I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1460: Tang Ru's brain hole~~

Two days before the start of the game, a helicopter from Kyoto was flying to the magic city of Shanghai.

On the helicopter, Bingmei took care of Dongfang Weixi, who was thrilled as a bird out of the cage, sitting across from her.

Today is a half-month appointment with Jiang Siming. She was entrusted by her teacher to send Dongfang Weixi to see Jiang Siming for treatment.

This is also the first time Dongfang Weixi has traveled far, took an airplane, and saw the scenery in such a high sky.

Don't mention Dongfang Weixi's happiness, staring straight out of the window without taking a step.

"It's almost here, Xiao Xi." Bingmei reminded with a smile.

"Will you see Brother Jiang soon?" Dongfang Weixi's eyes were dazzling, and her whole state was much better than before.

Since Jiang Siming treated her body, Dongfang Weixi's state was almost normal.

Although I still can't do strenuous exercise, my pale and sick skin is now a thing of the past, my face is red and my face is full of energy.

In the past half month, except for Dongfang Weixi, Dongfang Su was the happiest, laughing from ear to ear all day long.

Seeing that his granddaughter can no longer be a patient is his greatest wish in the second half of his life.

"Well, you can see him soon." Bingmei answered with a smile.

Dongfang Weixi asked curiously: "Sister Bing, I remember that you used to hate him, how come you don't hate him now?"

The ice beauty was taken aback, and she said: "Am I?"

"Yes, you only need to mention this person's name before, and the tone you use now is completely different."

Bing Mei is a little panicked, does she have it? Is her attitude towards Jiang Siming different?

Why doesn't she know it herself.

But when you think about it, it seems so.

"That's because he really helped our team a lot, and he is still helping you heal the disease. Of course I am very grateful to him."

Bingmei answered very seriously.

Dongfang Weixi pursed his mouth funny, and said, "Sister Bing, I just ask casually, why are you so serious?"

The ice beauty was stunned and wanted to explain, but by this time the helicopter had landed.

She opened her mouth, and in the end she could only skip this topic and took Dongfang Weixi to the manor of Jiang Siming's house.

Along the way, Dongfang Weixi sat in the army's warrior jeep, watching the scenery of Shanghai passing by.

This is the first time she has traveled far. Shanghai is the second city she has seen. She is like Grandma Liu who has entered the Grand View Garden. She is curious about everything.

"Hey, Jiang Group, is this Brother Jiang's company?" Dongfang Weixi asked curiously.

The ice beauty nodded.

Dongfang Weixi was even more pleased to look at the giant standing in the center of the city.

"Brother Jiang's company is so beautiful, sister Bing, can we go in and take a look?" Dongfang Weixi begged.

She actually wanted to see where Jiang Siming worked, thinking that the relationship between Bing Meiren and Jiang Siming should be very good now, and it would be no problem to transfer to the company.

But Bing Meiren showed an embarrassed expression. Wherever she has been to the Jiangshi Mansion, she would never go to Jiang Siming before asking her to go.

And she couldn't bear to refuse Dongfang Weixi's small request, so she simply agreed, turned the front of the car, and drove into the Jiangshi Building.

She thought she could at least get in outside the company, but she was stopped by the security when she arrived at the gate and asked them to show the employee ID.

"We just want to go in and have a look and come out soon." Bing Mei said embarrassingly.

"I'm sorry, madam, unless it is an employee of the group, or has an employee of the group to prove, we can release." Security is very responsible, not because of the beauty of Bingmei.

"Just forget it, sister Bing, let's go." Dongfang Weixi persuaded.

Bingmei can only nod her head, where does she know the employees of the Jiang Group.

She knew the chairman and a wife of the chairman, but Bingmei felt that there was no need for such things to bother others.

So I decided to drive away.

However, at this moment, a beautiful lady mini drove in and saw this scene.

"Do you want to go in?" The girl in the car has black hair and a small purple braid. She is very individual and beautiful.

She felt unusual when she saw the car driven by Bing Beauty, and she saw Bing Beauty and Dongfang Weixi from the window of the car. She thought it was very prestigious, and the other side was not a bad person.

"Well, but we don't have an employee certificate, so we just want to go in for a visit." Bingmei replied embarrassedly.

When the girl heard it, she said carelessly: "Little things, I will take you in!"

After finishing speaking, the girl said to the security guard loyally: "Can I bring these two people in? I sign, and I will be responsible if something goes wrong."

"Of course Mr. Tang can give a guarantee." As soon as the security guard saw the other party, he immediately agreed.

The two cars drove in smoothly and stopped, and Bingmei thanked her.

The girl laughed strangely like Ma Li, but she quickly covered her mouth.

"Sorry, I scared you guys."

Bingmei shook her head, Dongfang Weixi smiled and said, "Sister, you smile so nice~"

The girl was amused and said: "Just for you girl, today I will be your guide and show you around our company!"

After speaking, the girl took Dongfang Weixi and left, making Bingmei stop talking. She didn't expect the other party to be so familiar.

But she was not easy to refuse, so she had to follow along without crying or laughing.

As soon as she entered the company, Bingmei heard that the employees in the company would respectfully yell Mr. Tang whenever they saw this girl.

Bing Mei is a little curious, who is this girl, Mr. Tang? It seems that her status in Jiang Siming's company is not low.

But she had investigated Jiang Siming’s company before, and his company’s important positions were managed by his girlfriends.

Is this girl also Jiang Siming's girlfriend?

"Do you want to apply for a job here? As long as conditions permit, I can help you walk through the back door." Tang Ru asked.

She is not like this usually, mainly because this girl is so prestigious and wants to help them.

Both Bingmei and Dongfang Weixi were embarrassed at the same time.

Dongfang Weixi explained: "Sister, we are not here to apply, we are actually here to find someone."

"I am familiar with finding someone. I will ask the secretary to ask who you are looking for."

"Emm...actually we are looking for your chairman."

"Ah? Looking for President Jiang?" Tang Ru was stunned, and then looked at the Bing Beauty so beautiful, but depending on her age, she should be no more than a few years younger than himself.

The little girl next to her was so young, and Tang Ru naturally made up a scene.

Could it be that the chairman of the board of directors provokes romantic debts outside, which makes the girl's belly bigger and then pats her **** to leave?

After many years, the girl took her daughter to find her father, ready to seize power...

If Jiang Siming were there, he would have admired Tang Ru's brain hole, this kind of brain circuit, it would be a shame not to write a novel with Xia Ran.

[Author's digression]: Today's first update~The review chapter Sake has been reported to the above as much as possible, but it will take a while to process it, and it is expected to be done before noon.

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