I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1521: Three cooperation

At this time, President Ma received a call from Jiang Siming as soon as he returned home from the company.

All he kept between him and Jiang Siming were personal calls.

"Why President Jiang is free to call me at this point? Wouldn't it be looking for me to have supper in Hangzhou? Then I can go out to find you."

President Ma still didn't change his humorous personality, and started joking with Jiang Siming.

"I'm in Shanghai, if you want to eat, come here, drop by, I will quote the fare." Jiang Siming replied.

Mr. Ma on the other end of the line laughed and said next time.

"Mr. Jiang called me today, right? Speak straight."

Jiang Siming was also straight to the point, and talked about his thoughts.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, President Ma on the other side slapped his thigh.

"What a coincidence! President Jiang, it happens that our company wants to set up a takeaway company recently!"

Jiang Siming was taken aback, and said, "Really?"

"Really, why lie to you, I came back so late today, I just worked overtime in a meeting to talk about it."

"Why do you suddenly remember to do this?" Jiang Siming asked curiously.

"It's the same idea as you. I can't understand that some companies exploit the working class. If you can do more, please do more."

Mr. Ma said with a smile.

After listening to Jiang Siming, he was sincerely admired. The two heroes cherish the heroes and thought of going together.

"If President Jiang wants to make it, we can cooperate. It just so happens that President Wang Shunfeng is also planning to enter the food delivery industry. The three of us can cooperate to fully sell the domestic and foreign industries."

Mr. Ma was very relaxed when he said this, as if he was talking about a trivial thing.

In all domestic take-out industries, if anyone else says this, no one will believe it.

But Mr. Ma opened his mouth, and also cooperated with Jiang Siming and King Shunfeng, the three big bosses, but any problem that can be solved with money is a piece of cake in front of them.

Jiang Siming naturally agreed, and the two then discussed cooperation matters.

The principle of the two is that they must not be a black-hearted platform, and it does not matter whether they make money or not. The main reason is to make those black-hearted platforms unable to do so. This is their goal.

After talking for a long time, Jiang Siming hung up, and the crayfish, which was almost cold on the table, became even more delicious.

"Dad! You are too interesting, you actually eat it~"

A small voice came from behind Jiang Siming.

If it weren't for Jiang Siming to be a comprehensionist, he would really be shocked.

Turning his head to see, Zhao Xiaoxiao was confused, smelling the fragrance, and flew down from the second floor, just like a little zombie...

After this girl has become a cultivator, especially since the mothers also know about it, she has never walked the stairs at home...

Every day I fly around at home, unless Jiang Siming and her repeatedly told her not to show it outside.

It is estimated that she has to fly to and from school every day.

Although she still can't fly at all, Zhao Xiaoxiao's veteran reincarnation technique has temporary flying spells, and she is getting old fast.

"What's wrong with you." Jiang Siming said.

"I still blame you, I slept well, the scent of your crayfish floated to my room, I am hungry." Zhao Xiaoxiao said.

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, and asked, "Would you like to be together? It's compensation for you, okay?"

"Hehe, then I will forgive you generously."

After Zhao Xiaoxiao finished speaking, he was already sitting opposite Jiang Siming.

The father and daughter began to feast on a bowl of crayfish.

After eating, the lobster was eaten cleanly, and Jiang Siming went to get some steak to cushion their stomachs.

I finally had enough of the addiction to supper.

"Dad, will there be any more tomorrow?" Zhao Xiaoxiao asked the thief.

Jiang Siming replied without hesitation: "No, you can't always eat supper. If you eat too much, you will become addicted, and you will be hungry at night."

"Oh." Zhao Xiaoxiao was slightly disappointed, but he was satisfied today.

"Then I'll go to bed, good night dad~"

After speaking, Zhao Xiaoxiao jumped and flew back to the second floor.

Jiang Siming looked straight and shook his head, this girl is really helpless with her.

After cleaning up the mess, Jiang Siming also went back to the bedroom to sleep.

It's a pity that the wives were sleeping soundly and couldn't bear to disturb them, so they went to the copy to go around.

The new copy has not yet arrived, and the Three Kingdoms world is still going on.

At this time, more than two months had passed since the Ming Dynasty army finished fighting in Xianbei.

At present, Jiang Siming's Ming dynasty rises in all directions, and all nations come to congratulate.

Almost every few days, a small neighboring country will come over to make offerings.

The surrounding countries were afraid that others would pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty. They did not pay tribute to them, so they lined up to send people to send all kinds of rare treasures, and even many exotic beauties.

"The emperor, the emissary from Goguryeo came to me again yesterday, and also sent a stunning beauty, saying that she was sent to serve the emperor."

At the Hall of Nourishing the Heart, the old **** Chen Shen smiled and reminded him beside Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming is reviewing some memorials. Nowadays, only the important memorials are read by Jiang Siming. The other memorials are left to Guo Jia and Xun Yu.

Last night Jiang Siming ‘supervised and studied’ with Cai Yan Diaochan and others in the harem again.

Ahem, now refreshed and quite comfortable.

The memorials are all humming.

"Oh, is it?" Jiang Siming raised his eyes, somewhat interested.

Goguryeo is rich in beauties. How beautiful are the stunning beauties over there? I want to meet.

Grandpa Chen wanted to say more, but he heard a fluttering cough next to him.

I saw Xin Xianying staring at Grandpa Chen dissatisfiedly with a pen.

Father Chen's legs weakened in fright, and he quickly looked at Jiang Siming.

He knows that this historian is the emperor’s beloved minister, he can’t afford it~

Jiang Siming smiled, looked at Xin Xianying's little jealous jar, thought about it, and deliberately teased her.

"That's it, let her come over, I want to see."

"Here~" Chen Gonggong went to do it immediately.

Xin Xianying's mouth became even higher for a while, and he could hang an oil bottle.

After seeing Duke Chen leaving, Xin Xianying couldn't help but said angrily: "The emperor is a big cheat~"

"Oh? When did I lie to you?" Jiang Si asked knowingly.

"The emperor promised Xianying that he would cherish his dragon body. Even if he found so many concubines last night, he is still looking for a Goguryeo woman today. Did the emperor say he didn't lie to Xianying?"

Xin Xianying said, her face was strained, forcibly strained.

"But I didn't say what I would do to others, but what's wrong with seeing them? Wouldn't it hurt my body if I saw each other?" Jiang Siming joked.

Xin Xianying couldn't reply for a while, only sulking.

Not long after, Grandpa Chen brought back the beauties sent by Goguryeo.

The beauties are graceful and graceful, with delicate faces. They are indeed rare beauties.

"The people's daughter An Yanxi knocks on the Emperor Daming, long live my emperor!"

The beautiful Korean beauty worshiped, her eyes and movements were weak and charming.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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