I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1555: One meter six to five is fast!

Jiang Siming did not let Luffy wait too long.

Finally, after leaving a kiss on Keya's lips, she also boarded the Golden Meri.

Watching the Golden Meri go away, Keya stood there, crying for a long time.

The straw hat group also set sail for the great route.

There are six people on board, Luffy, Sauron, Nami, Usopp, Jiang Siming and Ram.

It was the first time Luffy and the others had such a luxurious ship, and they were so excited that they called and jumped again.

There are still a lot of supplies on board, enough for them to live for many days.

It was all prepared by Keya.

"Brother Jiang, thanks to you, we have such a beautiful boat ride, and your strength is stronger than me and Sauron, or my captain will let you."

Luffy thought for a while, but still felt that he should abdicate and let Xian.

Jiang Siming laughed after hearing this, and shook his head: "I am not interested in being a captain. Compared to being a captain, I prefer to help you become the world's first captain."

Luffy was overjoyed when he heard that, and he was welcome.

"I may disappear for a while in two days. Don't be too surprised by that time."

Jiang Siming vaccinated them in advance.

It was almost dawn outside, and he couldn't stay in the copy for long.

Although Luffy and the others are strange, everyone has their own secrets, so everyone didn't ask them carefully.

The process of sailing is actually very boring, except for the blue sky and the sea.

If it's not for the true love of sailing or for the dreams in their hearts, most people simply can't stick to it.

"By the way, do you know how to cook?" Nami asked suddenly.

"There is a beautiful kitchen on this ship, and there are a lot of ingredients. If you can't cook, my cooking skills are also very general. By then, everyone may only have to eat simpler."

The question of Nami baffled everyone.

Can Luffy cook? Can Sauron cook?

Or Usopp?

They only eat well.

Nami can only cook ordinary food.

"Speaking of which, we still lack a cook on board," Luffy said, biting his finger.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Siming smiled and got up and walked to the kitchen: "I will do it for you first, before you find a chef partner."

"Huh, Brother Jiang, can you still cook?" Luffy asked in surprise.

"Wow, such a handsome and powerful man can cook~too perfect~" Nami couldn't help but be moved again.

Jiang Siming walked into the kitchen and started to do it without catching up.

After a while, the table was filled with dishes.

"You can come in for dinner."

When Jiang Siming shouted, all these guys ran over.

As soon as they opened the restaurant door, they were thoroughly stimulated by the fragrance.

"smell good!"

Luffy was the first to jump onto the table, and immediately started, and could not stop after taking a bite.

"It's delicious! Not delicious! It's too delicious! Ahhhhhh...it's so delicious..."

Luffy was so shocked by this beautiful event that he couldn't speak, and the storm was eating.

Usopp's food looks similar to him.

Sauron was eating very gentlemanly, but he also had a great appetite.

Nami also never stopped talking.

"Brother Jiang, we don't need to find a chef if you are there," Luffy said in time.

"Yeah, I have never eaten something so delicious. It doesn't look like it's cooking or sushi, but why is it so fragrant and so delicious."

"Support! Support Brother Jiang to be a chef~"

Jiang Siming heard his forehead go dark, these guys really want to make themselves their exclusive chefs.

"I'm still looking for a chef. After all, Ram and I will often not see each other for a period of time. You can't wait for me without eating."

Luffy and the others heard it, and they couldn't let go of this rare opportunity. Eat hard!

After spending a few days on the boat, Jiang Siming forgot, and the time was almost up.

He summoned the ghost warship, activated the follow mode, and followed the Golden Meri.

And he temporarily withdrew from the copy.

When he left, Ram also left, and she had to go back with her sister Rem.

When I opened my eyes, the sky really brightened.

It was already past nine in the morning.

The others woke up early, but Jiang Siming was still asleep.

But no one bothered him.

Jiang Siming walked out of the bedroom and yawned.

Reba and Yooner, who were picking vegetables, saw Jiang Siming wake up, and immediately went to help Jiang Siming get the toiletries, and went in to help Jiang Siming spread the quilt.

This made the men present another envy.

When they can get half of Jiang Siming's treatment, they will feel content in their entire lives.

"Huh, where's Big Brother Bai?"

Jiang Siming asked vaguely while brushing his teeth.

"He's gone, before leaving, he said that we would like to convey our gratitude, thank you for the wine you gave him yesterday." Reba replied.

Jiang Siming gurgled a few times, spit out the foam, and washed his face.

"Then we should leave after lunch, and take a look at home by the way?"

"Okay~" Reba said of course.

Follow your husband, wherever you go.

"Aming, are you leaving today?" He Jiu was a little bit disappointed.

"Yeah." Jiang Siming nodded: "I have a game to play tomorrow, so I can't stay any longer."

"Well, when you play in the finals, I will go to the scene with Teacher Huang to cheer you on, welcome?" He Jiu asked with a smile.

"Of course you are welcome. Come anytime. It's in Jiaxing anyway."

"No problem, we must go." He Jiu agreed.

Before lunch, Jiang Siming helped Huang Laoxie out of the oven.

Huang Laoxie and He Jiu finally knew that Jiang Siming was leaving, so they asked the show crew to charge a lot of ingredients and made a big meal.

After eating, Jiang Siming took Reba Yoona and three cute pets and left the show.

The three of them took the RV back to Nantian Town, and stayed at home until dinner, then went straight through the wormhole and returned to Shanghai.

The RV can directly pass through the wormhole, which is very convenient.

At night, Jiang Siming finally returned to his manor.

"Dad, next time I want to record the show~"

Zhao Xiaoxiao can envy Mom Reba and Mom Yoon to stay with Jiang Siming for so long.

Jiang Siming smiled and squeezed her face, and said, "Okay, next time there is a show, I will tell the show team to take you."

"Hey, thank you dad~ Trojan horse~"

Zhao Xiaoxiao stood on tiptoe with satisfaction, and gave Jiang Siming a humbug.

Jiang Siming is used to it now, um, quite enjoy it~

This girl is now getting longer and opening up, and growing faster and faster.

Jiang Siming was a little flustered. Hearing from Zhao Xuan, Zhao Xiaoxiao had bought clothes for the third time since the Chinese New Year.

She is almost 1.65 meters tall when she is only in the third year of junior high. Monster Beast~


PS: Jiang Siming’s little Beibi will appear soon. Everyone hopes that Comrade Lao Jiang wants a daughter or a son, or whether Lao Jiang’s wife is pregnant first, and the name of the little lord, you can have any opinions. Tell the sake in the message~

[Author's digression]: Third more~~

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