I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1439: Sewage treatment competition!

Because the conference is also live broadcast without dead ends, the Chinese audience was very aggrieved when they heard it. This is the idea of ​​the old sentiment!

If you want to sell the eliminated goods of your own country, just say it straight, and criticize us around the corner.

He didn't meow to make money!

One and a half million units, assuming that a wastewater discharger only costs 200,000 yuan, that would cost more than 300 billion yuan!

They are all obsolete.

This yellow hair deserves to be a businessman, and he really knows how to do business.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

Canada and Japan agreed first. They saw someone holding the pot, so they quickly shake the pot so that they don't have to buy it.

Many representatives of other countries are also gloating at all this.

Especially Old Te’s son laughed happily.

Of course, Huaxia is not happy, who wants to be taken advantage of!

However, none of the delegations and EPA personnel stood up to speak, mainly they were not emboldened.

Because what Old Special said was the truth, they wouldn't be arrogant.

Number One glanced at them and knew what they meant, and shook his head somewhat disappointed.

Since the environmental protection department has no objection, he can only agree.

The blame can only be blamed on the environmental protection department for not being able to make a waste water purifier.

Just when the number one is about to speak.

"Let me say a few words?"

But Jiang Siming's voice came from nearby.

Number One looked back, considered it a little, and smiled: "What do you want to say?"

Jiang Siming did not answer, but stood up and spoke directly to the microphone on the table: "I think Mr. Te's remarks are very targeted and have no basis."

This sudden interruption made the things that had been nailed down suddenly become strange.

Everyone in the hall looked at Jiang Siming, why this young man was so bold that he dared to sing against the old special again and again.

Nancy sat on the side of the Swedish conference group with her hands on her chin, looking at Jiang Siming with piercing eyes.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a heart is completely hung on Jiang Siming.

Old Te was rebutted, but he didn't change the color, and asked Jiang Siming with a smile: "Oh, what do you mean by this?"

Jiang Siming did his part and said: "The meaning is very simple, you are targeting us."

Old Special shrugged his shoulders in a very standard manner, and said innocently: "Is it because my report is wrong?"

"Your report is correct. China Huaxia really did not do well in terms of environmental pollution, but you don't want to laugh every step of the way, oh yes, you may not understand this sentence, do you need me to explain it to you? "

"I fully understand, you keep talking."

Jiang Siming smiled, and then said: “As far as I know, your country’s exhaust gas and industrial pollution ranks among the top three in the world, and automobile exhaust emissions are the largest in the world. The Los Angeles light pollution incident, the Manhattan air pollution incident, There has also been a series of biological virus discharge pollution in the Mississippi River, am I right?"

Old did not expect him to know so well, but he may have developed a habit of interacting with CNN news reporters and blurted out his catchphrase.

"Fake news, next one."

puff! Hahahaha.

As soon as the old special finished speaking, the senior officials from all countries in the conference hall were amused.

Jiang Siming also smiled and said, "Mr. Te, we are here at the Global Environmental Protection Conference, not your press conference. Are you sure I'm talking about fake news? Do we need to find evidence from the Environmental Protection Agency?"

Lao Te also regretted it. He accidentally said a catch phrase, and Jiang Siming caught the pigtail.

While he was upset in his heart, he could only pretend to be calm and said: "Even if you are right, but you have to pay attention to one thing, your Huaxia wastewater purification is indeed far less than ours in the United States. You should buy our wastewater purifier."

"Who told you that our wastewater purifier is out of order?" Jiang Siming asked rhetorically.

"Is it still necessary to find proof? Isn't your Yangtze River and Yellow River seriously polluted? Your wastewater purifiers we have seen are products that we did not use in the United States 50 years ago." Old Te said proudly.

Jiang Siming responded: "I really disappointed you. I recently established a new company and developed the most advanced sewage purifier with technology leading the world for at least 20 years."


Everyone was taken aback, really? Leading the purifier level for twenty years? Why are you so unbelieving?

Of course Old Te didn't believe it.

"Are you sure you are joking with me?" Old Special asked.

"If I make a joke with you, then I will follow you from the very beginning when you speak: fake news is next."

Everyone cheered again, Jiang Siming was really a stunner, always sprinkling salt on other people's wounds.

The old special smiled without anger, and said: "Then I really want to see and see. You seem to have serious river pollution in Kyoto. I remember they are called Liangshui River and Yongding River, right?"

"Mr. Te's homework is really good."

"To each other."

One is old and one is young.

But Lao Te is right. The Liangshui River and Yongding River in Kyoto are the most polluted rivers in Kyoto and the largest sewage discharge place.

"Then let's take these two rivers as an example. It happens that our meeting will be held for three days. When I came, I brought a lot of waste water purifiers that we eliminated from the United States. We will treat them together. You will treat the Liangshui River. , I govern the Yongding River for three days. Whoever manages the best will win.” Old Te is full of confidence.

Jiang Siming looked at No.1 first, and got No.1's nod before he replied: "No problem, then try it."

Old Special smiled, as if the fool had been deceived by him.

"Then we have to say that if we win, you must buy our 1.5 million sewage purifiers."

"Then what if we win?" Jiang Siming said.

"If you win, we will buy you 1.5 million sets of your most advanced sewage purifiers. Is this always okay?"

This bet sounded okay, but Jiang Siming laughed.

"Mr. Te really knows how to make small calculations. If you win, we have to buy your eliminated goods. If we win, we have to sell your most advanced ones. Knowing that we are not enough, how can we sell them to you? Is it."

Many viewers who didn't understand the live broadcast came to their senses at once, yeah, they almost fell into the shame!

If this is really promised, it will be too much a loss, winning or losing will be a loss.

Number One nodded with a smile, completely relieved.

Old Special did not expect Jiang Siming to be so difficult to deal with, and he would not be fooled at all.

"Then what do you say?"

"It's very simple, we won, and you have to buy the sewage purifier that we eliminated~" Jiang Siming spread his hands, with a questioning expression.

The Chinese audiences all watched and laughed, covering their mouths, doing a beautiful job!


[Author's digression]: Third more~~

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