I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1437: What is he not an interpreter?

Number One's expression is very subtle. He smiled and asked Old Special: "What did you just say? I didn't hear clearly."

Old Te's face was even more exciting.

His son is back, his face is not much better than his father.

And when Old Special's son came over, his eyes kept staring at Jiang Siming who was hugging Nancy.

Jiang Siming also noticed the unfriendly look of Old Te's son.

But is he a bullshit? Not only did he avoid his eyes, but looked at him jokingly, and raised his eyebrows by the way, dismissing him.

Lao Te's son was immediately angry, but he still held it back, and regardless of his father's eyes, he walked towards Jiang Siming.

The audience roared, it seems that this is about to start a rivalry battle? Have a good show!

"Visually detect that Old Special's son is going crazy."

"No, they also want face."

"Jiang Siming must stand it up! Can't persuade it!"

"Yes, take the princess home, hahaha."

"It feels like Jiang Siming definitely recognizes counseling, but he is Old Special's son, so he doesn't have this background."


Countless eyes around the world are staring at these two people, this is probably the highest-rated melon show.

One is Old Special's son, and the other is just a businessman.

Everyone didn't think Jiang Siming could win.

They didn't know that Jiang Siming was actually a lieutenant general long ago.

Of course, Jiang Siming doesn't bother to show off everywhere, let alone use it to drive away such ‘flies’.

"Hello, introduce yourself, my name is Eric." Old special son took the initiative to introduce himself as soon as he came over.

According to his thoughts, Jiang Siming would definitely introduce himself to him as a polite gentleman.

This way he can catch up on the conversation and proceed with his next plan.

But Jiang Siming was never a normal player.

"I don't care who you are, but I am chatting with Nancy. Interrupting other people's conversations is very unqualified. Didn't your dad teach you? So please go away and don't hinder our conversation."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, Eric's nose was irritated, and even Old Te was dissatisfied.

Eric immediately sneered: "That's how you treat guests?"

"Are you a guest? And who told you that I'm here to receive guests?" Jiang Siming replied.

Eric immediately pointed out: "Aren't you an interpreter? The job of an interpreter shouldn't be a good job as an interpreter in front of your leader, not a girl here."

"Who told you that he is an interpreter?" Unexpectedly, No.1 took the initiative to cover him and spoke for Jiang Siming with a smile.

"What is it that he is not an interpreter?" Old Special also joined the battle.

However, No. 1 replied without face: "He came to see a friend. By the way, help me translate. What's wrong?"

Jiang Siming worked very closely around Nancy's waist and felt the amazing elastic skin of the beauty inside through the princess dress.

"Yes, I just came to see my good friend Nancy. In our country, I have never blocked the freedom of others to communicate with friends." Jiang Siming smiled like a spring breeze.

The surrounding diplomats laughed aloud, and this kid had a great answer!

Old special almost didn't spit out the salt soda, so he could only stop fighting for it.

"So that's it, Eric, come back."

"Dad!" Eric was still very dissatisfied.

"Come back!" Old special glared at him impatiently, and Eric could only go back and stand obediently.

"Nancy, it's time to finish talking with your friends. Come back first."

At this time, the King of Sweden was also afraid that the situation would be deadlocked, and acted as a middleman to let Nancy go back.

Nancy glanced at Jiang Siming reluctantly, then suddenly blushed after thinking of something.

After being dull, Nancy summoned her courage and kissed Jiang Siming's face on her tiptoe.

Then he walked back to the queen's side.

This time there was another big news, and the princess offered to kiss! I rely on!

Not only Chinese male audiences are boiling, but also male audiences from many countries are boiling.

"Baga~ Did this Jiang Siming save the earth in his previous life?"

"The card machine! The goddess I discovered today, so secretly promised?"

"I hate this man for a lifetime!"

"Why does this princess dislike men from her own country, but fall in love with men from other countries?"

"Are Chinese men really so charming? I don't believe it!"


Regardless of how everyone talks, any fool can see it now.

This beautiful, cold and luxurious princess absolutely loves the boy with an inch head!

Eric was behind his father, gritting his teeth and holding back his anger.

He knew he was embarrassed today.

Many people in China must have laughed at him online.

Because he has always posted his admiration for Nancy on his Twitter and Facebook.

But now the girl he likes does not like him at all.

He was right. At this time, he was laughing at him everywhere on Twitter and Facebook.

But Eric was not discouraged, he didn't think he was worse than Jiang Siming.

Well, this confidence, I don't know where he came from.

Without the embrace of the beauty, Jiang Siming is still the focus of the scene.

Number One smiled and said at him: "You kid, you really are merciful everywhere."

"Ahem." Old Jiang Siming blushed and forcedly explained: "Isn't this also to give our Chinese men a long face."

"Hahaha." Number One laughed twice, and the lady next to him also looked at Jiang Siming with a smile, her eyes full of approval.

Yes, today I can give the arrogant old special a terrible meal.

Enjoyable! Happy!

On the side of the Swedish royal family, the queen has urgently pulled Nancy to stand behind and asked her about her relationship with Jiang Siming.

"Nancy, tell your empress honestly, who is he?"

Nancy replied without timidity: "He is the man I fall in love with."

"How did you meet him?"

"He saved me, haven't I told you?" Nancy responded.

The queen remembered this and said with a headache: "Nancy, he saved you, doesn't mean you have to like him."

Nancy smiled and shook her head, and said: "You misunderstood the queen. I didn't like him because he saved me. What I like is him, not a life-saving grace."

The queen said helplessly and solemnly: "You have to know what identity you are, what identity he is, how can you be together."

"I don't think how noble my identity is. Now it is the queen of 2020. Besides, didn't you also marry my father from a small family?" Nancy argued for reasons.

For her own happiness, Her Royal Highness is struggling to resist.

The queen was speechless for a while. In order not to quarrel with her daughter in public, she decided to go back and ask someone to investigate Jiang Siming's identity information.

[Author's digression]: First more~

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