He played against the national football team for forty-five minutes, fully aware of the opponent's strength.

If the strength of their players can score 90 points.

Messi believes that the players of the national football team can only be less than 30, and there are a few more powerful players that do not exceed 50 points.

With such a team, it's no wonder the boss will ask them to kick hard.

But he was also a little worried that they would be fine after the game, but the boss might be infamy.

The 15-minute rest was quickly over.

In the second half, the national football team also changed a few players, intending to give it a go, must score a goal.

But the gap between fantasy and reality is always unacceptable.

When the gap between your strength and the opponent is too big, you want to fight back is a luxury.

In the second half, Barcelona played harder and the offensive was as fierce as the tide.

10 to 0, 13 to 0...

The national football fans are stupid, they counted.

Barcelona's scores in the national football game are the points that they are estimated to be unable to play in a year of national football.

The national football players were also a little dumbfounded. These 11 national football players suffered a huge blow both physically and mentally.

Wu Xiaolei even burst into tears directly on the stadium, and some fans couldn't bear to feel distressed.

Until the second half of the game and injury time all ended, the game ended.

National football fans and players are relieved, like experiencing a nightmare that has not been awakened for a long time.

On the scoreboard, the eye-catching score: 20:0.

This number is so dazzling and eye-catching, what a scary number.

I don’t know, I thought it was a basketball score.

This time, even the Chinese audience who are not fans of national football can't laugh.

This tingling sensation is not only aimed at national football players and fans, but also aimed at Chinese audiences.

After all, such a ridiculous score was played by players from their country.

As a result, some people began to scold Jiang Siming as a traitor or a white-eyed wolf.

Even let his country's players lose such a big face.

"Jiang Siming! You are a sinner!"

"Jiang Siming! Lao Tzu blacks you forever!"

"Jiang Siming get out of China!"

"You don't deserve to be a Chinese!"


These and other sounds are getting louder and louder.

Fortunately, many viewers are still sane. They just think that Jiang Siming's doing this is a bit too much, and they think he is deliberately humiliating the national football team.

Most of the critics were national football fans. They couldn't accept the score, so they naturally spread their anger on Jiang Siming.

Even the richest man Wang heard it.

"Let's go, Xiaojiang, the anger is hard to commit." Wang Shoufu persuaded.

Jiang Siming laughed, smiling very brightly. Instead of leaving, he walked out of the coach's bench and stood in the middle of the court.

The players left the field, so Jiang Siming was the only one on the field.

For some reason, the national football fans who had just been scolding suddenly stopped. They seemed to feel that Jiang Siming had something to say.

"Stop, see what he has to say!"

"He didn't bring a microphone, and we couldn't hear him."

The scene fell silent, Jiang Siming looked at the more than 50,000 spectators, and said, "Do you know what it means to become angry? What does it mean to lose?"

For some reason, Jiang Siming had no loudspeaker and no microphone, but when he spoke, everyone in the audience could hear his voice.

But at this time everyone is not concerned about this, but what he said.

Jiang Siming’s words made many people face disgraced, yeah, is there a rule that the game can’t go all out?

If you play like this, you can only blame the national football team for not keeping up. Why do you blame him?

Jiang Siming did not stop speaking, saying: "Nine hundred years ago, the Northern Song Dynasty Taiwei Gao Li invented Cuju, which is today's football. Football, which was originally a sport from China, has become a world sport. The laughingstock, why is this, can anyone answer me?"

No one speaks, no one can answer.

"I, Jiang Siming, don't believe it. We can't produce a few talented football players in China, a big country with more than one billion people! We can master any ball and get good results. Why not football? This One point, can you give me the answer from the National Football Club?"

Jiang Siming sneered at the direction where the National Football Club was sitting, and these high-level people could not hide their gazes when facing him.

Jiang Siming shook his head disdainfully and contemptuously, and continued: "Today's score is indeed what I let the team play like this. Do you know why? I just want to let the national football players take a good look. They pride themselves on being pretty good. How ridiculous and small it is to be worthy of high-paying skills!"

The audience immediately understood Jiang Siming's approach, yes, didn't their national football say that Jiang Siming didn't understand football? Didn't they say they were worthy of the salary.

Jiang Siming is now letting them see clearly with their eyes wide open. Is this also wrong?

Would the national football players feel embarrassed if they played 3-0, 4-0?

No, they definitely won't, they will definitely feel quite proud.

"I also love football deeply, and I have also loved the national football. But when I saw that the national football is getting worse every year, I know that if there is no change, the national football will never have hope. It is better to disband and save one. A lot of money is used to support other sports, isn't it good?"


Jiang Siming's last sentence amused the audience, but everyone agreed with Jiang Siming's statement.

Instead of being hopeless forever, it is better to cancel it.

"Support Jiang Shen! Cancel the national football!"

"Support Jiang Shen! Cancel the national football!"

For a time, such shouts were overwhelming.

The people completely ignited disappointment towards the national football team.

The people of the Football Association panicked. So many viewers shouted for the cancellation of the national football, and they became the target of public criticism for a while.

Facing the voices of the crowd, Jiang Siming raised his hand to signal them to be quiet.

The amazing thing is that everyone really stopped slowly.

"It is not up to us to decide whether to cancel the national football. I am not here to instigate you to support the abolition of the national football. I just hope that there will be opportunities in the future. When talking about the national football, we no longer treat it as a joke. Ha ha."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he waved to the audience, and then strode off the court.

All the audience was silent, no one sprayed Jiang Siming anymore, and even many fans who sprayed gave themselves a big mouth, regretting that they didn't understand Jiang Shen's meaning and wronged good people.

The end of this game also completely ignited the country's determination to reform the Football Association. A big move for the National Football Association and the Football Association is already in the making.

But this is still something to say. After the game, Jiang Siming, as Wang's richest man wished, took him to the Barcelona players' lounge and took photos with the Barcelona players.

Don't want to be happy for the richest man Wang, it's happier than picking up a large piece of land in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.


[Author's digression]: Second more~~

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