I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1544: Promote legal changes

Just tasted the first bite.

Huang Laoxie's eyes changed.

Open your eyes and savor the taste in your mouth.

It was not until everyone saw him take a sip for half a minute that he was willing to open his mouth.

"Good wine! Absolutely good wine!"

Huang Laoxie was conquered by this wine.

He has studied red wine for so many years, and there are not 10,000 bottles but thousands of bottles.

He has tasted almost all kinds of red wine.

Even because of his love, he spent millions on a bottle of Silent Ship a few years ago.

After drinking it, I always feel that this is the best red wine to drink.

But now he drinks this scent, but feels that the boat of silence is in front of it.

Those Romani Conti, Lafite Manor, Patus, etc. are all younger brothers in front of it!

The taste is excellent, even the rich jam and acidity can be tasted, mixed together and perfectly blended.

Although the others do not have Huang Laoxie's major, they are all entertainers, and they have had a lot of good red wines.

After they tasted Huaxiang, their first feeling was to compare it only in terms of taste and taste.

They are full of praise.

"This wine has a good aftertaste. I took a sip, and my mouth is still full of fragrance."

"Well, I don't have much research anyway, but I still want to say that this is the best red wine I have ever drunk, none of them."

He Jiu said jokingly: "I feel that if the audience sees us blowing this red wine like this, they think we are the nursery Amin invited to advertise for him."

Huang Laoxie immediately retorted: "If it were to be advertised, how could Amin set the price of wine so expensive, 160,000 bottles, not many families can afford it."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

This is true. If Jiang Siming is really only here to promote red wine, he could have one more sponsor he yearned for.

Besides, such expensive red wine will not be bought by many people even after the advertisement.

Those who buy it are from wealthy families or those who have studied red wine.

If they bought it and went back to drink and found it was not good at all, they would definitely scold Jiang Siming for selling fakes.

Why would Jiang Siming smash his signs? A fool would do this.

"Amin, that... I also want to collect some Huaxiang, can you sell me a few bottles?"

Huang Laoxie can best understand that this kind of red wine is absolutely not lacking in Bole, and this wine will inevitably become popular in the future.

The value of the first collection of editions is self-evident.

Of course he also wants to buy some home to collect.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Siming said generously: "You don't need to buy it, I will give you a box later, just like Teacher He."

"Haha, then I'm not welcome." Huang Laoxie was overjoyed and wanted to say that he must give money, but he thought that Jiang Siming was short of money.

It also dismissed the idea of ​​giving money, but this favor must be remembered.

In addition to He Jiu and Huang Laoxie, Jiang Siming also generously promised Xiao Peng, Zi Feng, and Lao Bai, two bottles per person.

It's not that he picks, but there are really not many bottles.

The three of them didn't have much friendship with Jiang Siming. It was a surprise to get two bottles. The surprise of the surprise, the three of them were quite satisfied.

It’s good to be friends with local tyrant father~

The things you give you casually are treasures that you can't buy or even can't afford.

After a few people talked about red wine, they skipped this topic for now.

Begin to chat while drinking red wine and eating dishes.

Isn't the longing life such a life?

The kind of program that works from morning to night and completes homework purely for tasks is not called yearning for life at all.

Friends chat, of course there is something to talk about.

"I drove to Taili in Changsha a few days ago. I met an old man on the road and touched me. Fortunately, I have a recorder in my car. Otherwise, I will be in trouble. A lot of news will definitely cover me." He Jiu talked about what happened the other day.

"Have you encountered it? I have also encountered it, but I didn't have a recorder in my car at the time, and it was very bad when it touched the porcelain, so I specifically picked the blind spot for monitoring."

Huang Laoxie also recounted his own affairs.

"Then what do you do behind you?" Lao Bai asked.

Huang Laoxie smiled bitterly, and said, "What can I do, and in the end, I stuffed that person a few thousand dollars before he was willing to let me go."

"Wow, I gave it back then, and I also touched it." Lao Bai patted his thigh, as if he had found someone with the same disease.

It is true that they are all this old, and their cars have been for many years.

And they are all entertainers, and they drive luxury cars.

Naturally, it becomes the most favorite target of those who touch porcelain.

So it's not surprising that all three of them have met.

Because Xiao Peng and Zi Feng were both young and didn't take a driver's license, they didn't have this trouble.

"Huh, hasn't Mr. Jiang met before?" Lao Bai asked Jiang Siming.

Everyone's eyes are also looking over, the richest man in Asia, hasn't he encountered a porcelain?

"I have met, an old man, open his mouth and ask me for two hundred thousand." Jiang Siming said calmly.

"Then, did you really give it?" He Jiu asked.

"Yes." Jiang Siming replied.

Everyone felt sympathy, and it seemed that the richest man was also annoyed by such people who touched porcelain.

But the next second, Jiang Siming added.

"There was surveillance and recording in my car, so when the police came later, he not only touched the porcelain, but also blackmailed him. He should be still in jail now."


Everyone felt cold behind their backs, but then they were particularly relieved.

"High! This trick is too high!"

"Quiet! Happy! You have to control them like this!"

"I'll do the same next time! Anyway, our Huaxia is now very lenient with those who touch porcelain."

He Jiu and they all said they had learned.

Jiang Siming nodded in agreement, and said: "Not only is the law relaxed for them, there are also some police officers who like to be friendly to this kind of thing. They are peacemakers, and they do not take it seriously and deal with it, which further encourages this group of people. Arrogant."

Everyone agrees with it in their hearts, but they dare not say it. After all, such words are a bit sensitive.

Jiang Siming didn't persuade him at all, and he saw blood for a while.

It's not over yet.

Jiang Siming continued: "If there is a chance for me to give advice to the law in the future, I would suggest that people who touch porcelain should be treated as blackmail crimes, and they should be dealt with seriously! No matter whether they are seven or eighty or lonely, the cell is too crowded to pay for it. Build more free prisons for them!"

Everyone still didn't speak, but they couldn't help but applaud.

Applause also represents their aspirations, and they absolutely agree with Jiang Siming's statement.

If you agree, raise your little hands!

Everyone does not know how many people's support Jiang Siming's speech was later broadcast.

It even directly affected this year's draft law revision.

It has also become the direct fuse to promote the revision of the criminal law of the confrontation!

It also allowed Pengci to be incorporated into the Chinese Law, at least five years in advance.

Jiang Siming contributed to this wave!


[Author's digression]: First more~~

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