I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1528: An aura of carp

After a detailed conversation, Jiang Siming had a general understanding of Yundian Takeaway.

Also quite satisfied with the products of the three alliances.

In addition to being inferior to a certain group in terms of pitting people, Yundian Takeaway is far better than the other in all aspects.

After understanding Yundian takeaway, Jiang Siming felt that a group was simply a black brick kiln.

Comparing the two, Yundian is like a state-owned tobacco enterprise, and a group is a leather bag company.

The gap is so big.

"We have to spend money in this early stage, because it is difficult to pay back in a short time, and a certain group seems to have begun to take actions against us." Wang said.

Mr. Ma smiled calmly, rather indifferent: "Isn't it just like spending money, when I started the taxi software, I had to spend tens of millions in with Penguin every day, and now we are still cooperating with three companies."

President Wang also smiled and said, "Yes, we have President Jiang, of course money is not a problem."

Jiang Siming rolled his eyes when he heard it. How did they feel that they had a purpose in pulling themselves into the group?

"Just kidding. In short, the three of us have already negotiated on the issue of shares. We just need to pay for the issue of funds according to our respective shares."

President Wang's words, Jiang Siming and President Ma nodded, and officially signed the contract.

Jiang Siming picked up his signature pen and signed his name on the contract.

President Ma also finished signing, and took a quick glance at Jiang Siming's contract.

"President Jiang, you also have a hand in calligraphy!"

"I want my autographed photo, 10,000 yuan a piece." Jiang Siming said jokingly, all three of them laughed.

After the signing is completed, the establishment of Yundian Food Delivery is officially announced.

After discussion, the three decided to invest 7 billion yuan as a start-up capital temporarily.

After all the formalities are completed, this matter will be completely finalized.

It was time for dinner. The three of them had lunch at a high-end restaurant in Chongqing. Since Mr. Wang is the president of Yundian, he was busy with the company to arrange things after eating.

Jiang Siming and Ma are always shareholders, so they are very leisurely.

"I will leave the country in two hours, President Jiang, why don't you go for a stroll in Chongqing?" asked President Ma.

Jiang Siming wanted to go back to Shanghai now, but he was ashamed to hear Mr. Ma say so and left. After all, he just bought a pill at a high price (smirk).

The two went to a Dadukou Park in Chongqing for a walk and digestion.

"Has President Jiang been here?" President Ma asked.

Jiang Siming shook his head and said in doubt, "Is this famous?"

Mr. Ma introduced with a smile: "There is a workers' lake here. There is a very aura of a **** carp in the lake. It is the golden sign of this park and can understand people."

"Really? A fish that understands people?"

Jiang Siming didn't believe it, none of his Meiyu had this unique skill.

"It's true. As long as you ask it to eat, it will immediately swim over and wait for you to feed it. It will also show you carp tail-wagging. Everyone says this fish has the IQ of a dolphin and gave it a name called Mang. Son, now they are all star fish, many fans."

President Ma was also afraid that Jiang Siming would not believe him, and led him to the artificial lake.

Jiang Siming was also very curious that carp had a higher IQ than dolphin. He expressed his disbelief and wanted to see it.

The two came to the artificial lake, but unexpectedly discovered that the artificial lake was sealed, and signs prohibiting approaching were placed all around.

A policeman was taking several men to the lake, as if identifying something.

Mr. Ma walked over in confusion and asked the police why it was blocked.

The other party saw that it was President Ma. Although he was surprised, he explained patiently.

"A star fish here was stolen and eaten by these people. The curator of the park is very sad, so it is temporarily sealed off. We are now bringing these people to identify the scene."

"What? I stole it?" Mr. Ma looked surprised, and then stared at the men with anger and shouted: "What is your mentality? You don't want to eat so many ordinary fish, you have to eat this one?"

In fact, Mr. Ma is far more angry. Many people are very angry when they know about it. After all, this is a very few spiritual animals.

What's more, it is even rarer for a carp to have aura, and everyone treats it as a treasure.

Not to mention that this stubborn man has brought so much joy to everyone, he has long been feelings, and suddenly he was eaten by others, and no one can accept it.

Faced with Mr. Ma's question, the men who stole the fish hurriedly lowered their heads not to speak.

In fact, there is never a shortage of disgusting people like them in society.

President Ma could only say a few words about them. The fish would not be able to survive. He came back and explained to Jiang Siming apologetically.

"Mr. Jiang, Mangzi can't see him anymore, he was stolen and eaten, alas."

Jiang Siming heard the words but didn't speak, and walked over to the few people.

President Ma thought Jiang Siming was going to hit someone.

After all, he knows Jiang Siming's temper. When he went to Xiangjiang with him last year, Jiang Siming beat dozens of idiot youths alone at the airport.

From then on, President Ma knew Jiang Siming's character, very chivalrous, and he also admired it very much.

But after all, he is a public figure and cannot hit anyone casually.

"Forget it, President Jiang, this matter will be handled by the police, so we shouldn't interfere."

Mr. Ma said pulling Jiang Siming for fear that he would hit someone.

The police became nervous when they heard it, and they all came over to persuade Jiang Siming to calm down.

When the men heard Jiang Siming about to beat him, they hurriedly hid behind the other policemen in fright.

Jiang Siming was speechless for a while, when did he become synonymous with violence?

Mr. Ma, you can really set someone for yourself...

"I didn't want to hit people, I just wanted to ask them a few questions." Jiang Siming had to explain.

"That's it, then it's okay." After hearing this, President Ma felt relieved and let go of Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming walked up to these men and asked, "Did you eat this fish?"

"Hmm..." Several fish stealers nodded cautiously.

"Have you eaten all the fish?"

Hearing Jiang Siming's question, President Ma and the police both had question marks on their faces.

What does President Jiang mean? Is it possible that I want to drink some soup...

Jiang Siming also realized that his words seemed easy to be misunderstood, so he simply didn't ask, and directly used the [Mind Reading Technique] in the blink of an eye, and it was about to reach the other's memory.

The fish was really eaten.

These people took advantage of the night to come to the lake, tricked Mangzi to eat fish food, and then stole Mangzi with a net.

Then a few people took Mangzi back to their home.

The spiritual man had a foreboding danger in the fish tank.

I kept wagging my tail, wanting them to let them go, but these people didn't care at all.

Abruptly slaughtered the mangzi and eaten up.

After Jiang Siming searched the memory, he didn't ask anything, turned his head and left.

Chief Ma sighed, for fear that Jiang Siming would suddenly run away and beat people.

Seeing Jiang Siming didn't do anything, he quickly pulled Jiang Siming away from the artificial lake.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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