I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1446: Ring game

It is estimated that all Chinese people have seen this kind of lap game.

This game is very simple, that is, the stall owner will put a lot of gifts on the ground, and then let you put the gifts on the ground with a small bamboo trap at a prescribed distance.

Whatever is in the set.

It is estimated that many people have played it, and Jiang Siming is no exception.

When he was a kid, most of the stall owners set up goldfish, turtles, and so on. Even more expensive, they were small porcelain dolls and piggy banks.

But now that we are advancing with the times, the stall owner also knows that no one will be interested in putting small fish and shrimp.

So the boss now has to spend some capital.

The boss in front of me is amazing. There are various dolls on the carpet, such as Luffy, Sauron, Naruto, Iron Man, etc. Although these figures do not look like genuine, even pirated versions cost money. A lot of money.

Moreover, the boss has placed five Warwick Tianwen mobile phones at the furthest point.

I go, this boss really does business.

Jiang Siming was very impressed with the 30-year-old boss.

Nancy stopped curiously to watch, and Jiang Siming also acted as a melon-eater.

So many good things naturally attract many people to play.

But Jiang Siming discovered that there are indeed many people playing, but none of them can be used.

Many people have tried very hard to throw the circle, but one can't get it, even the most recent one can't fit in.

"I don't believe it anymore, give me another 200 yuan circle!" A boy was annoyed and paid again.

The girlfriend on the side persuaded: "Forget it, it's more than 300 sets."

The boy hesitated, but the boss next to him started to add more energy.

"My buddy is also kind. I want to give you a gift. He doesn't feel good in the front. If he comes back, he will definitely be able to hit it."

When the boy heard it, he couldn't hold back his face, so he paid two hundred yuan again.

The boss took it happily, very proud of it.

Two hundred yuan is only 20 laps, and gifts are expensive to get laps.

Then the boss even taught the boy how to do it with ‘good intentions’ and he gave a demonstration.

Strange, this boss is just right.

But boys can't get it anymore.

Two hundred yuan was lost again, and the boy wanted to pay again, but unfortunately the wallet was empty, so he had to leave aggrieved.

The boss made a net profit of five hundred in less than five minutes. This is only one person, and the others queue up.

A few more customers bought the trap and started the set, but they all got nothing.

The boss worked so hard for a while, at least several thousand yuan.

What a profiteering industry.

But even Jiang Siming wondered why something that seemed so good was not suitable, but the boss was able to find it right away.

Jiang Siming carefully sent Xiaoxian to look at the presents, and he found something tricky.

Inside every gift placed there is a magnet.

There are magnets on the circles, but they are the opposite of the magnets in the gifts. The magnets can attract or repel each other.

In this way, none of these circles will be hit.

The boss was able to hit it because the circle he threw did not have a magnet, and he practiced at home for a long time, so practice makes perfect.

After understanding, Jiang Siming began to despise the boss.

Although your little business dare not lose too much, but you can't be stubborn, all the gifts are attached with magnets, obviously too iron cock.

Do you at least get some cheap gifts to make the customer's set not good, or if you get a consolation prize, get a small gift if you missed it.

It is estimated that it will be difficult to have repeat customers.

Not to mention, this boss is just a profitable tourist business and doesn't want to make repeat customers.

No, after several people in a row have found nothing, everyone doesn't want to play.

The boss obviously hasn't made enough money yet, and began to yell: "Animation figures, Marvel figures, brand new dolls, Warwick Tianwen mobile phones, everything, just take it!"

But he shouted so no one was willing to pay any more.

The boss wanted to close the stall angrily, so he swept his eyes and saw Nancy and Jiang Siming.

The boss is a good individual. Looking at the clothes that Jiang Siming and Nancy wear, you know that these two people are rich masters.

So he immediately recommended to Jiang Siming: "Brothers play, just take them in the set, I think your girlfriend seems to like these things of me very much, or give your girlfriend a set to take away, maybe you can still embrace the beauty There is a'reward' tonight."

The boss blinked, showing a smile that a man understands.

Although Nancy learned Chinese, she was still very basic, so she didn't understand what the boss said.

"What did he say?" Nancy asked curiously.

"Oh, he recommended that we also join in." Jiang Siming explained to her in English.

The boss happily said, "My girlfriend is still a foreign girl, so let's play with my brother!"

Jiang Siming is speechless, what does this have to do with foreigners and natives? This reason is too strong.

"Do you want to play?" Jiang Siming asked Nancy regardless of the boss.

Where did Nancy have seen such an interesting game, and immediately nodded, wanting to try it.

Jiang Siming also generously paid five hundred, bought fifty laps, and let Nancy play slowly.

But Nancy, just like everyone else, didn't match one of them, and missed one of twenty.

Nancy was a little discouraged and said to Jiang Siming: "Jiang, you can do it, I can't do it~"

The boss was afraid that Jiang Siming would have to refund, so he urged: "Yes, brother, you help your girlfriend, you are so tall, you can easily get caught!"

Jiang Siming glanced at the insatiable boss, and said leisurely: "I'm afraid I have too many sets, and you will just close the stall and stop playing because of the debt."

"Hahahaha." The boss laughed and cursed Jiang Siming as a pretender!

"Brother, you're so good at joking, don't worry, my stall is open until midnight every day, before midnight, if I close the stall, I will be your grandson!"

The boss patted his chest to make sure.

"Then I don't want to accept you as a grandson in case you cheat." Jiang Siming didn't believe it.

The boss thought about it, and immediately took out his car key, which was still a Cadillac.

The car key was photographed in Jiang Siming's hand, and he said domineeringly: "I put my car key here. Why do you have fun? When will you return the car key to me? I will close the stall again. Is this all right?"

Jiang Siming took the car key and said with a smile: "Aren't you afraid that I might drive away?"

"Cut, can you still drive away? You will have to go to jail if you call the police every minute!" the boss said proudly.

Jiang Siming picked up the keys of the truck, looked at the hand office boy on the floor, and said, "You have too few things. I'm afraid it will be gone after the set, so forget it."

The boss was in a hurry and immediately opened the two suitcases next to him. Inside, they were full of dazzling arrays of figures, and there were seven or eight platforms, and even several iPads.

"Have you seen it, is it enough for you?"

The boss said proudly, and put aside his cruel words: "Brother put the words here, if you have the ability, give me a full set, if I frown, I am a maiden!"


[Author's digression]: First more~~

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