I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1513: Tianba and SMG

In today's third game, 4AM had no pressure at all. Their points are currently ranked first in the four groups.

There is obviously no pressure to advance, so today the coach will not let them be steady, and they can play as they want.

Good guy, the coach didn't come at all today.

The main coach’s daughter had a cold and fever in the past few days, so Jiang Siming directly told him not to come over, and just stay with the child at home.

It's probably the easiest to be the coach of 4AM, because even in normal games, it is basically Jiang Siming and Weishen making tactics.

The coach is mainly responsible for supervising the training of the team members and making the most suitable training direction for each team member. This is basically the role...

Therefore, the coach is very frightened every day, and can only work harder to supervise the players in training, for fear that someday 4AM feels that he is unnecessary (crying).

Entering the field, it hasn't started yet.

The players of the big teams are either communicating or closing their eyes to rest.

"Myojin, how much is this guarantee?" 17shou asked Jiang Siming with a smile in the audience.

"What to kill? I have always been relatively stable. It's the best not to kill. I never love gunners." Jiang Siming replied without blushing or breathing.

17shou and all the other team members below have a deadly face. Are you kidding us?

You are still stable, don't you like guns?

Liars all over the world are dead and they will not believe Jiang Siming's nonsense.

"A animal, we made a guarantee, you have to come on, I think you are still in fifth place." Great God teased.

17shou smiled bitterly and said: "There is no way. Our team is dead. There are too many talents. Faze, TL, and PK are all in our team. We can only see if the last one can take a fight."

"I heard that you are going to be acquired, right?" Great God asked.

"Yes, JJ is the boss and wants to acquire our 17shou and rename it SMG."

"SMG? What do you mean, what a strange team name." Wei Shen muttered.

Jiang Siming rolled his eyes and said, "Isn't it literate? It's called Still/Moving/Under/Gunfire, which means to move forward in the rain of bullets and never give up in adversity."

Great God scratched his head embarrassedly, it turned out to be such a meaning.

17shou gave a thumbs up and said to Jiang Siming: "Myojin really is a cultural man!"

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "This is a good thing. The acquisition shows that your team has a future. Besides, Lin is three-year-old but my friend. This guy has money in his family. You rely on a big rich man. Let's have fun."

"That's what I mean, but after the acquisition, there will be personnel transfers, and the manager said that it is based on our performance in this world competition to make personnel adjustments."

17shou's words are equivalent to SMG's assessment of themselves.

"Come on, believe in yourself, if you can't play well, we will accept you in 4AM. You will take the position of Awei, anyway.

Jiang Siming joked that everyone laughed.

Not to mention, the speaker is unintentional and the listener is interested. 17shou really thinks that if he is kicked out by SMG, he will go to 4AM for a trial.

He wants to be Myojin's teammate not a day or two.

"By the way, it seems that there is still a team this fall. Cheng He said his Snake-TC has been sold. He has created a new team called Tianba and is recruiting people." Jiang Siming let them go. Messages.

It also made the 17 team's military spirit more stable.

Originally they were worried that they would be kicked out if they didn't perform well this time, but now they heard Jiang Siming say that, they immediately felt confident.

It also allowed them to play much better in the third game than the previous two.

After a short chat, the game officially started. All the players in Group A should sit down step by step.

The glass door of each player's seat is closed once, isolated from the world.

In the third game, the map was determined.

After a while, the map of the third game finally appeared on the screen, Sano!

Not bad, Sano’s map is actually better than Karajin. Too many Karajin mountains are not easy to play, and the map is too small and the speed of death is too fast.

Sano is much better than Karakin.

The other team members were relieved when they saw that it was Sano, they were afraid that Karakin was too messy and too small, so he would have to give the gun a white shot when he entered.

Sano can at least play wild.

Sixteen teams in Group A, 64 players, are ready to take their seats and board the plane.

Jiang Siming was sitting in front of the computer, looking at the plane full of Jin Ying, with a relieved smile.

The Jinying skills can finally be used, and he has not forgotten his mission.

San, where are you~ I'm looking for you.

At this time, on the side of the Asan players, the four Asan players all felt an inexplicable chill.

The four lost the pride and confidence of the previous two, and began to change tactics, choosing to land in a remote area as a jungler.

They were really afraid of being beaten by Jiang Siming, for fear that this catastrophe would collide with them again.

The four people marked the coconut grove in the upper right corner of the map, this kind of small wild spot, do not believe anyone will come.

The four immediately flew to the coconut grove.

Unexpectedly, there are several umbrella bags flying with them!

They were so scared that they immediately wanted to turn around and change places.

But there are also people at various points nearby, and now they are relocating and there is nowhere to go.

"It's okay. There are four umbrellas this time. It's definitely not Jiang Siming. We have no reason to be afraid." said one of them, Asan.

The eyes of the other three lit up, as if divine initiation.

Yes, Jiang Siming only loves to fly solo, and these four umbrella bags are definitely not him.

Then why should they be afraid, except for Jiang Siming, their Asan's strength will not lose to any team!

And their score is still 0. If you don't kill more people and eat chickens, the top four are really hopeless.

Thinking of this, the Asans did not choose to leave, and bravely rushed into the coconut grove.

And those four umbrella bags did not mean to shrink back either.

"I don't understand that Lao Jiang is going here because of Mao. Shouldn't I go to autism and become hilarious. The three of us can finally have a happy game."

"There are also people here. The four are in a team. Captain, don't overturn your face."

"Two settlement areas, two in the coconut grove."

The four chatting with them are not others, but the 4AM that made Team Asan ‘dream about’.

Jiang Siming originally wanted to fly solo, but the two guys, Weishen and Duoyu, had to follow, saying that they were playing casually anyway, and they wanted to follow them.

I had no choice but to let them follow.

Seeing Team A three jumping here, Jiang Siming ignored the three or four teams in Autistic City, and he was very intimate with them to this place where the birds do not shit.

The Sans obviously don't know anything, they thought it was another team, they were happily trying to pick up the gun and score the four points of the opening goal!

All eight people landed, and the two Asan who fell in the coconut grove soon discovered that one person followed them.

"Laughing to death, this man still wants to hit us two, thinking he is Jiang Siming? A joke!"

Ah San sneered disdainfully, really thinking that your father was annoying?


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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