I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1486: Troublesome

After this episode, the compound continued to recruit.

Although the application rate is high, not everyone who fails can face it calmly. If this is not the case, there will be dissatisfied people.

"What do you mean, why can't I apply successfully? I'm only fifty-four years old! Someone with arms and legs!"

"Sorry sir, we checked your file. You have three criminal acts of theft, so we cannot hire you."

"You are discrimination! I have not stolen yours for stealing things. Besides, I have been in jail three times. I haven't been to jail for more than half a year. Why don't you recruit me!"

The person who was talking was at the recruitment desk next door, a middle-aged man with a thin black beard and a black skin.

Seeing him, Dad Jiang frowned and muttered: "Why is he here?"

"Dad, who?" Jiang Siming asked curiously.

"Oh, a rascal, his grandfather and your grandfather were brothers before, but his grandfather has passed away a long time ago, this man is so lazy, he often steals things and has been in jail several times."

After hearing this, Jiang Siming nodded, but he was not interested to know anymore. He didn't admit that he had anything to do with him.

"Sorry sir, the personnel we recruit must be innocent and decent. This is the most basic." Of course, the personnel in the personnel department would not agree.

"Fuck your mother! Do you know who Lao Tzu is? Jiang Shaoqing must call me brother by seniority!"

After speaking, this person walked towards Dad Jiang.

"Young youth, you won't forget your brother?" The man walked over arbitrarily and said to Dad Jiang.

Dad Jiang didn't answer the call, nor didn't he answer it. He was in a dilemma.

In the end, he could only pull out a little smile and said, "Heizi, you have to..."

Before Dad Jiang finished speaking, the man slapped the table and shouted: "What do you call me! You have to call me black brother! If you don't develop, forget your ancestor!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao was the first one to look down. He picked up the water on the table and splashed it on the man's face.

"Damn, you little kid dare to splash me, see if I won't fan you!"

The man slapped his hand and slapped Zhao Xiaoxiao.

Not to mention whether he could get to Zhao Xiaoxiao, one hand had already intercepted his wrist in advance.

This person only felt that the hand that was fanning out seemed to be clamped by iron tongs, and he couldn't move anything.

Looking up again, he found that Jiang Siming was holding his hand.

"Jiang Siming, right? What do you want to do? Do you know if you have to call me uncle in terms of seniority?"

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "According to you, you and the old T in the United States may also be relatives, because tens of millions of years ago, your ancient ancestors and old special ancestors were apes, do you have to go? Want him to be a vice president?"

After hearing this, the man turned black and said: "What do you mean? Do you look down on me?"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Siming was never a polite person, so he replied on the spot: "Yes, you just know that, when did I say I value you?"

This person did not expect that Jiang Siming was so shameless, his face turned blue on the spot.

"The stinky boy has no tutor. That's what Jiang Shaoqing did you teach your son?" This person couldn't talk about Jiang Siming, so he could only take Dad Jiang out of the pot.

Dad Jiang was already completely angry at this time. If he just frustrated himself, he might just forget the previous relationship between his father and his father.

But this man was fighting his son and wanted to beat his granddaughter. He absolutely couldn't accept it.

"Do you need to worry about how I teach my son? A person like you is worthy of my brother? There is only one brother, and the other Lao Tzu never recognizes! What should you do!"

Dad Jiang also broke out, angering the other party.

Zhao Xiaoxiao smiled and said to Dad Jiang: "Grandpa, you are too domineering! You did a great job!"

Dad Jiang smiled kindly and took Zhao Xiaoxiao to sit down again, leaving the rest to his son.

"Okay, very good, Jiang Shaoqing, I remember you! You definitely have no good fruit!"

When Jiang Siming heard these words, his original intention to coax him changed instantly, and even the look in his eyes changed.

His attitude towards the enemy has always been only one principle.

He is the most annoyed by the villain.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming's fingers holding his wrist moved slightly without noticing it, and then he sent his hand away, allowing him to yell and leave.

"Son, this person may want to retaliate against us, so be careful." Dad Jiang said worriedly.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Don't worry, Dad, I will let the police stare at him if this kind of villain can't get up."

When Dad Jiang heard this, he was relieved.

The scene was delayed for a while because of this episode, and then Jiang Siming shouted to continue, and the recruitment started again.

But no one dared to make trouble anymore, and even if they failed to apply for the job, they didn't dare to scream if they were holding a little bit of someone who had something to do with Jiang Siming's family, and left honestly.

The recruitment lasted from the morning until noon, and finally ended.

Employees from the personnel department came to report that they had recruited more than 5,000 people and asked if Jiang Siming needed to cut some of them.

Because Jiang Siming had previously expected to recruit only 3,000 people, but he did not expect that there were too many applicants today, so the number of recruits far exceeded the plan.

Those five thousand successful people who stood by their hearts trembled and looked at Jiang Siming nervously.

Jiang Siming thought about it a little bit, and said, "No, more than five thousand is more than five thousand. Our plantations and farms are very large. Maybe these people are not enough. They may need to recruit again in the future. ."

"Good chairman." The employee nodded.

Everyone was relieved.

Jiang Siming walked up to them and said with a smile: "Many of you may be older than me in terms of age and seniority, but since you are willing to work in our company, it is best for you to forget that age and seniority. Go, don’t be like the one just now, it’s difficult for everyone, right?"

Everyone nodded their heads and understood Jiang Siming very well.

There is a chairman of the board, should you call you uncles or aunts if you invite you to work for you?

"Since you have successfully applied for the job, you are all my employees. I hope that everyone must obey the company system and the social system. Once I find that the law is violated, I will kick him out without mercy. Don't say that my fellow child is not affectionate."

Jiang Siming is blunt, saying one thing, it’s better to vaccinate everyone first than to wait until someone deliberately make trouble when they are actually working.

When the boss is weak, employees will ride on your head, so be sure to put it on when it's time to put on airs.

Especially when the recruits are from the same township and township, this kind of thing is more common.

Like the overcoat brother Zhu Zhiwen, he became famous by singing. After he became famous, because he was so easy to talk, the villagers owed them all kinds of difficulties like Zhu Zhiwen.

Even for the sake of arrogantly kicking someone's door, he would never say a word when I kicked his door.

Wait, these words, these things, this behavior.

Jiang Siming is absolutely not allowed to see, let alone tolerate it.

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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