I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1545: Dog training video

After talking about Porcelain, everyone continued to chat like okay people.

He Jiu saw the fragrance of sound asleep in the corner, and he was impressed.

"You said that bamboo rats eat bamboo, and pandas eat bamboo too. Why do pandas become protected animals, but bamboo rats are on the table?"

When you hear this question, you really don't know how to answer it.

"Fewer births and more births for a happy life, and more births for more than births."

Jiang Siming replied lightly, causing everyone to laugh.

Just love to chat with Jiang Siming, this guy can always burst out golden sentences.

"What do you do when you are not working?"

Huang Laoxie said, "I usually like to study red wine when I'm not filming or going to class, and I take my kids to cook and cook."

"I'm more homely. I usually like to read a book or watch a movie." He Jiu said.

Lao Bai smiled happily, and said, "When I'm not filming, I will take my children at home. The two sons are making a lot of noise."

"Haha, our daughters are very good, but sometimes they are quite noisy." Huang Laoxie laughed.

As soon as we talked about the children, the two middle-aged men greeted each other with a cup.

"Amin, what do you like to do when you are not working." He Jiu asked.

"Me? I mostly sleep at home." Jiang Siming replied. He always enters the copy when he sleeps, which can also be understood as sleeping.

"Where is Xiao Peng Zifeng?"

"I have to study to prepare for the college entrance examination."

Zi Feng said that she has to go to the opera and Beiying in her third year of high school this year.

"I am also very nerdy. Generally, if I don't have a job, I would lie on the bed and watch my phone, read a certain sound and read novels or something." Xiao Peng said.

His habits should be very down to earth, I believe most young people love to do this.

"Scratching a certain tone? I also like to do it, wait, I remember that the boss of a certain tone is Amin, right?" He Jiu suddenly remembered.

Everyone was surprised, boss Jiang secretly put a company into his business empire...

"Well, I forgot to mention it." Jiang Siming replied.

Everyone: "..."

Sure enough, the life of the rich is so unpretentious.

I read the news a while ago and said that a woman recently remembered that she bought a suite 28 years ago.

Jiang Siming is even more ruthless. He has a company with a market value of over 10 billion US dollars and he almost forgot...

Everyone who was deeply stimulated felt so tired.

"Then do you usually watch a certain sound? Boss."

Xiao Peng asked curiously, as if he wanted to know if the boss's hobbies were the same as his own.

"Me? I used to watch it, but now I don't like it." Jiang Siming said bluntly.

Everyone's faces twitched again. How can the boss say in front of the camera that he doesn't like to participate in his company's products.

Please, you are the owner of Douyin, how can you say you don't like to watch.

Jiang Siming explained with a smile: "There is mainly no time right now, and there are a lot of strange contents and ideas spreading in a certain sound now, I am planning to find time to rectify it."

If this is heard by the staff of a certain sound, it is estimated that they will have trouble sleeping and eating.

What to do, the boss said they need to rectify if they do not do well...

"In what way?" Huang Laoxie asked.

"There are a lot of them, the most prominent is that there are a lot of videos of dog training style being afraid of wives in a certain sound. I watched this kind of video and it was disgusting."

Everyone was stunned, afraid of his wife in dog training?

"I've seen this, there are many, that is, the couple who shoot the video will play the role of male inferiority. In order to please his wife and coax his wife, men even kneel down without a bottom line." He Jiu understood.

Everyone also understands it, and they all think this kind of video really seems disgusting.

That is, whether right or wrong, the man has to carry the wrong pot, and the woman can mess around, and in the end, it's over with crying.

Let you do what you do, and a little refutation will become a reason not to love you.

There are really many such videos, even a large number of men kneeling down and begging for forgiveness.

It's okay to talk ridiculously, but it is a bit disgusting to actually move it to the video and spread it to other people.

Jiang Siming sighed and said: "Fear of wives is a normal phenomenon, which reflects men's mind and respect for women. This kind of fear is okay, not their dog-training style."

"This kind of dog-training-style male without dignity videos is put on too much, and it is bound to have a very bad impact on the ignorant young people, and many people will think this is a social norm."

"It is only natural for children to think that men have no bottom line like women's clothes, and there will also be a lot of couples living in dreams. This will really be of no benefit in the future."

Jiang Siming is like this, what do you say.

He has no masculinity or machismo.

He also felt sick in the old days when men were superior to women.

Men and women should be equal.

A man must have a masculine temperament, and he should really let the woman go in some small contradictions.

But on the issue of principle, if you don't give up, you can't give up.

In terms of principle, if you give in one step, there will be a second and third step.

In the end, it is easy to cause the woman to become accustomed and become worse.

On the contrary, women really should be protected and cared for, but they also have to take control.

Don't think about the principles of the world, you are all alone, let alone your other half must obey yourself unconditionally.

You are looking for objects, not pets.

If a man is willing to give you a lot of little things, it means that he values ​​you and loves you very much.

But don't treat this love as an unscrupulous threat to ask men for more.

This kind of girl, in the end, is often the end of a divorce.

Maybe they had to wind up their circle of friends after they broke up and divorced: after all, one person took everything.

This kind of is ridiculous, it's all about finding someone, so I have to let you blindly.

It’s so tiring to live in this way, so I’m single, and it’s not fragrant.

Of course, the reverse is the same. The woman can't blindly let the man, don't just rely on him for everything because she loves him so much.

Love is always fair and equal, not you blindly take advantage or I blindly suffer.

So Jiang Siming must let them disappear. You can be a slave to your wife at home, but please don’t post it online to spoil your children.

With more such videos, children will grow up more like this in the future, and then the Chinese men will really be finished in the future.

Jiang Siming's remarks were also unanimously agreed by everyone, and both Reba and Yoona felt very reasonable.

"I think what Big Brother Jiang said is right. I will definitely not look for unprincipled boyfriends in the future."

Zi Feng agreed.

Continue to talk until 12 o'clock midnight.

"Mr. He, happy birthday!"

Everyone stepped on the point, and at the same time sent blessings to Hejiu.

The program team also arranged a cake to be delivered.

Under the birthday song and candlelight, Mr. He celebrated his 47th birthday.

Hejiu is very happy, this year's birthday will be remembered and accompanied by everyone in the program.

[Author's digression]: Second more~~

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