I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1508: 80,000 pre-sales!

[Gulu Da V Lin is three years old]: Hahahaha, why are you so embarrassed to post on Weibo during a concert? Someone must go!

Likes: 855547//Comments: 575457 //

[Gulu Da V Ouyang Na]: Ah! My idol is going to have a concert! Happy~ You must get the ticket! (Fist x10)

Likes: 801114 // Comments: 456668 //

So many people came to leave messages, and the news of Jiang Siming's concert was completely spread.

Although the frequency of Jiang Siming's singing and singing has been much lower since this year, only three new songs have been released since the end of the Spring Festival.

But no one would doubt Jiang Siming's musical talent. Last year, Jiang Siming won four major awards at the Wanwan Golden Melody Awards.

None of these four awards are small awards, ranging from the best male singer to the best composition and the best lyrics, and the last best newcomer award.

All heavyweight awards have become Jiang Siming's pocket.

Unfortunately, since the beginning of this year, Comrade Lao Jiang has become "lazy".

There are only a handful of new songs, although the quality is still first-rate, it can be compared to the frequency of a new song every few days last year.

Obviously did not satisfy the fans.

Many fans sighed, if Jiangshen didn't play games and focused on music, it would be great.

This time, Jiang Siming seemed to feel their minds, since he said he was going to have a concert.

It is time for Huayi to start pre-sale tickets for Jiang Siming's solo concert!

Damai, Heimao Business, Ferris Wheel, Yongle Ticketing, Ticket Cow, etc., these big and small ticket grabbing apps all have a new concert ticket.

[Tickets for Jiang Siming's solo concert from 188 yuan]: 0 tickets

The lowest fare is 188 yuan. This price can be said to be really conscientious, but it is definitely not the only price for top-tier singers.

Jiang Siming didn't even think about making money from concerts.

Even if a concert can earn tens or tens of millions, he would not be attracted to it, not to mention someone who said that he would withdraw from the music scene. After three years, he would come back and engage in a sky-high price concert and make a fortune. A certain queen who walked away immediately after the pours.

He held the concert, in fact, only to promise his employees' wishes.

Of course, there is also a little fantasy that he wants to try to hold a concert.

After all, people who love to sing don’t want to hold a concert by themselves one day, just as people who love to play games don’t want to play professional games one day.

Tickets range from 188 yuan to 1888.

They correspond to different audience positions. The closer to the stage, the higher the audience.

After the pre-sale started, the sales of Jiang Siming's concert tickets seemed to be on sale, soaring crazy!

Often every few seconds, the number will jump several times!

From a few hundred, to a few thousand, to tens of thousands!

However, within two hours of work, the pre-sale quantity is as high as 38,847!

Many music companies were shocked when they saw this data, nearly 40,000 in less than two hours?

What is this concept?

Generally, second-tier singers only dare to sell a few thousand tickets for a concert, because there are too many to buy.

The average number of concert tickets for first-line singers is 20,000 to 30,000.

Only top singers, such as the Queen of Heaven, will have more than 50,000 tickets for concerts.

At present, there is only one man in the music scene who can make concerts full, no matter where he holds a concert in China.

As soon as his tickets go on sale, they will be sold out in a very short time.

This person is only Jay Chou.

Yes, he is the only one.

Other singers, like Lin Sansui and Doctor, are not as good as him.

Lin Sansui was too rich, so he held few concerts.

The doctor lost to Jay in popularity.

But Jiang Siming had pre-sold nearly 40,000 tickets in two hours. This data made all the singers dumbfounded.

How come so many people buy tickets?

Everyone is full

Head question mark.

The most terrible thing is Jiang Siming in order to prevent everyone from buying fake tickets and hoarding tickets.

For Huayi to pre-sell, half of the deposit must be paid first, and the real-name identity system must be used.

In other words, each person can only buy one, and the deposit must be paid first.

This also cuts off the possibility of Jiang Siming's fraudulent data deliberately protecting face.

Two hours later, although the pre-sale boom has passed, the pre-sale amount is still rising. It didn't take long for it to officially break through 40,000, and move toward 50,000!

It's just that the speed is not as exaggerated just two hours ago.

Jiang Siming himself did not expect that so many people would pay to watch his concert.

People at Huayi told him that today, it is basically the hottest time for ticket sales.

As long as today is over, we can basically determine how big the concert stage should be.

Jiang Siming also began to look forward to tonight.

Early the next morning, when Jiang Siming was still sleeping with Yoona and Ishihara, he was awakened by a scream outside.

Then Reba and Deng Qi rushed in, shouting and jumping very excited.

When Ishihara and Yoona saw them coming in, they were still naked, and immediately blushed and shrank into the bed.

"What are you two doing?" Jiang Siming asked, opening his eyes that haven't got enough sleep.

Reba held the tablet excitedly and held it in front of him.

Jiang Siming looked up and saw that one day later, the number of pre-sale tickets had reached 80,000! ! !

[Tickets for Jiang Siming's solo concert from 188 yuan]: 80145 tickets

80,000 pre-sold!

I go!

Jiang Siming was a little surprised. A concert of 80,000 people? How big is this, it's an exaggeration...

Generally, the UEFA Champions League football match, unless it is a duel between star teams or the final semi-final, there will be more than 100,000 people.

With his time and ball game, it is probably only about 50,000 or 60,000.

In today's Chinese music scene, few singers have performed more than 80,000 concerts, except for the previous singers.

For example, Liu Tianwang drove 110,000 people, Leslie Cheung drove 130,000 people, and Zhang Xueyou drove 120,000 people.

The highest number of Jay Chou’s concerts is more than 90,000. The live concert of "Unparalleled" was held in Beijing.

That's why Jiang Siming was so surprised.

"I just found out that I have so many fans." Jiang Siming scratched his head, then realized.

Deng Qi said funnyly: "That's because you underestimated yourself too much. Although you have been a singer for a short time, you have saved dozens of songs, and the first classic is good. Most fans should."

When Ishihara and Yoona heard the conversation, they couldn't help but probe out. After discovering the pre-sale data, the two women were also excited and proud of Jiang Siming.

"That seems to be the scale of a concert of 100,000 people," Jiang Siming said.

Deng Qi nodded: "That is necessary. You are still the sales data of the first day. Although the sales boom has passed, there will definitely be many people buying tickets later, 100,000, which is necessary."

[Author's digression]: First more~

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