I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1556: The final begins!

The next day, Jiaxing PM Internet Cafe.

PUBG World Championship, the final finally arrived.

Sixteen teams from the four teams will compete for the championship starting today.

Faze, TL, PK, and 17


G2, GG, EF and OMG.

4AM, NIP, C9 and AG

Sixteen teams all arrived at the PM Internet cafe.

These sixteen teams can be said to represent the world's highest level of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Today's game is also the most anticipated show for all PUBG players.

PM Internet cafes are almost all people watching games.

There were even interview cars from several TV stations.

Many reporters are rushing to film this PUBG event.

Only PUBG is comparable to League of Legends events.

"There are so many people today, at least three times more than in the group stage."

All 4AM members who had just arrived backstage were also infected by the atmosphere outside.

"It feels a bit like when I played the S5 Global Championship at the beginning." Great God said with emotion.

"An arrow in the opposite direction?" He never said abruptly.

The Great God's face went black immediately, and he was gone forever.

Jiang Siming also showed a pleased smile when he looked at the grand occasion outside.

He is sincerely happy to see that his favorite games are becoming more and more popular.

Although PUBG is still not as popular as LOL.

But Jiang Siming believes that in half a year, his holographic game will definitely make a sensation in the world.

At that time, his game company may bring him unprecedented profits and honor.

"It's starting, enter the arena." The coach came over and called them.

Jiang Siming got up and walked to the competition area with Kite, Great God, and Forever.

"Wait for each team to pass the stage and stop for a while, say hello, remember."

The coach reminded.

"There is still this link, hey~ I want to have a flower job in a while."

Forever this kid loves the whole thing.

"What are you going to perform? Li Ge's forward roll?" Great God asked with a smile.

"No, I want to do a reverse shooting."

"I think you want shit."


The four people talked and laughed and walked onto the stage.

The host introduced: "Let's welcome, 4, A, M!"

The audience suddenly cheered like the tide of the Qiantang River, thundering and magnificent!

Compared with the previous team, it is much stronger.

"4AM cowhide!"

"4AM will win the championship!"

The four of them didn't play any tricks, they just stayed on stage for a while, waved to the audience, and went down.

After all the teams have walked from the backstage, the game will officially begin!

The big screen on the stage shows the points of all the teams.

It is still 0 for the time being.

The results of the group stage are no longer included. Reshuffle the cards. This will be the final data.

Three in the group stage and five in the final.

This first one is still a solid Allengar map.

The map most familiar to both players and professional players.

Sixteen teams, 64 players, after a brief wait, boarded the plane at the same time.

Every boarding from now on means getting closer and closer to the 200 million bonus.

Counting that, each of these five matches is actually worth 40 million soft sister coins!

All the players have worked hard and have enough energy.

They showed their best state one after another.

After the game started, the route appeared over Allenger.

A cross-cutting route from west to east divides the entire Allenger map evenly.

There are many options for everyone on this route. After all, the route in the center can be skipped anywhere.

For the first one, Jiang Siming used the game program tamper.

This year is almost halfway past, and he has to speed up and work hard for his goals.

If a certain wife becomes pregnant during this period, he will have to advance the plan.

Therefore, Jiang Siming will never miss the opportunity to pick up debris.

Once the tamper was opened, it was equivalent to opening Jin Ying.

He could see the people on the plane clearly.

As soon as the plane landed in the sky of Allengar, some people jumped off the plane one after another.

And there are not too many people jumping everywhere, which makes Jiang Siming a little depressed.

He also wanted to start a few teams together, and he would start the game with seven or eight kills.

But this route is so even that no one wants to cluster together.

Jiang Siming finally chose to join the Great God and the others.

These teams who have dealt with him many times must already be familiar with his habits and style of play.

If he followed a team, the other party would be able to guess his identity if he saw him alone.

It would be meaningless to run by then, or if they choose the strategy of super Gouzhonggou, Jiang Siming also has a headache.

It's better to follow your team and make 4V4 rounds.

Four people flew to school.

The school district room and R City near the school are not left.

It can be seen how vigilant this team is fighting.

With 40 million rounds, they don't want to be close to 4AM.

Although he knew that Jiang Siming loved to fly solo, he was afraid that this guy would kill a carbine.

Look, isn't this true?

There was peace near the school, and Jiang Siming could only smile wryly.

Other teams are too far away from them.

The nearest are in Shuicheng.

For the time being, we can only search for supplies first.

It is worth comforting him a little bit, that is, just after landing, the kite picked up a 98K and gave it to him.

Not bad, there are 98K in the start, at least you can collect some universal fragments first.

Jiang Siming searches for R City with Kite, and always searches for schools and school district rooms with Weishen.

When the Great Gods and the others were still burying their heads in searching, Jiang Siming, who had equipment perception, was already'graduated.

Collected a two-level suit, a 4 times 98K, and an AKM.

This equipment, for people like Jiang Siming, who loves to be reckless and loves gangsters, is a **** pretend.

Jiang Siming, who didn't want to search anything anymore, chose to come to the high **** of the water tower behind R City and approached the water city along the high slope.

Jiang Siming didn't stop until he could fully see the situation in Qingshui City and carefully observed every move inside.

From the beginning of the game to the present, two minutes have passed without a single head being produced.

It seems that everyone really doesn't want to fight in the early stage.

The people in Shuicheng are still searching for supplies.

Moreover, the fattest water city is on the roof, so these guys are all jumping around on the roof.

Jiang Siming saw clearly that there were at least three people in Shuicheng.

And it's a fellow team, OMG.

Before the change, Jiang Siming might just let them go.

But now, with the desire for fragments, Jiang Siming has decided not to keep his hands.

After all, it's all about fighting for the first place, so why let it come and go, it will get cold sooner or later.

Jiang Siming, who no longer talks about this kind of sentiment, raised the 98K in his hand, and the place where the muzzle was aimed at was officially the roof of Shuicheng.

He was waiting for an opportunity, a chance for a little longer as long as the opponent appeared in his sight.

But not every time Jiang Siming wished, he waited for half a minute, but did not wait for a suitable opportunity.

The other party didn't stay on the roof for a long time, always passing by.


[Author's digression]: First more~~

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