I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1459: The emperor goes on tour

Seeing Jiang Siming's cooperation with her, Xin Xianying generously accepted Jiang Siming's proposal. From now on, whenever he wrote about his night life, he would use a peaceful night's sleep instead.

Although this is a bit contrary to Xin Xianying's oath to become the most upright historian of the Emperor of the Ming Kai Dynasty, it is for the emperor's dragon body and the stability of the Ming Dynasty.

Xin Xianying still felt that he had to give in a little bit.

From that night on, poor Xiao Xianying was tricked into a trap by Jiang Siming step by step.

The Forbidden City is just around the corner.

Some of the show girls who were Enze agreed, and some became concubines. In short, they were all managed by Empress Cai Yan.

Since Cai Yan became the queen, Jiang Siming's harem has been very harmonious.

These show girls are very well-behaved in front of Cai Yan.

In fact, in ancient times, this was the case in the harem, and it was not entirely because of Jiang Siming's favorability of the opposite sex.

In ancient times, the queen was more than anything in the harem. No one could provoke the power of the queen. Even the emperor had no right to interfere with the queen's decision.

Therefore, the dramas of the imperial concubines in the Qing palace dramas who often contradict the queens are simply fictional for the audience rating.

Concubine dare to provoke the queen? A word from the queen can make you enter the cold palace on the spot and never get out.

This system, coupled with Jiang Siming's ability, makes the harem beauties of Ming Dynasty very harmonious.

Not to mention the imperial concubine and others, they have followed Jiang Siming from the very beginning.

Da Qiao Xiao Qiao, Diao Chan Zhen Mi, Fu Shou Dong Xuan, Shang Xiang Yueying.

Except for Yueying who has not yet arrived, the others have become the imperial concubines of Daming.

But it's boring to be in the palace all the time.

Jiang Siming also wanted to see Daming Jiangshan and the people of Li people who had been building for more than a year.

Taking advantage of the fact that the real time was approaching, Jiang Siming announced to the ministers that he was going on tour.

The emperor goes on tour, not private visits on microservices.

The emperor's tour was a big scene, big action.

The number of emperors in the past dynasties will not be less than tens of thousands, and the amount of silver consumed is countless.

Kangxi traveled south for six times and only spent one million taels of silver. He was a real wise and honest king.

His southern tour really worked hard for national affairs.

But his grandson Qianlong is not a thing. He spent more than 10 million taels of silver on a tour in Guangnan, and he was all in the mountains and rivers to eat, drink and have fun.

Kangxi and Yongzheng left him the foundation of his family, but he almost squandered it in a few years, and he was a complete prodigal.

But it can also be seen that the emperor’s tour is no small matter.

At first, the ministers wanted to persuade Jiang Siming to go out on tour, but after thinking about it, the Ming Dynasty is still short of this money.

Besides, it was time for the emperor to see what the Ming Dynasty looked like now, so they all agreed, and they all started preparations.

It is not only necessary to prepare for officials to patrol with the emperor, protect the emperor’s soldiers, horses, concubines, etc., but also to prepare routes, food, clothing, shelter, and active responses from all over the place.

The officials took it as their primary task and began urgent and serious preparations.

Jiang Siming doesn't need to spend any thoughts, just wait to go out and play.

This is the emperor's treatment, so enjoyable~

On the day of the emperor's tour, the entire Chang'an City was empty and alleys came to pay homage to Jiang Siming's holy face.

The guard of honor on the tour was unprecedented. The Ming army alone was escorted by tens of thousands and accompanied by nearly a hundred officials.

And Jiang Siming also took all his imperial concubines and empresses on tour.

Other concubines don't have this treatment, so just stay in the palace.

Back and forth, the scale of nearly 100,000 people started from Chang'an City and went all the way to the south of the Yangtze River.

Along the way, Jiang Siming took his concubines to stay in each city for a few days, admiring the scenery of the city and observing the local people's sentiments.

Jiang Siming found that the cities of Chizhou County that he had visited before had changed drastically.

Along the way, all he saw were the smiling faces of the people, and the ears of wheat and corn stalks were out of sight in the suburbs.

The clothes of the people no longer look like they were tattered more than a year ago. They are all new jackets, and some even wear silk clothes.

The thatched huts I saw before are gone, and every family has a large courtyard with green bricks and green tiles.

The streets are full of wine shops, tea houses, shops, etc.

The road is no longer bumpy, and there are bluestone avenues everywhere.

Everywhere they go, the local people are almost all out of the city, standing in the streets and alleys, to welcome the eternal Mingjun who brought them this flourishing age!

Jiang Siming didn't even bother to look at the seedlings in the fields, and went to the people's homes to see their daily necessities and food.

Xin Xianying, who had always been behind Jiang Siming, was gradually moved by Jiang Siming's actions to love the people.

She thought to herself that the emperor had been a little messy with the exception of the harem, and in all other respects, she was the best she had ever seen.

So when the little girl wrote her daily record, she changed her style again...

After traveling all the way, Jiang Siming was very satisfied with every place.

This was what Jiang Siming saw with his own eyes, and it made him completely relieved.

He was afraid that he stayed in the palace all the time, and everything outside was just lied by the ministers, and the outside was not what he thought it was.

Now, he was finally relieved.

After spending half a month on the tour, Jiang Siming returned to the palace with satisfaction.

Just after returning to the palace, it was time to leave the instance.

Before leaving the copy, Jiang Siming also asked Guo Jia to begin preparations for attacking the country of Japan.

Say yes, the Three Kingdoms will start to fight in other worlds. Since this copy is not over, Jiang Siming is of course willing to keep fighting.

The more magnificent his Ming Dynasty is, the more treasures he can collect from it in the future will naturally increase.

It's getting closer to the World Championship.

Teams from other countries around the world have successively come to China to adapt to the competition venue and local environment in advance.

It's just like the Huaxia team ran in various countries around the world for the game.

This year it was finally their turn to come to China, and the China team was finally comfortable this time, and there was no need to get passports and prepare luggage and food.

Anyway, every time a game goes abroad, it is a torment for the players of the China Team.

It is necessary to play competitions, but also to adapt to the local environment, diet and some folk customs.

Even for fear of unsuitable diets, I had to bring whole boxes of snacks, hot sauce, old godmothers, etc.

These things have to be checked for a long time each time they pass the security check, which is very troublesome.

When he went to London for a game last year, Jiang Siming heard that OMG’s little kelp had two bottles of fermented bean curd in the past, and he was almost taken by the foreign security inspectors as evidence of murder.

He almost didn't detain Xiaohai.

Well now, this time the World Championship will be held in China, Jiaxing PM Internet Cafe.

They can live in their respective clubs slowly until the day of the match is not too late, what they like to eat.

[Author's digression]: Second more.

Today’s state is not very good, and there are still many chapters reviewed. It is really annoying to make sake. Let’s change it twice today. If the state is adjusted, I will make it back tomorrow, everyone, sorry.

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