I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1483: Planting base


Jiang Dad and Jiang Ma can count clearly, there are 21 girls in all.

All are pretty.

In fact, Nancy was not there.

Except for Sakurako, Zhirou, Ishihara and Irene, they have seen each other for the first time.

Strange and familiar, and kind.

At first glance, the two couples feel that they should be their daughter-in-laws!

"Well, well, it's hard to fly by plane, go in and sit in." Mom was very happy.

I haven't seen my son for a few months from the New Year to the present, and this meeting gave her such a big surprise.

With so many daughters-in-laws, what my mother saw was a scene full of children and grandchildren.

"Grandpa and grandma are good~" Another figure jumped up in the car.

The ‘behaved’ Zhao Xiaoxiao got out of the car shyly.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother were all taken aback.

Jiang Siming quickly explained and said, "This is Zhao Xiaoxiao, my goddaughter. Wasn't Wanwan what I told you before."

"Oh! I remember, this is Xiaoxiao, she looks so beautiful!"

Jiang's mother heard that she was the son's goddaughter, who loved Wu and Wu.

Coupled with Zhao Xiaoxiao's ‘bewitching’ appearance and dress, how can the old man be able to stand it?

Isn't this the child of someone else's family in the legend, it can't be painful.

Even Dad Jiang couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction with Zhao Xiaoxiao. His son had a good vision, and the goddaughter he knew was really good-looking and good-looking.

Much better than his Wanwan.

Ahem... Dad Jiang didn't dare to tell Jiang Wanwan about this, otherwise his daughter might be about to rebel.

"Xiaoxiao! Come here soon!" Jiang Wanwan was naturally there, but she had been to Shanghai and had seen such battles earlier, so she acted calmly and became good friends with Xiaoxiao.

"Aunt~" Zhao Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly and ran towards Jiang Wanwan.

Jiang Dad and Jiang's Ma were a little dizzy. The two little girls looked about the same size, and Zhao Xiaoxiao seemed to develop much faster than Jiang Wanwan.

Even the height is much taller than Jiang Wanwan, why Zhao Xiaoxiao still calls her aunt.

But when I think about it, Zhao Xiaoxiao is Jiang Siming's daughter, so according to seniority...it seems to be called that.

Forget it, what the child likes to call it.

These 21 girls are the key right now, they are all the daughters-in-law of the Jiang family!

At the greeting of Jiang's mother, everyone entered the house together.

There were grandparents sitting in the room, and Zhao Xuan and the others screamed hard and introduced themselves.

Of course the grandparents had nothing to say. The two elders covered their mouths and smiled, looking forward to Jiang Siming's return with their grandson this year.

Then came the four sacred beasts that Jiang Siming had brought, but he didn't dare to leave them at home, otherwise the house would have to be turned upside down, so they were all brought.

"Why have you raised a deer?" Dad Jiang stared at the reindeer A Qiao, and suddenly smiled like a chef.

A Qiao was originally timid, and when Dad Jiang saw this, he was so scared that he rushed into Xiangxiang's arms.

Jiang Siming laughed and said, "Dad, you are scared, A Qiao has little courage."

After hearing this, Dad Jiang said angrily: "I thought you brought it back to cook for us."

With this said, A Qiao, the little doe, did not dare to come out of Xiangxiang's arms.

Xiangxiang patted it on the shoulder to show comfort, as if saying: sister, it's okay, sister is a national treasure, there is a sister, no one dares to eat you.

In the evening, four large tables were set up at home.

After all, Jiang Siming came back suddenly, and his parents didn't have time to customize the super-large table like his home. They had to set up two more tables.

Just cooking, Jiang's mother did not work less.

Xinyi and the others wanted to help, but Jiang Ma said nothing to let them work as soon as they got home.

So they had no choice but to do other tasks, such as serving dishes, placing dishes, and tidying up.

In short, they will rush to work if they have a job.

This was not taught by Jiang Siming, nor did they deliberately show it to Jiang Dad and Jiang Ma.

In fact, it's always like this at home, no one is lazy and never quarrels over any trivial matters.

This is why Jiang Siming's family has always been so harmonious.

No one would be a princess or a eldest lady at home, and even Nancy spent two days studying hard to do housework.

A simple family dinner tastes like a banquet in the countryside.

The reason is that there are too many people (laughing and crying).

After dinner, the sky is still bright. It is dark late in summer and Yunnan's latitude and longitude are low, so it usually gets dark until eight o'clock.

Taking advantage of dawn, Dad Jiang drove Jiang Siming to the base for a round.

Because Zhao Xuan and Qin Yiyi are the presidents of Fu Xi and Pharmaceutical Company, they are very concerned about the production of raw materials.

This is directly linked to their company performance, so the two women said to follow along.

Jiang Siming naturally agreed and got in his father's car.

Dad Jiang drove. Jiang Siming wanted to take the co-driver, but his mother wanted to go, so the co-driver gave her to her, and he took the two beautiful daughter-in-laws and sat in the back.

Seeing from the rearview mirror that his son was hugging the two girls, the two girls had no opinion at all, instead they all leaned in Jiang Siming's arms.

This made Dad Jiang wonder if he was too old to keep up with the thinking and three views of young people now.

How did this kid do it so that so many girls willingly follow him?

Forget it, he didn't bother to think about it.

Dad Jiang shook his head and concentrated on doing his'driver' job.

Jiang's mother chatted with Zhao Xuan and Yiyi from time to time, chatting about daily routines.

Driving all the way to the planting base, Jiang Siming opened his eyes to the sight in front of him.

I have never seen such a large planting area, more than ten times larger than that of Chongming Island at that time!

A vast expanse of soil between green mountains and green waters.

All buildings and designs are based on Jiang Siming's design drawings.

Looking at the drawings is completely different from the real scene.

Such a large place is enough to grow any medicinal materials and plants.

Jiang Siming walked in with Zhao Xuan and Qin Yiyi, exclaiming from time to time.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother all smiled proudly. Look, now it is his son who marvels at our achievements.

They used to be surprised by the surprise Jiang Siming brought to them.

Now it's so rare to turn it around once, and the two of them are not too proud.

Jiang Siming and the two women visited the entire plantation, modern equipment, high-end constant temperature central system, and comprehensive and strict management.

There are cameras and Skynet systems everywhere, and you can contact the police station at any time. Whenever a thief is found, the police will arrive as soon as possible.

Jiang Siming also went to see the rear farm, which was also very meticulous and serious.

His design is the key, but it is also inseparable from the supervision of my parents. They come here every day to supervise the process.

Otherwise, it won't be built so soon.

For example, Xiaoyangshan Port, which is cooperating with Ali Ma, has not been built yet.

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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