona players' car drove over, the cheers on the scene thundered.

By comparison, it seems very embarrassing.

This is at his home court, but the audience supports the outside team.

It is conceivable that the people's attitude towards the national football team is self-evident.

Don't talk about the sense of national honor. Competitive sports do not distinguish national boundaries at all, but only look at strength.

Just like Jiang Siming in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, in any country, it is a truth to enjoy the worship of Jedi players.

Competitive competition, the strong is respected.

You deserve no one to support the poor. Why should everyone support you when you are playing so badly?

The players of the two teams stayed outside for a short while before entering the court to warm up.

And then the sports media reporters were sharp-eyed and saw a Rolls-Royce Phantom driving into the infield passage.

They felt that it must be Jiang Siming or someone from the National Football Club and immediately ran to stop the car.

They really stopped a big man, Jiang Siming.

"Jiangshen Jiangshen, do you have an interview?"

"Yes, yeah, Jiang Shen, can you talk a few words?"

Seeing reporters surrounded them one after another, Jiang Siming's car couldn't drive at all.

I can only admire that the reporters' eyes are so thief, Jiang Siming had to stop temporarily and get off the car.

For a time, the reporters surrounded Jiang Siming even more.

The audience, who had only discovered afterwards, also immediately gathered around.

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, but fortunately, there were police comrades to help maintain order so that his car would not be crushed.

Jiang Siming said to everyone, "Don’t be crowded, listen to me, I’m just a spectator today, everyone’s focus should be on this extraordinary game, not me, please let me in~"

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he bowed his hands to everyone and made a begging attitude.

Everyone laughed.

"Can you talk a few words?"

"Yes, Jiang Shen, let's just say a few words."

Journalists will not be fooled so easily.

How else would they get news from interviews?

Jiang Siming nodded with a smile, and said: "So, five questions, try to hurry up, don't hinder other people's passage, and don't cause trouble to police comrades."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, regardless of their disagreement, he directly ordered a male reporter, Gulu Sports News, um, there is something inside.

"President Jiang, what do you think is the winning percentage of the national football team in this game?" Gulu reporter asked.

Jiang Siming smiled and replied: "Let me tell you the truth, there is no chance of winning. Maybe you still don't believe it. You'll find out later."

Hiss, everyone gasped after listening, and this tone was too loud.

To be honest, the national football team has no chance of winning. This is too blunt, and you are not afraid of the fans on the scene.

Sure enough, after Jiang Siming finished speaking, some national football fans stood up and were uncomfortable. Jiang Siming ignored them. Everyone has the right to disagree, he understands, and he doesn't swear.

I ordered the reporter again, this time from Ali Sports Media.

"Jiang Shen, will you play today's game?"

"Uh, no, I'm just a pure audience today."

"Jiang God, why are you holding such a game?"

"The main thing is to let everyone face reality, let the national football team face reality, and recognize themselves, otherwise they really think that they can't play out of Asia because of regional issues."

"Jiang God..."

After several questions, Jiang Siming was blunt.

I also replied to several reporters' questions, which satisfied this group of reporters, and then drove into the infield.

At 8:30 in the morning, the audience seats in the Greenery Stadium were already full of seats.

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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