I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1430: Still a teenager

The national football scored a 0-20 ‘good result’, which not only completely lost face, but also definitely lost the game.

The salaries of all male national football players were halved and donated to the women's football team.

It's really lost every face.

As for whether they will start their Nirvana rebirth, Jiang Siming doesn't know.

Anyway, no matter how muddy they were, they wouldn't be bad for this game. He didn't have any opinion if they wanted to keep going bad.

The turmoil of this national football and Barcelona game has finally come to an end.

While football fans were still discussing this past football match, there was a big sensation among the game fans.

That is, Lu Benwei, officially rebroadcast!

Two days after the game, at seven o'clock in the evening, during the prime time of the live broadcast, a certain fish platform, after nearly three years away from the first brother of Zeng Jin, Lu Benwei, reconnected.

On the day of his rebroadcasting, Jiang Siming specifically ordered other major anchors not to start broadcasting, which was another gift to Lu Benwei.

So on that day, Lu Benwei's live broadcast was more than two or three times more popular than at his previous peak.

Although he still failed to surpass Jiang Siming, it has already surpassed the peak of popularity when PDD was replayed.

The gifts poured out like a shower in Lu Benwei's live broadcast room. In less than an hour, Lu Benwei received a gift worth more than 20 million soft sister coins from fans.

In this hour, his new live broadcast room rushed from level 0 to level 100, becoming another legendary result belonging to Lu Benwei.

Even Jiang Siming had never done this before, reaching the top level in an hour.

Of course, this is also because the fans haven't seen him for a long time and miss him so much. Just like PDD's rebroadcasting after a year away, it also rushed to the full level in more than two hours.

And there are many big anchors who are appreciating their faces and rushing to brush gifts.

Coupled with Jiang Siming's promotion, the other anchors delayed the start of the broadcast, and the whole fish was praising him, so there is such a proud data.

Earn more than 20 million in an hour, although this cannot be done every day, it may only be so once in a lifetime.

That's enough to see Lu Benwei's appeal. After three years away, he still has so many fans.

His influence in the live broadcast industry is evident.

Had it not been for Jiang Siming, the live broadcast brother would have to return to him.

Returning to the camera, Lu Benwei sat at the familiar computer desk, next to his good brother Ma Fei who had been with him.

Lu Benwei looked at the barrage in front of the computer with mixed feelings.

"Reasonable brothers, to be honest, I really think I'm dreaming. I didn't expect that in this life I would have the opportunity to let you see me, talk to you, and brag with you in the live broadcast room. I have always dreamed of these three years. Thinking."

Lu Benwei said that his eyes were red. People who have not experienced this kind of lost life will not understand.

The audience was also moved, shouting Lu Benwei's awesomeness.

"Brother, just come back."

"You are the same boy you used to be, without a trace of change."

"Ugly, we miss you so much."

"We also feel that we are dreaming. We didn't expect to see Brother Kai rebroadcast in the rest of our lives."

"My youth is back!"

"My daughter-in-law asked me why I was standing watching the live broadcast. I slapped it and slapped her back, saying: Because Lu Benwei is amazing!"


Lu Benwei smiled, adjusted his emotions, and said: "Don't talk about this, anyway, I must thank someone. I will remember this love for a lifetime. As for who it is, don't ask, let me keep it in my heart. It's not sincere."

"Ok! Next, retired God of War Lu Benwei, will start live broadcast for everyone, Hanbok LOL tour, I am still the God of War Lu Benwei!"

After that, I will show you my Hanbok rank, gold 4...

Amused the audience, Kai brother, are you here? 10% off level?

"Don’t think I’m just Gold 4, that’s because I rarely play. Starting today, I’m going to double row with Ma Fei and return to the strongest king of Hanbok! Feifei Feifei Feifei, hurry up on the number, don’t hurry I poured you a cappuccino."

"Brother, don't worry, I'm on it."

The two brothers started the journey of Hanbok.

Many viewers still hope to watch Lu Benwei play Eating Chicken, but Lu Benwei said that Eating Chicken will definitely play, but his favorite is LOL. Eating Chicken will wait for some time to do it again, and he may join PDD's Sunset Red Team.

After the live broadcast started later, Lu Benwei's live broadcast popularity began to stabilize, but it still remained at a very high level.

This is also normal. Any major broadcaster will have a hot period for rebroadcasting, and the hot period will return to normal.

But even so, the popularity of the live broadcast of PDD and Macaque, which was launched one after another, has been crushed by Lu Benwei.

After returning, Lu Benwei became a lot humble, after all, after so many things, this man has become more calm.

But occasionally, he still breathes fragrance. Whenever he starts to spray people, the audience will laugh, and it turns out that the live broadcast of brother is still the original taste!

Lu Benwei's live broadcast effect is also frequent after the start, and the live broadcast atmosphere is very good.

In fact, it can be compared, Lu Benwei is more suitable for live broadcast than PDD. His live broadcast is always full of joy, allowing fans to stay in his live broadcast room willingly to watch him.

Watching the PDD live broadcast for a long time may be a little boring. How can I say it is not unsightly, but an indescribable feeling.

But watching Lu Benwei's live broadcast is different. The audience can understand it.

It can be said that PDD live broadcast is regarded as eating noodles. You can eat noodles a day or two days, or even a month or two months, but you can’t insist on eating it for three months or four months.

But Lu Benwei's live broadcast is like eating rice, and it is estimated that many people can eat rice all the time.

This really has to be a talent that cannot be learned.

Lu Benwei broadcasted the live broadcast for more than two hours, and Jiang Siming also came in to join in the fun and gave Lu Benwei a whole hundred spacecraft.

The boss makes a shot, and that's the face.

Lu Benwei, who was in the live broadcast, also saw it, and immediately thanked him: "Thank me, Jiang, for supporting me! Jiang is mighty!"

So I didn't care if I missed a cannon.

Jiang Siming left the gift without waiting.

Jiang Siming not only didn't feel pressured, but was very happy that such a popular anchor came to his live broadcast platform.

The better the platform is, the more money he makes. Why should he have trouble with his employees? That's not stupid.

However, he added another veteran to a certain fish, but certain tooth is jealous.

After all, the boss originally started broadcasting on a certain fish, and now he called Lu Benwei back.

Their popularity dropped a lot, and they were all taken away by a certain fish.


[Author's digression]: Third more~~

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