I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1445: Princess eats stinky tofu

About ten minutes later, Nancy walked out of the changing room.


When Jiang Siming heard her shout, he looked back.

I saw a pretty urban beauty standing behind her, but if her face hadn't changed, Jiang Siming would feel like he had admitted the wrong person.

The princess, who originally Gao Leng only dared to look far away but not close, took off the princess dress and crystal shoes, and even the various treasure pendants on his head and the amethyst necklace on the neck were gone.

Jiang Siming discovered that the princess also had an ordinary day.

But the excellent appearance and the angel's face still make Nancy very eye-catching.

And even if she changed into a city dress, she still couldn't conceal her royal temperament.

Seeing Nancy Jiang Siming staring at her, her face felt a little hot.

"Don't you look good?"

Jiang Siming shook his head and said, "It's not that it's not good-looking, but it's too good-looking. I found out that the princess dress covered your good figure."

Nancy was overjoyed and ran to the mirror to take a look.

She couldn't even believe that this was herself at the first glance. Is this really Carl Nancy? Princess of the Swedish royal family?

The more I look at it, the more satisfied Nancy is with her outfit.

"Let's go~" Nancy said in a good mood.

Jiang Siming happily said, "Don't you want your princess dress?"

"Oh, yes." Nancy remembered that she still had clothes left in it.

He ran back to the dressing room and took out his original clothes, shoes and various precious jewelry.

Jiang Siming saw that this princess dress was too big, and it couldn't be folded.

Of course you can’t throw it away. After all, this is Nancy’s clothes.

Jiang Siming pretended to let Li Chunlan go back to the car first, but actually put it in his own universe ring.

After coming out of the mall, Jiang Siming did not forget to buy a hat for himself and Nancy, and then turned on the zero-degree presence, so that he didn't have to worry about them being recognized.

"Where are we going now?"

Nancy was jumping around, like a bird out of the cage for the first time.

"Of course I'm going to eat, aren't you hungry, it's all dark now." Jiang Siming said.

"Well, I feel a little hungry when you say that." Nancy touched her stomach, it was indeed empty.

I was so excited before that I forgot my hunger.

"Let's go, take you to the night market for a meal."

After speaking, the two ran into a famous snack street near West Lake in the dark night.

As soon as she entered, Nancy screamed in despair, her lovely nose smelt fiercely.

"It smells so good, all kinds of flavors!"

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry about it, so he could only take her to get some fish **** on the street to cushion her belly.

Nancy picked up a toothpick and poked the milky white fish balls, and they exclaimed as soon as they ate them.

"Jiang, how come you Huaxia have so many delicious food!"

Jiang Siming said as if you had never seen the world: "Every foreigner I know says so, you will get used to it."

"Yeah, I must get used to it." Nancy couldn't help eating another one after she finished speaking.

But she did not forget Jiang Siming, she would feed Jiang Siming one if she took one.

The two are like ordinary couples strolling around this street food stall.

Passing by a stinky tofu shop.

"Hmm! What smells..." Nancy covered her nose instantly.

Just as Jiang Siming wanted to explain, he suddenly became interested, why don't you let His Royal Highness taste stinky tofu? Well, this idea can be there!

"Boss, have a stinky tofu."

"Good, 30 servings."

"So expensive? It's only ten yuan elsewhere." Jiang Siming was slightly surprised.

"Ours is a tourist area, the shop fees are too high, we can't help it." The boss explained.

Jiang Siming nodded, which is understandable.

After paying the money, Jiang Siming took Nancy and sat there waiting.

"Jiang, why are you waiting in this smelly place? I think there is an underground pipe leaking here."

Nancy is still not used to this taste.

Jiang Siming shook his head funny, and said: "You can bear it, and soon you will be able to taste one of our specialties in China. You can eat it and want to eat it."

"Really? Then I will bear it again." Nancy was really shaken. It seems that the princess can't escape the setting of foodies~

Soon, the stinky tofu was ready, and Jiang Siming brought it to Nancy.

Nancy lowered her head and smelled, the expression on her face was wonderful.

"That's the smell! My God, what is this?"

"You know it after you eat it."

"Eat? I don't want~" Nancy shook her head desperately, resisting this bowl of stinky tofu all over.

Jiang Siming had no choice but to take the lead, first took a piece and ate, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

But Nancy was unmoved, Jiang Siming took the second piece, Nancy still had no idea.

Until Jiang Siming took one piece after another, the stinky tofu in the bowl was almost gone, only one piece remained.

"Is it really so delicious..."

"of course."

"Then can I taste a piece?"

Jiang Siming held back his laugh and picked up this piece of stinky tofu.

Nancy opened her mouth cautiously and wanted a small bite, but Jiang Siming stuffed it into her mouth, her cheeks bulging.

Nancy thought she had been fooled, and was caught in Jiang Siming's prank.

But when the stinky tofu entered her mouth, she suddenly paused. The scent on the tip of the tongue... is it sure that this stinky thing is coming out?

No, try another bite.

Soon, Nancy's cheeks began to move, and they were being'swallowed' by the stinky tofu step by step.

"It's delicious, it's amazing, why does this thing smell bad, but it tastes good."

"It's like durian, it smells bad and tastes good."

"Then can I have another bowl..." Nancy said embarrassedly.

Jiang Siming looked at her and laughed, then turned to the boss and said, "Boss, have another bowl."

Another bowl of stinky tofu was served, and Nancy began to take the initiative to eat, but she couldn't eat it after eating two pieces, and Jiang Siming took care of the rest.

After eating the stinky tofu, the two began to wander around the street stalls all the way.

You must taste all the food you see.

So much so that Nancy's already supported stomach felt a little uncomfortable not halfway there.

And she has never eaten food stalls, after all, it is true that the food stalls are not healthy.

So her stomach started to hurt.

When Jiang Siming noticed it, he quickly squeezed her hand and lost a little bit of anger, so that Nancy didn't feel sick in her stomach.

But I definitely can't eat it anymore, I guess this little girl's belly will explode if I eat it again.

The two began to take a walk, not daring to buy food anymore.

In addition to food, there are actually many fun things in the night market.

The two passed by a stall with a ring.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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