I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1461: A misunderstanding

But don't worry, eh, that's what Tang Ru thought at the time.

And this Nizi is a dead-headed person, and she believes that it is difficult to change.

In addition, the ice beauty itself has a somewhat imperial temperament, which made Tang Ru unable to see the specific age.

So the more she watched, the more she felt that she was right.

Although I felt like spitting out Jiang Siming's behavior in my heart, I could rely on the huge favorability of Jiang Siming.

Tang Ru quickly put this little negative emotion behind him, and began to figure out how to suppress this matter.

Let Jiang Siming's image in the company be minimized.

Emm... let my old lady think about it...

"You haven't visited my office yet, let me take you there."

Tang Ru invited.

"No need for Ms. Tang, we just visited the company casually, and now we have finished the tour." Bingmei declined.

"Don't, I have drinks, snacks and tea in my office. I just saw that your license plate is from Kyoto. I must be tired when I come from this far. Come, come, I'll take you to take a break."

After Tang Ru finished speaking, regardless of whether Bingmei answered or not, he pulled Dongfang Weixi and walked in.

Who is the Bing Beauty, a member of the Tian Group, her conditioned reflex felt weird, and she immediately flashed to Tang Ru's side, squeezed her wrist, gently and forcefully.

"His...it hurts..." Tang Ru's pained face turned pale.

"Who are you? What is your purpose?" Bing Mei asked coldly.

Dongfang Weixi is a person she values ​​very much, and she absolutely does not allow anyone to hurt her.

Tang Ru's call for help attracted the attention of the company's employees. Mr. Tang was bullied.

Immediately everyone surrounded Bingmei and Dongfang Weixi, and someone called for security.

"Don't don't, don't call, it's all gone, she was just playing around with me." Tang Ru stopped quickly.

The employees didn't think that Mr. Tang was okay. On the contrary, everyone thought that Mr. Tang had been held hostage, so they were forced to disperse.

The movement quickly made the company know. The nearest Li Yingzi went downstairs and frowned when she saw Bing Beauty holding Tang Ru's hand.

"Madam, you can say something slowly, but can you let go of Mr. Tang first, otherwise we can call the police at any time."

Tang Ru was about to cry, and said to Zhao Xuan quickly: "Mr. Zhao, it's really not what you think it is, this is my fault."

However, Li Yingzi didn't want to believe it either.

At this time, Hundred Billion also came, and she quietly said a few words in Yingzi's ear.

Sakurako remained silent and shouted to the onlookers: "You will all return to your posts first. If nothing to do with you, the employees on this floor will take a break and go downstairs first."

Although I don't know why President Li gave such a strange order, the employees still left obediently.

The entire office building soon left the two onlookers Yingzi Hundred Billion.

"Are you sure?" Li Yingzi asked 100 billion.

Hundreds of billions stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, sister Xuan, you forgot what I have practiced?"

After speaking, Hundred Billion rushed forward, and fought with Bing Mei Ren at a disagreement.

Bing Mei didn't care at first, but as soon as she fought, she was shocked in her heart.

Why is this girl so strong!

Bingmei had to give up Tang Ru and began to fight against Hundred Billion.

Tang Ru looked stunned from the side, but he didn't expect that President Hundred Billion was still a master of martial arts! God!

Hundreds of billions are fire attributes, and she has practiced the "Suzaku Heart Sutra", but unfortunately her practice time is too short, and her strength is still very low.

Moreover, there is very little actual combat experience, how can it be compared with the old rivers and lakes like the ice beauty who licks blood with the tip of a knife.

After fighting for a while, Hundred Billion was shaken back several steps by the internal force of the ice beauty.

But when she found out that the other party hadn't beaten her cruelly, she didn't intend to force a fight.

"Hundreds of billions, what's wrong with you?" Li Yingzi cared.

Thousands of billions smiled bitterly and stuck out his tongue, saying: "I am still not good at learning. I only learned what my husband taught me. I thought I was very good. I didn't expect to encounter hard stubble."

At this time, sisters Qi Muxin and Qi Muqing also came down and took a look at the scene.

"It's okay, Sister Hundred Billion, our two sisters will also help you."

Qi Muxin was eager to try. She and her sister are both of wood attributes, and the one who cultivated was the [Tai Shang Fan Jing Jue] that Jiang Siming found.

Although the strength is definitely not as good as the early cultivation and the high fire attribute power of hundreds of billions, they are also members of the small cultivator, which cannot be underestimated.

Bing Mei frowned when she looked at these two sisters, she really couldn't understand.

Why do these two people also have the same aura fluctuations in their bodies as Shengxue.

This kind of breath can never be internal force.

The strength of just 100 billion has exceeded his expectations, and now there are two helpers, this company is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Qi Muxin couldn't help it anymore, but he was dragged back by 100 billion just two steps.

"Don't make trouble, they are really masters, you may be beaten and cry when you go up."

When they were fighting downstairs, Zhao Xuan called Jiang Siming to be on the safe side.

When Jiang Siming heard that his wives were being bullied at the company, they all started fighting.

With Zhao Xuan hanging up the phone, Jiang Siming was already there.

Jiang Siming's sudden arrival made the scene that was still a little stiff suddenly quiet.

"What's going on, is it all right?" Jiang Siming first asked hundreds of billions of them. Of course, his girlfriend should care for the first time.

Hundred Billion shook his head with a smile: "It's okay, it seems like a misunderstanding."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Siming looked at Bingmei and Dongfang Weixi, and asked incomprehensibly: "Why did you come to our company?"

The ice beauty was dumb, Dongfang Weixi immediately explained: "Brother Jiang, sister Bing took me here. I said I wanted to go in and have a look. Sister Bing took me in. This sister introduced me in, but she is so strange, no Pulling me to her office, sister Bing thought I was in danger, so she stopped her."

Jiang Siming followed Dongfang Weixi's gaze and saw Tang Ru.

Tang Ru looked embarrassed, lowered his head faintly, and said weakly: "Chairman, I don't know that they... are your friends, I thought they... are..."

"What is it?" Qi Muxin asked curiously.

Tang Ru was helpless and had to confess: "I thought they were the former romantic debts of the chairman. I thought this lady brought her daughter to the company to find the chairman to make trouble, so I wanted to take them to my office. Talk privately..."

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized that feelings are like this.

Bingmei’s expression is subtle. This girl actually sees her as a young woman with children. Is she so young, even if she has children, Wei Xi is how old...

Once I said it, I understood it all. It was all a misunderstanding, caused by Tang Ru's peculiar brain.

Of course, Jiang Siming didn't mean to blame Tang Ru. He was thinking about it for his own sake.

Besides, even if it was her problem, Jiang Siming would protect her.


[Author's digression]: Second more~~

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