I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1438: Environmental protection meeting!

Eric had already done this for a long time. He contacted a top hacker known in China and asked to find out all the information about Jiang Siming.

But the hacker only found Jiang Siming's identities that everyone knew, such as businessman, game player, big boss, singer, etc.

Eric doesn't believe it, just because of this, can Jiang Siming talk and laugh with No.1?

But when he asked the hacker to continue searching, not only did he find nothing, the computer was also warned, and he was so scared that he immediately gave up the idea of ​​finding someone.

Eric still got nothing, but he changed his mind, what is Jiang Siming's identity?

No matter how strong the identity is, can he be stronger? He is Old Special's son.

Thinking of this, Eric regained his confidence, and he had to take Nancy away from Jiang Siming anyway!

This little farce belonging to young people has reported a small incident.

Then the Swedish royal family came over to talk and meet with Number One.

Jiang Siming still plays the role of an interpreter, eloquently communicating with the king and queen of the Swedish royal family.

When working as a translator for the first time, Jiang Siming had no pressure, and he also found that he likes to speak some classical Chinese or idioms allegorical when chatting with people.

It can also be seen that the literary accomplishment is extremely high.

But in fact, it is very difficult for translators to translate, because classical Chinese is indeed difficult to translate.

For example, on the 1st, when the King of Sweden said in response to the friendly past between their own kingdom and China, they said: All cause and effect will come as scheduled.

As soon as the number one was finished, Jiang Siming instantly translated it into: andwhatevercomeswillcomeon.

Or the number one said: Qi said that there is no clothes, and the same robe with the son

Jiang Siming also responded in seconds: Togetherwestand, myarmorsthine.

These kinds of Chinese, no matter how difficult it is, can be the most beautiful translation in Jiang Siming.

Even the King and Queen of Sweden read Jiang Siming's translation carefully after listening to Jiang Siming's translation, and then showing a stunned look, gave Jiang Siming a thumbs up.

In fact, there were several translators behind No.1. They were mainly afraid that Jiang Siming would make a mistake in the first translation, so they were prepared.

But after seeing Jiang Siming's translation, they all consciously stopped speaking.

Because they can say with certainty that if Jiang Siming can't translate it, they will be even more blind.

Seeing that the man she likes is so good, Nancy who is standing at the back really looks at her little heart beating more desperately.

Among the royal family members, many girls and maids also followed Jiang Siming's words one after another, with spring water in their eyes.

Good men can attract people everywhere.

All the visiting groups arrived in China one after another, and they all met and exchanged briefly on the 1st.

Then, all the visiting delegations got on the prepared vehicles and headed to the conference hall.

While everyone is still on the road, netizens on the Internet around the world are still jealous of discussions around Jiang Siming and Eric.

Chinese netizens are very happy.

Jiang Siming smashed the face of the Chinese man severely today, and swept the faces of Lao Te and his son, two guys who had always been insolent and arrogant.

The most important thing is that the Swedish princess is so beautiful.

What everyone is more concerned about is whether there is any follow-up on the matter of the Swedish princess and Jiang Siming. Can the two make it?

"I don't think it will be possible. Jiang Siming already has a girlfriend. To be honest, he did this with the Swedish princess today a bit too much, but considering that to beat Lao Te in the face, this wave is too depressing!"

"Why can't it be, if you have a girlfriend and you are married, there are not many confidantes for such a good man? Lin Yuner is a real girlfriend, but Jiang Siming has few rumored girlfriends."

"Support Jiang Siming! Soak away the Swedish princess, haha, then we are the first person in China to marry a princess from another country in hundreds of years. It is worth celebrating!"

"I don't think it will work. The royal family will definitely not agree. Although Jiang Siming is very rich, he seems to be just an ordinary person. This improper household is wrong."

"You are an old antique upstairs? Isn't the current wife of the King of Sweden also an ordinary person, or a florist wife, she is not still a queen."

"That's right, what is my status as God of Jiang? Not to mention the richest man in Asia, as far as talent is concerned, it is simply countless. Isn't this still comparable to a vague royal identity? Ridiculous!"


The focus of netizens' discussions is how Jiang Siming and the princess will develop.

There are even a lot of rotten boys and girls who have begun to develop relationships between princesses and ordinary people. They really do.

At ten o'clock, all the visiting delegations arrived in the conference hall and began to hold the global environmental protection conference on time.

Environmental issues have increasingly become the top priority of all countries. After all, there is only one earth.

Even if mankind finds another habitable planet, it is impossible to migrate on a large scale with current technology.

Besides, even if they can really meet the migration criteria, will anyone really want to leave the earth to live on other planets?

It is estimated that very few people will agree, unless it is a last resort, no one wants to go to other planets to do interstellar migration.

Therefore, environmental protection is still a top priority.

If such pollution continues, the earth's ecological environment will become worse and worse.

At present, the melting of Arctic glaciers has accelerated again, and if this continues, the Arctic glaciers will be completely melted within 20 years.

At that time, it will not only cause global climate problems, but also reawaken ancient viruses that have been frozen for tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of years.

This is a terrible thing.

At the beginning of the meeting, everyone began to actively discuss environmental protection.

To find out the biggest source of pollution in each country, Old Special has already stood on the stage and spit on it.

"The latest environmental survey data obtained from the United States of America for 2020 shows that the environmental protection points that need our first attention are water pollution and waste gas emissions."

After speaking, Old Te took a critical tone and began to criticize: "The two most polluted countries are India, Japan, and Canada. In fact, they are China."

"To be honest, China is the country where pollution control has failed the most. Your greenhouse gas emissions rank first among developing countries. Among the cities that pollute air and wastewater, eight of the top ten cities are China. I think Huaxia should self-examine, right?"

Lao Te's words were directed at Huaxia. Perhaps it was because he had saved his face today, or he had planned it before he came.

There is no excuse for No.1, because Old Special is talking about real data, and his purpose is to make No.1 impossible to refute.

"So I think that China's environmental protection technology is too backward. I suggest that they should first focus on the problem of wastewater discharge and purchase the 1.5 million wastewater discharge devices that we have eliminated from the United States. Some are much more advanced, aren't they?"

Old special smiled and calculated.

[Author's digression]: Second more~~

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