I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1485: Nantengyo

When Jiang Shaoqing's car drove over, the scene became more noisy, which meant that recruitment was about to begin.

Seeing such a noisy and chaotic scene, Jiang Siming calmly rolled down the car window and said to everyone:

"Dear folks, if you come to recruit, please line up and do things in order. If there is a jump in the line, noisy, or crowdedness caused by disobeying the police's advice, the company will not accept it."

As soon as Jiang Siming finished speaking, the scene immediately became quiet, and everyone began to line up in an orderly manner.

The police breathed a sigh of relief, and it was really useful if Jiang Siming came forward.

Don't look at Jiang Siming's seniority may be smaller than the people in line here, but who dares to say nothing to him now?

"Thank you for your cooperation." Jiang Siming did not forget to thank everyone.

The folks who had felt a little shameless all smiled suddenly.

The car was parked in the compound parking lot, and Jiang Siming led Zhao Xiaoxiao out of the car.

Everyone who saw Zhao Xiaoxiao was amazed by this beautiful young girl full of aura.

Many young boys who came here to join in the fun became nervous and blushed when they saw Zhao Xiaoxiao, and even found that Zhao Xiaoxiao's eyes swept over and dared not look at her.

If Zhao Xiaoxiao is really from Nantian Town, it will definitely be the future town flower of Nantian Town~

Everyone was a little curious about Jiang Siming's relationship with this little girl.

But despite the curiosity, no one dared to ask.

Jiang Siming took Zhao Xiaoxiao's hand and walked into the ZF compound of the town, where there were already many employees of the Jiang Group.

"Hello, Chairman!"

These glamorous people dressed in formal attire, in the eyes of the villagers are all upper-class personnel, when they see Jiang Siming, they have to call the chairman.

This also deepened everyone's impression of Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming nodded at them with a smile, and said, "I'm just a supervisor. What should you do? Just follow the procedures."

"Yes, chairman."

Jiang Siming took Zhao Xiaoxiao and sat down at a nearby table.

"Dad, don't stand, come and sit." Jiang Siming waved towards Dad Jiang.

Dad Jiang smiled and sat down. When he sat down, his old man cleared his throat, straightened his waist, and assumed a business-like appearance.

Seeing Jiang Siming and Zhao Xiaoxiao both cover their mouths and laugh.

"Mr. Jiang, can you start?" At this time, the deputy mayor of the town ZF came over and asked Jiang Siming politely.

"Of course, let's start, don't delay the time of the folks." Jiang Siming nodded.

Recruitment will officially begin!

Behind the desks of more than a dozen people in the human resources department, there were long queues, and everyone came forward to apply.

In fact, Jiang Siming has put the conditions very low, but anyone who is healthy and able to do physical work and has no bad habits and is clean and clean can apply for the job.

So basically ten applicants can get around seven. This recruitment rate is already very high.

The folks who successfully applied for the job were all happily, and they did not forget to come over to thank Jiang Siming after finishing the job. Then they sat in the area where the job was successful and waited for the next arrangement.

But there are also unsuccessful ones, like the very old ones, who have problems with walking, and Jiang Siming can't recruit them.

After all, he is not here to do charity, he wants to recruit employees, you are even a problem with actions, how can you be able to do a job.

Although the people who failed were a bit discouraged, most of them could understand. Most of them shook their heads and sighed, then left.

Several elderly people will look at Jiang Shaoqing, who is Jiang Siming's father, with help-seeking eyes.

When Dad Jiang was looked at like this, his heart began to soften.

"Son, this is your cousin's second uncle. He used to help me with our family."

"Son, this is the grandfather of the fourth mother's house next door. I used to have a good relationship with your grandfather, or..."


Good guy, Jiang Siming completely understands why his mother asked him to sit down.

If Dad Jiang is really allowed to come by himself, he must take it all.

"Dad, you can sit with peace of mind. We are recruiting employees. We are not looking for relatives. We can't work or can't work. If you hire them, our plantation will become a nursing home in the future." Jiang Siming whispered to Jiang. Dad explained.

An unbearable expression appeared on Dad Jiang's face, but in the end he stopped talking because of his son.

"Hello... I am... here to apply." A sloppy-dressed man who resembled Jiang Si's next year walked up to a nearby HR employee and said restrainedly.

Jiang Siming was slightly surprised when he saw him. He didn't expect that this person was still in the southern sky. He thought he was dead.

This person is actually the "Brother Tree" in many villages, and anyone who has seen "Hello, Mr. Tree" can understand.

Every village in each place actually has a "Brother Tree". If you haven't found it, you may be Brother Tree.

This is the tree brother in Nantian Town. He was always the last one in the school when he was in elementary school. He was mentally disabled so he didn't even go to high school.

Wandering around the town every day, no one of his peers likes to play with him, and no one looks at him.

He wanted to join the team of his peers, but he was the most inconspicuous and neglected every time.

Anything you say is regarded as air.

People are light-spoken, dispensable, and can't be used to describe the image of "Brother Tree".

Jiang Siming had never discriminated against him, but he hadn't communicated with him much. He didn't even know his name, only knew that he was called Niuzi.

He was just a little surprised, because Jiang Siming hadn't seen him for many years and thought he was gone.

The staff of the personnel department also quickly noticed that the other party seemed to have an intellectual deficiency, and then took a few very simple intellectual problems.

However, the other party couldn't answer a word.

Instead, the yard was full of laughter.

Seeing everyone laughing, he was even more at a loss, his face blushing.

"Sorry sir, your condition does not meet our recruitment standards." The staff of the personnel department can only reply to him politely.

Hearing the failure, Niuzi was a little dejected, and turned around to leave.

Jiang Siming watched him leave, turned his head and asked the deputy mayor next to him: "Is there still a cleaning job in our town, such as sweeping the streets and taking out the garbage."

"This is, what does Mr. Jiang mean?"

"If you have time to send someone to ask him, if you want to, don't want to do it, let him arrange a simple job if you like, it's not good to keep swaying in the town like this," Jiang Siming said.

He is not a good person, let alone a good old person, he just feels that he is of the same age as his hometown.

The other party is also a person who has never done anything bad, and should not be treated like this and in life.

He really couldn't bear to watch him continue like this, maybe one day he would starve to death in which street.

His plantation does not need such a person, but Jiang Siming thinks he can still do it by sweeping the floor and cleaning the town's hygiene.

Think of it as doing a good deed.


[Author's digression]: Second more ~ ​​farm work, farm work, endless farm work (crying)

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