I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1482: Hello, uncle and aunt~

It just so happens that these days is the May Day holiday, so I can take my girlfriends home.

This idea hovered in Jiang Siming's head for a second before being finalized.

After returning home, after Jiang Siming told the wife of the family, the reactions of the women were surprisingly consistent.

That is, nervous... looking forward to... starting to think about it...

"Yeah! Can I go to my father's house? Haha, I'm so happy~"

To say that the only one who is not nervous is Zhao Xiaoxiao.

Her mothers can't be heartless like her, most of them are parents who have never met Jiang Siming.

Not to mention that so many people went together.

"There are so many of us... will it scare uncles and aunts?" Zhao Xuan, as the eldest sister in the family, couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Jiang Siming smiled and hugged her jade shoulders, and said, "Don't worry, you haven't read the various news about me in the past two days. My parents have seen it a long time ago, and they called me and scolded me. It."

"Huh? Scolding you?" Zhao Xuan was startled.

"Yes, scold me why didn't you tell them earlier, scold me why didn't you take you to see them." Jiang Siming replied.

Zhao Xuan smiled, and the matter was settled.

Of course they also want to meet their parents-in-laws.

Once the decision is made, then just go.

The whole family started packing up. This time I went to Yunnan. It is estimated that it will take two days. By the way, I will take a look at the planting base.

Originally, Jiang Siming wanted to use the wormhole to go directly, but considering that there are too many people, he is afraid of attracting attention, so think about it and forget it.

It's not bad to go by private jet, just as a family outing on May Day.

The decision made in the morning, the whole family set off at noon.

I boarded my private jet and took off from the sky of the magic city at noon that day.

This private jet is also so lively for the first time.

The flight attendants originally recruited from various countries had good looks, but when the girlfriends came, they all became green leaves for setting off, and they looked so inconspicuous.

The most fearful thing about beauty is being compared.

Jiang Siming was sitting on the sofa at the front of the cabin, looking at the piece of Yingying and Yanyan in front, he couldn't help but feel a little proud.

Take a look, take a good look, this is the country I have laid down over the past year~

"Comrade Jiang, don't look at your daughter-in-law, just take a look, would grandpa and grandma like my clothes?"

A pair of thin little hands shook in front of Jiang Siming's eyes, interrupting Jiang Siming's mood when he looked at "Jiangshan".

Turning his eyes, Zhao Xiaoxiao stood in front of him pretty, wearing a well-behaved princess dress, and her hair was combed like a good-looking girl.

At first glance, Jiang Siming thought it was another child.

When did Zhao Xiaoxiao be so well-behaved? How about this dressed, lively little angel.

"You don't have to dress like this when you go to see your grandparents." Jiang Siming said dubiously.

Zhao Xiaoxiao was very serious, and said: "Of course, if they know that I am your daughter, they will be very surprised. It's hard to say whether they accept it or not. I shouldn't dress up to make them happy."

Jiang Siming smiled, touched Zhao Xiaoxiao's little face, and said, "Don't worry, your grandparents and your grandparents will all like you very much."

"Really, hee hee, that's good, I'll go and tie a little braid again, so that it looks better."

Zhao Xiaoxiao was always happy when he heard Jiang Siming say that, and went to the back to toss himself again.

Jiang Siming shook his head helplessly. When did this girl watch her care about something so much?

Thinking of this, because he was afraid that his parents would be really scared, Jiang Siming took his cell phone and called home.

His private jet, signal network has everything.

When Jiang Siming's mother answered the phone, she was always happy when she heard that her son was bringing many girls home.

"Son, don't worry. There are so many rooms in the house, haha, I will go shopping with your dad."

"That mom, what if my dad wants to teach me?" Jiang Siming began to get vaccinated first, so as not to get home and be scolded by his dad.

"He dare! If he Jiang Shaoqing has the courage, see if I don't beat him, don't worry, son, just come back." Jiang's mother promised.

Jiang Siming was relieved, and smiled at Mother Jiang: "Mom, just buy vegetables, don't cook, wait for your daughter-in-laws to cook for you, and let them go home and perform well. ."

"Really? How can it be done? My daughter-in-law is here for the first time. How can I let them cook? So, tomorrow, tomorrow I will try my daughter-in-law's craftsmanship."

"Okay, no problem." Jiang Siming agreed happily.

Get your mom done, then there will be no worries, Jiang Siming began to take a nap on the sofa.

After more than three hours of flying, the plane finally arrived at Yunnan Airport.

This time Jiang Siming didn't let his father and the others come to pick him up. After all, he had too much lace news recently, and he was afraid that his parents would also be affected.

As soon as they arrived at the airport, they took their own car and walked directly from the airport corridor. This time they were all dispatched. One car was not enough. Jiang Siming drove out his RV and Lincoln.

This is enough to accommodate a family, and set off to Nantian Town.

As soon as the car drove into the town, the people in the town had already guessed that Jiang Siming must have returned.

Because no one in town has such a luxurious car, many of them have never seen this kind of car in their lives.

As soon as Jiang Siming came back, it became a hot topic among the townspeople.

The richest man is back, and this time the richest man has set up a planting base in Nantian, he should be planning to come back to see the base.

Now everyone in Nantian Town dreamed of working in the base, and Jiang Siming's salary was too generous.

But Jiang Siming didn't have time to discuss this with them for the time being, and the two cars drove straight into his large yard.

It was also because I was afraid that the current mobile phone shooting was too powerful, so when I entered the yard, Dad Jiang knew how to close the door.

With the high wall currently built in his house, the door cannot be seen inside.

Phew, it's home!

Jiang Siming heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that this is how good it is with the ancient times in the copy of the Three Kingdoms, and there is nothing to worry about.

But he wasn't afraid or complaining, this kind of thing would happen sooner or later.

Jiang Siming got out of the car for the first time, and then Zhao Xuan and others got out of the car one after another, stepping on the land of Jiang Siming's hometown for the first time.

The father and mother Jiang who looked outside the car was stunned, both of them were counting: one, two, three... twelve... eighteen...

The count made them both dizzy.

They can still accept three or four during the New Year, and now this...how many, they can't count for half a day.

And one is better than one, and one is more beautiful.

Jiang's mother was very satisfied with every girl, and she laughed when she saw her crow's feet.

"Hello, uncle and aunt."

All the girlfriends got off the car and shouted in unison to Jiang's father and mother.

This effect, dearly, is too shocking...


[Author's digression]: The second one~~My mother was sent to farm work on May 1st, the update was a bit late, sorry~Sake just came back from the field (crying)~

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