I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1506: Vegetable market

Now that Qin Yiyi had promised to cook her food, Jiang Siming couldn't favor one another, and asked the other girlfriends what they wanted to eat.

Finally, after asking, a menu was listed, with a total of more than 20 dishes.

No way, who has more members in the family, big family, that's it.

In the afternoon, Mr. Tangtang Jiang also didn't care about being idle in the company, so he should go shopping and cooking first.

Fortunately, it was Babot who drove over today, a special cart for grocery shopping at home (cover his face).

After getting in the car, Jiang Siming hurried to the vegetable market.

Occasionally going out to buy vegetables to cook for his wives, Jiang Siming really feels very happy.

Because some of the dishes ordered by the daughters-in-law were not available in the supermarket, Jiang Siming went straight to the vegetable market that he used to visit.

There were not too many people when I got there, but there were many vegetable farmers.

What made Jiang Siming a headache was that many small stall owners put their dishes on both sides of the driveway.

In fact, none of these small stall owners have any stalls, so they put their vegetables outside the vegetable market to sell.

But this takes up the road to a large extent, making it inconvenient for passing cars.

The car is okay, but a bigger car like Jiang Siming can't get through at all.

No matter how good his driving skills are, he can't drive in upright if the road is not wide enough.

I had to roll down the car window and shouted to the vegetable farmers: "Uncle and aunt, please move the ground, I can't get past the car."

Most vegetable farmers are still very reasonable. Knowing that they are indeed blocking their way, they move the vegetable stall inside.

But sometimes, you will encounter that kind of unreasonable.

The others moved, just a fishmonger uncle, motionless, ignoring Jiang Siming at all.

Jiang Siming said two more politely to him, and the other party dropped another one.

"Unless I buy all my fish, otherwise you will have a kind of direct pressure." The uncle sneered.

Jiang Siming understood that the other side of the relationship regarded him as a stupid big money, and wanted to squander the money.

If this person has a good attitude, he just needs a few fish.

My family’s Meiyu has been eaten a long time ago, and now we can only wait for the seedlings of Meiyu to grow up again.

So if this person lets him over, he might really collect all these fish.

But now, Jiang Siming's choice is to drive!

Without saying more, Jiang Siming restarted the car and smashed into the fish stall.

In fact, Jiang Siming still endured it, but slightly pushed his fish stall back a bit, and did not hurt his stall.

But this unreasonable uncle was not happy, and he smashed Jiang Siming's car door with a shoulder pole, swearing in his mouth.

Such people are obviously accustomed to rampant domineering, and the older the bad guys, the more hateful they are.

And the uncle hasn't stopped, as if he was very upset that Jiang Siming didn't buy his fish, and he smashed it again and again.

Jiang Siming stopped the car and got out of the car, looking at the old man coldly.

The old man was stared at by this look, cold sweat broke out all over, and the hand holding the pole did not consciously tighten a bit.

The vegetable market was already crowded, and soon it was surrounded by people.

The police thought that something was wrong, and rushed over immediately.

"He hit my fish stall!"

As soon as the police arrived, the uncle began to complain first.

Fortunately, there are still many justice people. Immediately there were witnesses who said that it was the uncle who refused to give way and wanted to ruin others.

When the police heard the two-faced words, they had to call the surveillance of the vegetable market first.

It is clear at a glance who is reasonable and who is not. What's more, the location of this old man's stall is inherently illegal.

The police immediately criticized and educated the old man. Fearing that he would be punished, the old man burst into tears and began to sell him miserably.

The people around were a little unbearable, after all, they were old people.

Some people persuaded Jiang Siming to forget, and persuaded him to be generous.

The police also looked at Jiang Siming, and apparently hoped that he could make things smaller.

"I will close the stall, I will close the stall, I will not put it here."

Thinking that he had escaped, the old man was ecstatic and started to close the stall.

"Who allowed you to go?"

Jiang Siming spoke suddenly.

The old man stopped moving.

"What about the energy that smashed my car and scolded me? Are you pretending to be pitiful here now?"

After Jiang Siming turned on the phone, Xiaoxian played the recording perfectly.

On the phone, the old man cursed and even cursed Jiang Siming's parents, all kinds of ugly words appeared endlessly.

Many passersby couldn't listen anymore, no wonder the young man didn't forgive him.

Don’t persuade others to be generous!

"If you want to close the stall, you can, my car, let's talk about it if you lose it."

The old man obviously didn't want to lose money, so he wanted to go hard, but he was stopped by the police.

"You smashed someone's car, so you should pay for it, or you can come with us."

"Pay it! How much!"

The old man wants to save face until he can't sell it, so he can only put on his stubbornness.

"I won't wrong you, the police comrades are so knowledgeable, let them see how much my car is going to pay, or you can ask someone from a car repair shop."

Jiang Siming replied calmly.

The police stepped forward to look and said to the uncle: "We have seen the uncle. The maintenance fee for this car is at least 200,000 yuan."

"What? I won't give it! I have no money!"

As soon as the uncle heard that, the hard spirit disappeared, and he even started to sit on the floor and play tricks like a shrew.

Jiang Siming shook his head ridiculously. If a person lives at this age and still has such a virtue, he is really not worthy of being an individual!

You can be poor, but you must be spine.

Being poor is not terrible. The most terrifying thing is that being poor is not yet a lower limit. Such people are the most ridiculous and the most pathetic.

But for such a poor person, Jiang Siming did not say to let him.

Today, if a certain uncle accidentally crashes his car, Jiang Siming will definitely not make any calculations or make the other party lose a penny.

But this uncle, Jiang Siming can tell him clearly, don't even think about it, you can't afford to lose a penny!

Don't think that you can be unscrupulous when you are old. Being old is not your umbrella!

Jiang Siming took out the phone and still called the Legal Department. He didn't want to waste time here, and then took pictures of the car damage.

Before long, the company's lawyer came over.

"Comrade police, I have full powers over this matter to my attorney. He will handle all of this. I have something to do. Let's go."

After speaking, Jiang Siming got on the car again and drove into the vegetable market.

When the police saw that they had all found lawyers, it was obviously impossible for civil mediation in this matter, and the uncle could only be taken back by force.

The police also don't like this kind of person very much. You think you want to cheat because of your old age, and you can really get along with someone who is good at talking.

But unfortunately, he had very bad luck today and met a pretty stiff guy! Ask for more blessings.

When Jiang Siming returned from the vegetable market after buying vegetables, the uncle and the policeman at the door were gone.

Obviously, they all went to the clinic to adjust. Not long after, the lawyer called Jiang Siming. The old man was in the clinic. He was too angry and had a heart attack. He is now sent to the hospital.

The lawyer asked Jiang Siming's opinion, should he forget it or?


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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