I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1512: The third group match!

Jiang Siming didn't stay in the company for long, otherwise Chen Guo didn't know how to work anymore, and his brain was confused.

Today Lao Jiang has a competition, so he will leave work early after a meeting at the company.

He came here today because the wives were too'tired' last night and didn't eat breakfast to send them early, otherwise they would have slept well into the afternoon.

Walking out of the company building, the kite was already waiting at the door.

Jiang Siming had to go to the competition, so he made an appointment with Kite. The provincial kite had to take a taxi to the club and wait for the bus.

"Hello, Brother Jiang~"

Seeing Jiang Siming, the kite said hello with a smile.

She moved to this new house recently, she was so happy, and she was so happy every day.

The place where I lived before was very small, and the soundproofing was very poor, and I could not hear my footsteps when playing training games.

The landlord always comes to check the ward and finds faults. If he wants to cook his own food, he has no room to show off, so he can only order takeout every day.

But now here, not only the ambient air is super good, the house is comparable to a mansion, and no noise is heard anymore.

The integrated German-style kitchen allows Kite to experience the feeling of being a chef, and you can do whatever you want.

Sometimes I’m lazy, and I can just order the company’s cafeteria menu, and the cafeteria will be delivered by a dedicated administrator.

All this is very different from before.

No wonder Kite is so happy.

Jiang Siming smiled and said to her: "Let's go, time is almost up."

"Yeah." Kite heard the words and got on the co-pilot.

"Kite, with your current income, you can actually buy a car. Have you tested your driver's license?" Jiang Siming asked.

"I took the exam, but all my money has been remitted to my home, so I can't afford it temporarily." Kite said embarrassedly.

"It's okay, just enough time, I'll take you to the car dealership." Jiang Siming glanced at the time it was still early, and thought about matching the kite with a trolley.

After all, how could his teammates couldn't even afford a car.

4AM is now the face-level income of the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds professional circle.

Look at the top clubs in LOL. The lowest starting players have an annual salary of one million, and the garage has them.

Although their PUBG professional circle started much slower than LOL, they shouldn't be too downcast.

If someone knows that members of the world's No. 1 team like 4AM can't afford a car and have to take the subway every day, then Lao Jiang feels that his boss is unqualified.

Great Gods have bought small villas in Shanghai, and the car is a Maserati worth more than three million.

When he got married, Jiang Siming gave him and the bee a Hermes flagship store in Lujiazui Zhengda Plaza.

Now the bees are carefully operating this shop every day. When there is no competition bonus, the income of the bees is now higher than that of Great God.

I have always bought a Porsche 911, and Duoyu is a Cadillac. I heard that it was specially built to wash the feet.

Eye-catching Aluka and their cars are no less than one million.

For more than a year, they have become multimillionaires with the prize money of the competition and the skin income after the championship.

Although the kite was added late, Jiang Siming felt it was necessary to let her buy one. It’s also good for girls to have a car, and travel is much more convenient.

"But I...not now..."

Speaking of this, Kite paused for a while, wondering if her parents should give her the meeting point now?

She mainly didn't want to violate Jiang Siming's kindness.

But Jiang Siming said nonchalantly: "It's okay, I'll go out for you first, and I won the world championship back, you can pay me tens of thousands of dollars in interest."

Jiang Siming did not say that he would directly give the kite a car, because he knew that the kite would be more stressful if he wanted to send it. After all, the two did not have a close relationship.

It was true. Kite didn't hear Jiang Siming say to send her off, and she sighed with relief.

She was afraid that Jiang Siming would feel embarrassed when she said that she would send her a car.

Now this proposal makes kite feel much better, so I no longer refuse it, and start looking forward to the first car in my life~

More than an hour later, Kite drove a cream-white Jaguar F-TYPE onto the road.

Originally, buying a car was not so fast. It takes at least half a month for ordinary people to get a car.

But with Jiang Siming, the car dealer will go through all the procedures for the kite at the fastest speed, the license plate will be issued, and it will be filled up on the road!

Jiang Siming sat in the co-pilot of the kite and patiently worked as a coach next to him.

He left his car directly in the parking lot outside the dealership and arranged for the company driver to come and drive back.

Kite, the person who just got the car, really has to watch. After all, Jiang Siming is not sure if the kite is the legendary female driver.

Fortunately, she wasn't, and she was still driving, so Jiang Siming was relieved.

"Drive slowly, there are still dozens of kilometers away from Jiaxing, enough for you to get familiar with the car." Jiang Siming drank calmly and put his sunglasses on the kite.

The kite wearing sunglasses is so cool, good guy, Jiang Siming is so handsome.

Girls wearing sunglasses are actually better-looking than boys, and they always feel heroic.

In this way, the kite drove with Jiang Siming as the passenger, and the two embarked on a journey to Jiaxing.

At this time, a bus drove from behind, which happened to be the bus of the 4AM club.

Great Gods will always be in the car. It was quite novel to see this brand new Jaguar. This car is really beautiful.

But when they saw Jiang Siming, the co-pilot smoking leisurely, they were stunned.

"Lao Jiang! Lao Jiang!"

Jiang Siming, who was enjoying the smoky sensation while blowing the wind on the road, heard someone shouting, turned his head to see, good fellow, the brain of the great **** was calling him on the bus.

"Lao Jiang, have you changed cars again?"

"No, this is a kite car. I'm riding the car." Jiang Siming said, tilting his body, letting them see the kite in the driver's seat.

It's just that the kite drove for the first time. He was more focused and didn't have time to say hello to them.

When Great God and the others saw that the kite had bought a car, they all yelled to let Jiang Siming stop, and then the bus also stopped.

Awei, Duoyu and the three guys forever have to come and ride the car. After all, the new car is a little bit happy.

Fortunately, the highway hasn't been on here, otherwise the traffic police will have to deal with them properly.

In this way, the kite went from one camel to three camel, and a cart of people chatted and laughed, and arrived at the PM Internet cafe safely.

After reaching the goal, Kite picked up the water and drank half of the bottle, making her nervous.

It’s the first time that there are so many people driving in a car.

Kite was afraid that if something happened to her poor car skills, she would become 4AM's biggest sinner.

Tomorrow’s news headline must be: Female drivers destroy a championship team...

"The car drove well." Jiang Siming praised.

Kite just showed a smile, she felt that the road just now was more tired than letting her play in the finals.

Today, the last group stage of Group A, after playing, it will be the championship.

At that time, the top four teams of each of the four teams will compete for the first place.

The final team will have much higher gold content than the group stage.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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