I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1441: Shit he!

Jiang Siming came to the state banquet hall where the delegations ate together. At this point in time, everyone had already started eating lunch.

The middle room inside is the room where No.1 and the other heads of state dine, and there are guards at the door.

As soon as Jiang Siming came over, the guard said to Jiang Siming: "Mr. Jiang, the leader is waiting for you inside, and I have reserved a place for you."

Jiang Siming said strangely: "Am I not a translator? What position do I want?"

The guard smiled and said: "The first z said that you are not an interpreter, but the lady said that if you don't like to participate in this kind of occasion, you don't need to go."

After hearing this, Jiang Siming thought about it for a while, and said, "Then I'll eat outside, so I won't go in."

He didn't want to eat with Old Special, because Old Special was so handsome, he was afraid that he couldn't eat anymore.

"Just get me a table and serve two dishes."

Jiang Siming casually found a corner edge position in the dining room to sit down.

The guards also quickly asked the chef to give Jiang Siming five or six state banquet-level dishes, and Jiang Siming had already moved his index finger just for the color and fragrance of these dishes.

I couldn't help but started the chopsticks, and ate without a person.

The guards looked at him with a smile. Mr. Jiang was really informal, and his manner of eating was very bold and unpretentious.

"Have you eaten? How about together?" Jiang Siming also invited them.

The guards shook their heads, but they dare not.

Jiang Siming didn't force it, and it's good to eat it alone.

Not long after eating, Eric, who also installed the purifier, came over.

At a glance, he saw Jiang Siming sitting in the corner eating alone, and he was instantly happy.

"It turns out that you are not just a translator, but also a driver. In the United States, only the driver eats outside and the owner eats inside."

Eric walked over to tease, full of pride and a rare opportunity to quickly sarcast.

Jiang Siming didn't raise his head, and continued to pick up rice, as if treating him as air.

But this made Eric even more upset.

"Look at the way you eat. You really don't have a gentleman's demeanor. In the upper class, you may not be as good as a beggar."

Jiang Siming finally raised his head, looking at him as if looking at him.

Just about to speak, at the state banquet hall on the other side, Nancy just came out to go to the bathroom with an excuse. In fact, she wanted to come out and ask the waiter Jiang Siming if he was back.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came out, Nancy saw Jiang Siming, while Eric next to him was completely ignored.

"Jiang! Why are you eating here?"

Nancy stepped on crystal shoes and ran towards Jiang Siming with joy.

Eric turned his head and changed his face immediately.

"Hey Nancy, can I invite you to lunch, it just so happens that I'm still hungry, don't you mind my little request?"

Eric offered to invite Nancy to lunch.

But Nancy replied without hesitation: "I mind, and I'm not free, thank you."

After speaking, Nancy passed Eric again mercilessly and walked to Jiang Siming.

"Can I sit here?" Nancy asked Jiang Siming.

"Of course, if you don't dislike me who looks like a beggar when eating." Jiang Siming said.

Nancy frowned, wondering: "Who says you eat like a beggar?"

Jiang Siming sternly said, "It's the one behind you. He said he is from the upper class and he is not used to seeing people like me."

After listening to Nancy, she cast a disgusted look at Eric and said, "In my opinion, people who comment on other people's food are more like beggars. First of all, he has no quality."

Well, now Eric can't get off the stage at all.

Forget it by Jiang Siming, and now he is disgusted by the beloved woman face to face.

Eric was roaring in his heart, but he could only continue to bear it, and crossed Nancy without a smile and said to Jiang Siming: "Are you a man who only sues women and seeks asylum?"

"Yes, did you know the first day?"

Jiang Siming not only didn't refute, but happily agreed, and then said, "What can you do with me?"

Eric was so angry that Qiqiao made smoke, but Jiang Siming no longer looked at him, but started talking to Nancy.

"Have you eaten?"

"Um~ No, I just came out secretly to see if you are here."

Nancy smiled. The princess's smile made Eric again dazzled. Such a goddess should belong to him!

"Well, do you want to eat here with me? Anyway, there are a lot of food." Jiang Siming invited.


Eric's invitation, Nancy refused without raising his head, but Jiang Siming's invitation, Nancy agreed quite quickly.

This makes Eric's heart as uncomfortable as being stabbed by a needle.

Jiang Siming sent someone another set of tableware, and the waiter kindly gave Nancy a knife and fork, but she declined it.

"I want to learn to use chopsticks, please give me chopsticks and a bowl, thank you~" Nancy said to the waiter politely.

The waiter immediately changed the tableware to Nancy.

"Jiang, you have to teach me, it's the first time I use chopsticks." Nancy said, learning from Jiang Siming in a strange way, picking up the chopsticks with her hand, but she was very awkward.

Jiang Siming stopped the dishes, reached out to hold Nancy's jade hand, and began to teach her how to use chopsticks.

Seeing Jiang Siming touching Nancy's hand unscrupulously, Nancy had a happy expression on his face. Eric even wanted to overturn their table.

Nancy learns very quickly and will soon use chopsticks to pick up dishes, and the two officially enter the lunch session for two.

Jiang Siming discovered at this time that Eric was still standing beside him. He really admired this kid's face. It is true that if there is a father, there must be a son.

"Would you like to sit down and eat together?" Jiang Siming suddenly invited Eric and pointed his finger at the chair next to him.

Eric was very surprised. Would Jiang Siming be so kind to invite him to dinner?

But this was an opportunity to stay to meet Nancy, he didn't want to miss it, and immediately he cheeked and wanted to sit down.

And he even thinks that Jiang Siming is starting to be afraid of his identity, so he starts to show his favor?

Humph, count your acquaintances!

But just as Eric was about to sit, Jiang Siming pulled the chair away, and Eric smashed his butt.

"F..." Eric was humiliated, his face flushed, and that classic national curse almost blurted out.

"Jiang Siming, what do you mean!" Eric asked.

Jiang Siming shrugged and said, "I didn't call you, I am the waitress behind you, what is my business for you to be affectionate?"

Just kidding, invite him to dinner? Shit he!

Nancy sitting next to her couldn't help covering her mouth. Although this was a bit too small, Nancy felt that Jiang Siming, who had a grudge and a grudge, was so cute~

"You!" Eric approached violently.


[Author's digression]: Second more~~

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