I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1529: Resurrect Mangzi

Not long in Chongqing, President Ma bid farewell to Jiang Siming and went abroad.

Jiang Siming also returned to Shanghai.

After returning home, Jiang Siming did not enter the house in a hurry, but came to the backyard by the lake.

Jiang Siming poured out a bunch of fish bones from the ring.

A-nan smelled the fish and immediately touched it, and saw the pile of fishbone on the ground, it looked at Jiang Siming pitifully.

This look seems to be aggrieved to ask Jiang Siming if he doesn’t love it anymore, why now the food is not fish turned into fish bones, 嘤嘤嘤...

Jiang Siming knew the silly cat was thinking too much when he saw its eyes.

He found the fish bones from the memories of those fish-thief men. Fortunately, he went early, otherwise the fish bones would be packed into garbage and taken away.

"This is not for you. See me make a magic trick for you."

Hearing this, Ah-囡 was dubious, wondering if the master was fooling herself, what kind of magic this fish bone can do~

Jiang Siming looked at it stupidly, too fond, and squatted and touched its belly.

"Don't believe me yet, you little silly cat."

A-Nan was touched by Jiang Siming. She didn't know if she was shy or happy. She stopped talking and meowed a shy reply at Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming was too happy, and temporarily stretched his hand back.

After saying to show it magic, he took a pill in his hand.

It was crushed into powder and sprinkled on the pile of fish bones.

When all the powder fell on the fish bones, a magical scene happened.

The original pile of fish bones disappeared and turned into a big black-backed carp lively!

A-nan looked at the cat dumbfounded, and the little cat's head couldn't figure out why these fish bones could become fish.

Shouldn't the fish become fish bones? As for why, it is because it eats it.

If there are regular visitors from Chongqing Park at this time, you can definitely recognize it.

This is Mangzi, even the white spot on his head is exactly the same.

Once Mangzi was resurrected, but could not feel the presence of water, he began to wag his tail desperately on the shore.

A-Nan's eyes also changed from shock to greedy, thinking that it was Jiang Siming's feast, and immediately flew towards Mangzi.

But when he flew into the air, he was hugged back by Jiang Siming.

"This fish is not for you. You are not allowed to make an idea about it, you know." Jiang Siming reminded Ah-Nan.

"Meow~" A-囡 agreed with grievance and disappointment.

Jiang Siming had nothing to do with its pitiful appearance, so he had no choice but to appease: "I'll cook Tiaomeiyu soup for you, right?"

This made A-囡 happy again.

Seeing that Mangzi was still bouncing on the bank, Jiang Siming almost forgot to put him in the water.

Mangzi flew into the lake with a stroke.

Mangzi, who had regained his life, seemed very happy, swimming in the water and flicking his tail.

From time to time, he would jump out of the lake.

Jiang Siming wanted to test whether Mangzi was really spiritual.


Upon hearing the call, Mangzi really swam towards Jiang Siming.

And Mangzi seemed to know that Jiang Siming was its savior, and kept nodding to Jiang Siming, as if thanking Jiang Siming for his kindness.

Jiang Siming was a little surprised. It was the first time he saw a carp with aura.

"You stay here from now on. It's dangerous outside. You're so fat. If you let you go, you will be eaten again sooner or later."

Jiang Siming said.

Mangzi understood, and nodded again, and because he had a new home, he happily performed a trick for Jiang Siming to beat the carp.

This wave of performance made Jiang Siming amused, and looked hungry...

Since a small creature like Mangzi is so dangerous outside, Jiang Siming's best and safest home is to take it home and raise it.

What's more, Mangzi was already dead, Jiang Siming resurrected it, and it has become Jiang Siming's property.

Jiang Siming uses animal regeneration pills.

I thought there was no chance to use this medicine.

This happened in Chongqing today, and he also wanted to try whether this pill was really so amazing.

Unexpectedly, it really became, Jiang Siming began to believe that if the time limit of this regeneration pill could really be unlimited.

He can even resurrect a dinosaur or ancient beast.

But even if he could resurrect the dinosaurs, Jiang Siming would not really resurrect them. This will have to cause the world to become angry...

Not long after returning to Shanghai, Chongqing’s food delivery industry ushered in a ‘big earthquake’.

Shunfeng teamed up with Ali and Jiang's Group, the three alliances, to withdraw from the Yundian food delivery platform!

Currently only operating in Chongqing.

Other food delivery platforms in Chongqing are facing enemies.

After the establishment of Yundian, it attracted a large number of merchants to settle in, coupled with the vigorous promotion of the two platforms of Shunfeng and Ali.

No matter the express delivery platform of Shunfeng, there are already a lot of people.

Not to mention Ali, Mr. Ma made Alipay and Taobao and Tmall both push Yundian food delivery ads.

It's hard for everyone to know.

Wang Fuchun from the food court outside Chongqing University, 28 years old this year, has a high school diploma, and has been in the food delivery industry.

He used to be a hungry and a takeaway for a group, but his salary was not as good as he wanted. He could only get three or four thousand wages per month for desperate work.

Because both platforms often make small moves to cheat them, even though they are angry every time, Wang Fuchun has no choice but to continue doing it for life.

A while ago, a certain group once again exploited their hardworking people. Wang Fuchun quit the takeaway job in a rage.

I wanted to do something else, but he was forced by his diploma, and he couldn't do many jobs.

In addition, this year's family has been urging Wang Fuchun to buy a house. Under tremendous pressure, Wang Fuchun is like an ant on a hot pot.

Until recently, a new takeaway platform suddenly appeared.

With the idea of ​​trying, Wang Fuchun applied to become a Yundian takeaway.

At first, he thought that Yundian Food Delivery, like other platforms, would definitely try to squeeze and deduct their income.

But after officially starting to work, Wang Fuchun was surprised by his income.

He ran for a day and did more than 50 orders. At a glance, the income behind the platform was 455 yuan.

More than 50 orders, 455 income, an average profit of nearly ten yuan per order!

In addition, there are subsidies for high temperature, food and lodging, etc., which add up to exceed the 500 mark!

This data shocked Wang Fuchun. He knew very well what he had done on the other two platforms.

If it is on those two platforms, only 200 yuan can be obtained for more than 50 orders.

Especially with the fake address of a certain group recently, they can't go so far, 50 orders can get more than 100, sometimes even less.

This 500 yuan, but Wang Fuchun was so excited, when I asked the other Yundian takeaways, they were almost the same, everyone was full of smiles.

The enthusiasm for work is also unprecedentedly high. Yundian takeaways are spread word of mouth to many Yundian brothers, and more and more people are applying for jobs.

[Author's digression]: First more~

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