I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1431: Revisit Kyoto!

When the person in charge of a certain tooth called Jiang Siming to cry, he was like an aggrieved little wife.

"Boss, our tooth is too sad now, let alone the PUBG board, the League of Legends board is almost inferior to a certain fish, you can't treat it differently, our tooth is also your'baby'~"

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.

"Less nonsense, don't you have UZI in the League of Legends sector? I recently signed the IG team, but I picked it up from Wang Dashao for you. I'm still not satisfied."

"There are UZI and IG, but they often don't broadcast because of the need to prepare for the game. Our tooth is bitter~" the person in charge cried.

Jiang Siming was overjoyed and said helplessly: "Okay, I heard that Vincent of Zhanqi is almost on the contract. I will send someone to arrange to sign him on your platform, and wait for the contract period of the factory director at Penguin to expire. I'll let him go to your place again. Is this the head office?"

As soon as the person in charge heard the overjoy, he immediately stopped crying and called the boss wise.

Although Vincent cannot compare with Lu Benwei, he is at least a first-line anchor. More importantly, the boss agrees to give them the director.

The director is also a live broadcast ghost, and like Lu Benwei, he has a lot of fans.

Sure enough, the crying child has milk to eat~~

Next time I find a little girl to cry to the boss, the boss will be more reassuring, hehe!

Jiang Siming also felt very tired. How could this be the same as having a child? Whatever one child has, another child must have it.

Is he a boss or a father...

Soon, the end of the month arrived.

Huaxia is about to welcome many teams visiting China.

This time, high-level officials from many countries also visited China to hold a high-level meeting on environmental protection.

And all the groups of relatives came here. In addition to Sweden, there are many countries, including Trump, who also came with his family.

Huaxia also attaches great importance to this matter. In order to ensure the safety of Kyoto, even the members of the Tian Group have sent almost all of them to secretly protect them.

Sheng Xue Huo Wu and the others were transferred to Kyoto early.

Jiang Siming was only willing to leave the day before the meeting, and this was the one who called him to remind him, otherwise the kid would have to wait until the day of the meeting to work.

His job, of course, is to act as an interpreter. Anyway, he can speak multiple languages ​​and is so handsome.

He was appointed by Number One as his exclusive translator.

Although the matter was a bit thankless, Jiang Siming agreed very happily.

After all, it’s a mixed meal.

The meeting of the family members of the multinational leaders and the process of the meeting will be broadcast live on CCTV.

This is also the first time that such an environmental protection meeting has been held in the form of a live broadcast. It is very meaningful, and it is also a promotion for the earth.

This is more effective than any public service announcement.

The day before, Jiang Siming arrived in Kyoto.

He remembered that he hadn't been here for a long time. The last time he came, he took Reba to a charity party, and that was the only time he went to Kyoto.

Coming here now, Jiang Siming has become more used to it.

In addition, Hundred Billion also bought dozens of commercial buildings in Kyoto, and even several sets of courtyards that were auctioned off. He is still a landlord’s wealth in Kyoto.

However, Jiang Siming seemed to have no time to visit his courtyard house and commercial building. When he got off the plane, a guard from the army was waiting for him.

Jiang Siming didn't even need to take the private car on the private plane. He directly asked Li Chunlan to wait on the plane while he got on the military vehicle and went all the way to the ***.

Don't forget, Jiang Siming is a guest of the Heavenly Group, and even the rank of lieutenant general.

He has a small yard of his own in it.

The guards passed several hurdles along the way before sending Jiang Siming to his destination.

After getting off the car, Jiang Siming casually visited his own small yard. It was nothing special, but he noticed that he was very close to the yard of the old man of the Tian Group.

And he felt that there was someone there, it should be the old man.

Thinking of this, the bored Jiang Siming stopped by.

The relationship with the old man was very good, and the door of his house was not locked, Jiang Siming pushed the door directly in.

"Worshiping old age is coming, so I'm ready to drink tea soon."

Jiang Siming walked into the yard while talking. The reason for entering the house was also a cow. It was almost three months since the Spring Festival. Why did you call the New Year?

But after Jiang Siming entered the house, he found that there was no old man.

In the yard, only two women were planting flowers.

Seeing someone coming in, one of the women immediately became alert and turned around with a bad look, but when she found that it was Jiang Siming, she was surprised at first and then recovered.

"Why are you here? This is the teacher's place. You can't come here without permission."

Jiang Siming replied: "My place is too boring, I want to come over and chat with him."

This woman is not someone else, but ice.

But there was a girl beside Bing, who Jiang Siming had never seen before.

This girl looked only sixteen or seventeen years old, but she had a melancholy and weak temperament that Jiang Siming had never seen before. She was tender, melancholy and delicate.

The girl's body bones are very slender, and her facial features are small and delicate, just like an azalea that has not yet grown.

However, Jiang Siming could tell at a glance that this girl should be naturally sickly, and her skin was pale and sick for a long time.

Seeing her, Jiang Siming naturally associates with the image of Lin Daiyu in "A Dream of Red Mansions".

Two curved eyebrows that seem to be frowning, and a pair of eyebrows that seem to be happy or not.

The sorrow of the two distressed, the tears shone on the whole body, breathing slightly.

In the quiet, like a beautiful flower shining in the water, the action is like a weak Liu Fufeng.

The heart is more than that of the dry one, and the disease is like a xizi wins three points.

These descriptions are almost exactly the same as the girl in front of them. People can't help but feel compassion and love and want to protect her.

If she were to play Lin Daiyu, it is estimated that the author would have to say that she was the one who came out of the book.

The girl also saw Jiang Siming, and when she saw strangers, she was a little flustered and scared, as if she didn't want to see strangers.

"Sister Bing, I am a little uncomfortable, I want to go back to the house." The girl timidly tugged at the corner of Bing Beauty's clothes.

Bingmei comforted: "Xiao Xi, it's okay, he is not an outsider, he is also a member of the Tian Group, and the teacher has a good relationship with him."

When the girl heard the words, she looked at Jiang Siming curiously, what she thought of, and asked: "He is the strongest person in China that grandfather said, the guest of the Tian Group?"

The ice beauty nodded, and the girl looked at Jiang Siming more times.

"It turns out that the old man calls me that way, I'm really embarrassed." Jiang Siming laughed, not embarrassed at all, his face is really thick.

Bing Meiren gave him a roll of eyes and said: "You have come now, and you have seen it. The teacher is not here, and you won't be able to come back in the evening. You should come back later."

Jiang Siming didn't want to stay here anymore, he said goodbye and turned to leave.

Unexpectedly, it happened that the old man came back early and met Jiang Siming.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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