I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1522: The Forbidden City is here!

Jiang Siming nodded straightly, not bad.

This beauty can be regarded as a rare beauty, much more beautiful than the beauty who has paid tribute from other countries before.


Xin Xianying next to her watched the naked woman gritted her teeth.

In fact, they only showed their arms and calves, but Xianying is an ancient girl after all, and she is very traditional.

Immediately I felt that this woman was quite frivolous, bah, small standard!

Jiang Siming didn't hear it anymore, and smiled to Gonggong Chen: "Take her to Tongque Terrace. I will visit her at night."

"Here." Seeing that the emperor liked him, Chen Gonggong's eyes became a line with a smile, and he quickly took the Korean beauty to Dongjak Terrace.

As soon as the two left, Xin Xianying ran to Jiang Siming angrily, and the little girl took away Jiang Siming's memorial angrily.

"The emperor, you..."

"What am I?" Jiang Siming pretended not to know.

Xin Xianying's clothes softened, and said pitifully, "Could the emperor not go to Tongquetai."

"If you don't go, it won't work. My concubines have no energy yesterday, but I haven't had a prince yet, so I have to work hard."

Jiang Siming's reason is quite decent, and Xin Xianying has no reason to refute it.

"OK then..."

Xin Xianying lowered her head like a little bear who had lost the battle.

"There is a way." Jiang Siming said embarrassedly.

Xin Xianying immediately turned his head back and hurriedly asked: "What is the solution?"

"That's...you replace that Korean woman." Jiang Siming finished.

Xin Xianying's face turned red with a slash.

"The emperor is talking nonsense again, huh!"

Xiao Xianying stumbled and ran back to her position, dare not look directly at Jiang Siming anymore.

Jiang Siming was not in a hurry, and continued to review the memorial, as if nothing had happened.

Soon, night arrived.

After dinner with the concubines, Jiang Siming went back to the Hall of Yangxin to continue the memorial.

Don't look at the current memorials, but there are still many.

Regardless of the scenery, the occupation of the emperor is actually quite tiring.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming is a cultivator, so he is not afraid of being tired at all, he is just bored.

It was approved until the night of the night, which is just after ten o'clock.

Grandpa Chen reminded him: "The emperor, is it time to rest?"

Jiang Siming stopped writing, glanced at the time, nodded and said, "Well, it's time to rest. Where are you going today?"

"The emperor, it's time to go to Tongquetai."

"Oh, that's right." Jiang Siming put down the memorial when he heard the words, and said: "Set the stand, Tongquetai."

Just as he was about to go out, Xin Xianying blocked his way, secretly pulled his dragon robe, and whispered: "Xianying promised the emperor..."

Xiao Nizi was afraid that Jiang Siming would be confused by the beauty of Korea.

After all, there are so many emperors who have been confused by exotic beauties.

Xianying was very afraid that Jiang Siming could not resist the temptation of this vixen.

When Jiang Siming heard the words, the surface was calm, but his heart was smiling with a tricky smile. Xiao Nizi, can he escape the palm of his brother?

"Chen Shen, I suddenly don't want to go today. You should withdraw. There are too many memorials today. I decided to sleep in the Hall of Nourishment. No one should disturb."

Although I don't know why Jiang Siming suddenly changed his mind, Grandpa Chen did not hesitate to follow suit. The emperor said what he said.

Grandpa Chen left, closed the door of the Hall of Nourishment, and ordered the maids not to enter.

Only Jiang Siming and Xin Xianying were left alone in the Hall of Nourishing the Heart.


The next day, an extremely magnificent building appeared in Chang'an.

This building is much more magnificent than Tongquetai. The city wall is nearly ten meters high, and the moat outside the city is several feet wide!

Covering thousands of acres, it is like a city within a city.

Among them, the buildings are as ingenious as heavenly work, and vast as stars.

No one has seen such a magnificent building.

The people in the city talked a lot, saying that this was the residence left by the gods.

Daming Tiewei immediately blocked the scene and no one could enter.

Fortunately, with the precedent of Dongjaktai, everyone is used to it.

In the early days, Pang Tong reported the incident, but Jiang Siming appeared very calm.

"Since this place is so good, then I will move into it, Shi Yuan, I will leave the matter to you. Within ten days, I will live in this Bauhinia City!"

Pang Tong immediately accepted it, and at the same time the hundreds of officials also recalled the name Jiang Siming took.

The Forbidden City, this name is really amazing! As expected by the emperor, it's too domineering!

Jiang Siming is happy. Last night, he finally completed this last task, and this is the Forbidden City.

And after the Forbidden City appeared, I didn't hear the end of the copy.

Jiang Siming was relieved, he was afraid that he would just finish the task and remind him that the dungeon was about to end.

He hasn't enjoyed what it's like to live in the Forbidden City. He has to live in the Forbidden City.

The hundreds of officials began to discuss, mainly because Jiang Siming moved, and they will have to move to work in the future.

Some officials live close to the Forbidden City and are all cheating, while those far away are depressed, and they have to go the long way.

Jiang Siming couldn't help laughing as he listened to what they were talking about.

In fact, the officials of the ancient Shang Dynasty had to get up very early, and usually got up at two or three in the morning, packed up and put on their regular clothes, and took a carriage to wait outside the imperial palace.

You have to wait to enter the palace after five o'clock, and go up at six or seven o'clock.

So the ancient officials actually worked very hard to go to court.

Jiang Siming also thought about this problem, the key point is that he didn't want to get up so early.

"Just to change the rules, starting tomorrow, the morning time will be Chenshi."

Jiang Siming opened his mouth, and the officials were very happy. After all, if this is the case, they can sleep more.

Everyone, you say a word, the atmosphere is very good.

Only Xu Shu felt a little weird. Why didn't you see Xin Xianying today?

Usually, Xin Xianying will take notes on the side of the court every day.

Why are there no people today.

Poor Xianying, she's still asleep in Jiang Siming's Hall of Cultivation at this time, how can she be energetic...

Ten days passed, Jiang Siming took the concubines in the harem and all the eunuchs and maids in the Ming Palace and moved his family to the Forbidden City.

The Forbidden City has long been designated as the new imperial palace. The outside of the city is heavily guarded, and the surrounding land has also soared.

After all, the location close to the palace is worthless.

This principle was universal even thousands of years ago.

For the first time living in the Forbidden City, Jiang Siming was taken aback by taking his concubines around.

At first, Diao Chan and the others were able to go, but after a full hour, they only walked for a little while.

They finally gave up and chose to only visit the harem, after all, they would not come to the front hall.

Jiang Siming walked all over, basically exactly the same as what he saw in the Imperial Palace in Kyoto.

Moreover, the Forbidden City is much more refined than the Forbidden City. All the bricks and tiles have no precipitation of history and cultural relics restoration. The gilt porcelain tiles are magnificent!

[Author's digression]: Third more~~

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