I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1507: It's going to have a concert!

The reply Jiang Siming gave was of course... impossible to forget.

His illness has something to do with me. If he can escape responsibility if he is sick, wouldn't patients in this world be allowed to kill?

Even if the old man is dead today, he has to make reasonable compensation!

Jiang Siming gave these words to the company's lawyers intact, and the lawyers understood after listening.

Whether you are sick or not, the compensation is over.

When the wives came home from get off work, at the dinner table, Jiang Siming told them the same thing as funny.

All the women did not hesitate to support Jiang Siming. They must do this to support her husband!

Even Xinyi and Zhirou, who have always been gentle and kind, believe that compensation is necessary, and they must not be soft-hearted because the other party is sick or old.

Jiang Siming also suddenly discovered that the wives' personalities seemed to follow him more and more, and his views on the treatment of injustice were almost the same.

It deserves to sleep on a bed, um, it’s nice~

I heard that in the end the old man entered the hospital, and he also transferred the responsibility for his illness to Jiang Siming and asked him to pay for the medical expenses.

Even the police couldn't stand it anymore, and they forced to contact his family members, and they paid two hundred and fifty thousand dollars before they were willing to let them go.

I heard that when the money was paid, the old man’s family almost vomited blood, and somehow lost more than 200,000 yuan.

The reason was actually such a trivial matter, and the family members were so close that the old man was out of anger and went to the hospital together.

The money was lost, the police also left after criticizing and educating, and the lawyer went back early.

As for this old man's heart disease? Take care of yourself, and want to pay for medical expenses, pay a fart!

It's time to teach this kind of people a deep lesson. Now there are more and more elderly people like this.

Jiang Siming was also very satisfied with the result of this treatment, except for the old man and his family, everyone else was very happy.

At night, a rare weekend, Jiang Siming naturally refused to let go of this wonderful moment of'making a baby'.

The next day, all the girlfriends in the house stopped cooking, and Jiang Siming didn't get up after three poles of the day.

Zhao Xiaoxiao had to get some bread for breakfast, she was used to it (strong smile).

Jiang Siming found that his realm seemed to be getting looser recently, as if he was about to break through at any time.

And it always feels like there is going to be thunder robbery again.

But I don't know when Lei Jie will come, so I can only wait.

Don't even think about it, the Thunder Tribulation of the next realm is definitely more powerful than the Thunder Tribulation of the Nascent Soul Stage.

It was not easy when I remembered the last time I crossed the Yuan Yingjie. This time, Jiang Siming was also a little nervous and didn't know if he could survive it.

But in any case, his realm will break through sooner or later, and hiding cannot be avoided, so it is better to face it calmly.

And how strong the next realm will be, Jiang Siming doesn't know, he only knows that he can leap to 40,000 meters in the Yuan Ying stage now.

Able to overlook the outline of the earth, but there is still some distance from flying into space.

I don't know if the Transcendent God can break through this distance.

If so, wouldn't Jiang Siming be able to take a walk in space at any time?

Think there is still a little look forward to.

Beyond space, the universe, and the earth.

These uncharted territories cannot be fully understood with human current technology.

Even Jiang Siming feels a little unsure about space when he thinks of space.

The fear of the unknown, space is definitely the number one deserved.

But Jiang Siming had the strength of the God-Transforming Stage, and he had also received [Space Gene Pharmacy], so there was nothing to be afraid of.

I am more curious and want to explore, maybe I can find a diamond planet and move home (laughing and crying).

Maybe you can really find other planets where aliens exist. If you do find it, you really don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing.

Shaking his head, Jiang Siming won't think about this problem for the time being, the space affairs are still far away, and it's useless to think about it by himself.

It's better to have a better life now, play more games and pick up more pieces. Maybe all the problems will be solved in the pieces.

But there are still two days left for the next game, and Jiang Siming has to wait another two days.

At this time, the Dragon Boat Festival is about to come in more than a month, and then it is midsummer.

Jiang's employees who are far away at the Congo copper-cobalt mine in Africa will also have a holiday of more than two months, and they will definitely return to China when that time comes.

Jiang Siming remembers that he promised them to hold a concert.

I can't be this untrustworthy person, so I have to put the concert to my work next month.

Jiang Siming threw it to Huayi to deal with the matter, and asked them to prepare the venue and equipment for the concert.

Huayi already has a music company, so it is of course easy to start a concert.

But they wanted to ask Jiang Siming how big the venue would be, that is, how many people Jiang Siming would hold a concert.

Jiang Siming was a little overwhelmed after hearing this question. He really didn't know how many people would be willing to watch the first concert in his life.

Although he didn't want to make money, he couldn't hold the concert by himself...for free, right?

This is too cheap, free concerts, the audience is certainly not a problem, but this... too embarrassing...

I was the king of singers last year. When did I need to hold a free concert to attract the audience? It doesn't make sense.

However, as far as the fees are concerned, Jiang Siming has no bottom line. It would be embarrassing if there were only a few thousand people watching a concert of 50,000 or 100,000 people.

Damn, I feel embarrassed just thinking about it...

Finally, the ‘not confident’ Jiang Siming thought of a way, first let go of the concert, and then sell tickets in advance.

See how many people buy tickets, and then choose how big the concert is.

This method is good! The Huayi people immediately agreed, and then went to make preparations.

Jiang Siming thought for a while, he also took his mobile phone, compiled a Gulu Weibo and posted it.

Guluda V Jiang Siming published Weibo:

[Emm...it was abrupt, to say something, I seem to be...I'm going to have a private concert, someone is coming to listen...]

Just such a Weibo with no confidence, after it was posted, it immediately stirred up waves.

Jiang Siming really underestimated the number of his fans and the expectations of his music.

Less than a day after I posted on Weibo, the number of comments and reposts both exceeded 10 million!

There are also major celebrities commenting and leaving messages below.

[Guru big V Jaylen]: Oh, good, I am finally willing to have a concert, do you want to help the guest sing, the kind of self-recommendation (smirk).

Likes: 1247544//Comments: 780017 //

[Gulu Da V Hejiu]: Finally the concert is about to start Amin, remember to save me the ticket, I must go!

Likes: 1047544//Comments: 609826 //

[Gulu Da V Yang Kun]: It’s been a long time since I saw the King of Songs, Jiang Da Ge, I especially miss my PK with you in "Singer", although I am always abused by you, hahaha.

Number of likes: 9847544 // Number of comments: 55,246 //

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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