I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1440: The magic of the purifier!

"Okay! I'll take it!" Old Te happily agreed.

At this time, it is difficult to ride a tiger, the key old special does not believe in Jiang Siming's purifier.

"Okay Mr. Te, let's wait until the meeting is over and start."

After speaking, Jiang Siming sat back to his original position with a calm and confident expression.

The black technology fragments he got before have not been used yet.

"Pick up [Black Technology Series·Advanced Sewage Purifier] Black Fragments*1 (11/11). The number of fragments is full and can be used directly."

[Advanced sewage purifier]: It comes from different-dimensional technology, which can purify industrial and urban sewage. The purification speed can purify thousands of tons of sewage a day.

Note: The battery life of the purifier is one year and can be replaced by the battery of the robot.

Although this thing has not yet been mass-produced, it cannot yet achieve large-scale sewage purification.

But dealing with a river is too simple, and this purifier actually has a hidden function.

That is, it can speed up the additional volume of purified sewage, not just limited to 1,000 tons per day.

However, the cost of doing so seems to be that the life of the purifier will be correspondingly shortened, and the shortened life is not very much. It is completely possible to complete the purification of the entire river in three days.

"Are you really sure?" Number One couldn't help but whispered to Jiang Siming with curiosity.

Jiang Siming replied with a look that pleased the leader to rest assured, "Of course."

"Then you can reach cooperation with zf in various provinces and cities. Don't worry, I will protect your interests."

One thought that Jiang Siming had many purifiers.

Jiang Siming had a bitter face when he heard it, and he could only make up a white lie: "This processor of mine, it has just been developed, and mass production may have to wait a year or a half."

"That's okay, I can afford to wait for a year or two, then I can wait for the good news from your kid, haha." Number One smiled happily.

Jiang Siming rolled his eyes in his heart, and it seems that he still has to look at the core technology of the processor from the fragments, or even a few more processors.

After the agreement between Jiang Siming and Old Special was established, it made Huaxia feel relaxed. Because of this agreement, everyone could only wait for the result.

Then Old Special can only start bb other countries. Countries like Canada, Japan, and Australia, which agreed with Huaxi to buy their machines before, have been lying down.

Old Te pointed the finger at them and began to talk bb.

The meeting lasted from ten o'clock in the morning to twelve o'clock, two hours, and today's meeting ended temporarily.

However, there will be a meeting in the next two days, so all visiting groups will stay in Kyoto temporarily.

As soon as Jiang Siming ended the meeting, he said that his purifier was on his private jet.

On the 1st, a guard was immediately sent to drive Jiang Siming to the airport.

Originally wanted to send a few large cards to install.

But Jiang Siming said he didn't use it at all.

After arriving there, everyone discovered that Jiang Siming's purifier was so small.

Such large-scale sewage purifiers are all large objects and heavy machinery, all calculated by ton.

But Jiang Siming's purifier is about the same size as a computer host, and its weight is very light.

Everyone even wondered whether this was a purifier or not, how could there be such a portable and large sewage purifier.

This thing seems to be inferior to an air purifier, can it purify the water in a bathtub...

But Jiang Siming didn't explain. He took the purifier and asked the guards to drive him to Liangshuihe.

In fact, this purification competition is still a disadvantage for China, because the Yongding River is much easier to manage than the Liangshui River.

The pollution level of Liangshui River is much higher than that of Yongding River.

Lao Te, this guy, he must know, so he opened his mouth and snatched Yongding River.

But Jiang Siming doesn't matter. He likes to take advantage of this little bit and let him take advantage of it. Anyway, he loses.

Lao Te was also urgently making arrangements. Lao Te's son led the team and moved out all the purifiers he had brought.

A dozen heavy-duty trucks were sent to load and drove to Yongding River, and hundreds of workers were also invited to install.

Jiang Siming also arrived at Liangshui River.

"Mr. Jiang, do you want to ask workers to come and install it?" the guard asked.

Jiang Siming shook his head and replied, "No, just drive to the most polluted place in Liangshui River."

"Good." The guard then drove Jiang Siming to the most polluted place in Liangshui River.

Once you reach the river, you can smell a foul smell, the smell of stinky water.

The river is even more black, with domestic garbage floating on it, industrial waste water, domestic waste water and other dirty water, almost all of the nearby rivers are blocked.

It really is serious.

Jiang Siming asked the guards to take the purifier down, and then threw it into the water!


The purifier was thrown down like garbage by Jiang Siming and sank into the river bottom.

The guards all look at me and I look at you. I have never seen this kind of random large-scale engineering treatment. It's too sloppy...

What is amazing is that as soon as the purifier enters the bottom of the water, the dark water surface begins to bubbling.

At first it was a small area, and then it quickly drove a small area of ​​water nearby, and bubbles began to rise.

Many garbage floating on the river surface began to melt and decompose, and then all sank to the bottom.

I don’t know if I thought there was volcanic activity under the water.

Jiang Siming stood quietly on the bank of the river, watching the movement under the water.

The guards also waited with him. Ten minutes passed, and there seemed to be no change.

After half an hour, everyone began to notice that the color of the river water seemed to be a little lighter than before.

In another half an hour, the color of the river water was obviously much lighter.

At first it was black ink, but now it is light gray!

This change is too great!

All the guards were surprised in their eyes. They had never seen such a powerful sewage purifier.

After another hour, there was no more **** in this blocked area, and the color of the river became clear and transparent, and the bottom of the river could be seen at a glance!

There is no **** at the bottom of the river, not even a plastic bag buried under the river soil!

This is really magical!

However, because the blocked river water was dredged again, the upper river water soon washed over and **** appeared again.

But the purifier underneath is still working, and will continue to decompose all the garbage that floats from the upper stream.

Jiang Siming was relieved when he saw this.

"Okay, let it stay at the bottom of the river, but send people to guard this place, and don't let those with ulterior motives come over and destroy it."

Jiang Siming urged that the people with ulterior motives he said were of course old-fashioned.

This guy can do everything, and it's not good to cause damage if he is impatient.

"Mr. Jiang, rest assured, we will send guards to guard here 24 hours a day."

Jiang Siming nodded and said, "That's good, then it's okay. I'll see the result in three days."

The guard responded and sent a car to take Jiang Siming back.


[Author's digression]: First more~~

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