I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1562: Xiaoxiao's identity?

[Character]: Zhao Xiaoxiao

[Location]: Demon City Changning xxxxx

[Blood relationship]:

Adoptive mother, Zhao Xuan, location: xxxxx, Changning, Magic City

Birth mother·unknown, location: unknown

Father, unknown, location: unknown

Jiang Siming was a little dumbfounded with this information.

Why can't Xiaoxiao's biological father and mother be found? Is it all unknown?

What do these mean, is this search library pirated? Fake and shoddy products?

Jiang Siming quickly tried himself.

[Character]: Jiang Siming

[Location]: PM Internet Cafe, XXXX Road, Jiaxing, Zhejiang

[Blood relationship]:

Birth mother: Wu Yuelan, location: No. xxxx, Nantian Town, Dali City, Yunnan

Birth father: Jiang Shaoqing, location: No. xxxx, Nantian Town, Dali City, Yunnan

Sister: Jiang Wanwan, Location: Nantian Middle School, Dali City, Yunnan


Below are Jiang Siming's grandparents, and even the deceased grandparents.

For those who have passed away, the word "deceased" will be displayed on it.

Not unknown.

None of Jiang Siming's blood relationship is deceased.

This shows that the search library is fine.

But why can't I find out Xiaoxiao's life experience? I wonder...

Confused Jiang Siming suddenly thought of an outrageous guess.

"Could it be Xiaoxiao... not a human being?"

Jiang Siming himself was shocked by this thought.

The iris gene search database, as explained above, gathers the iris gene memory of all human beings on the earth.

So Zhao Xiaoxiao should be able to be found.

Failure to find it means that it is very likely that Zhao Xiaoxiao is not an earthling.


Jiang Siming's heartbeat accelerated by this speculation.

If Xiaoxiao is not from the earth, where did she come from?

Space? Or other planets in the universe.

The more I thought about Jiang Siming, the more headache he felt, and some flickering memory fragments suddenly appeared in his brain.

When Jiang Siming wanted to check these memories, he found that he couldn't see them at all.

In other words, he felt that he was not strong enough, so he couldn't see it.

"Brother Jiang, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Kite noticed Jiang Siming's distraction, and reminded him softly.

Jiang Siming was taken aback, and those memory fragments disappeared without a trace.

Chang Siming sighed and shook his head tiredly.

Run infuriating quickly to wake yourself up.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little tired." Jiang Siming replied.

"Why don't you call the wave to pause? Let's take a break?" Weishen was also worried about Jiang Siming's body.

Jiang Siming shook his head and said with a smile: "It's just that I played on the phone for too long last night and didn't get enough sleep. It's okay. I'll talk about it after playing this one."

After throwing his head over questions for the time being, Jiang Siming began to re-enter the game.

Two cars drove into the mine area, because Jiang Siming had just lost his mind and did not check the map.

So that the four drove into the encirclement of the two teams.

The two cars were instantly set on fire, including two gunshots of big pineapples.

With this kind of firepower, the blood volume of the vehicle is dropping crazily.

Jiang Siming had to drive the car quickly into the wheat field and decisively told everyone to abandon the car and use the haystacks in the wheat field to avoid the bullets.

Not long after the four got out of the car, the two vehicles exploded with a bang.

Everyone escaped in a thrilling way, but they were not out of danger.

The haystacks where the four people hide, the kite and Jiang Siming's own haystacks are all exposed to STK's vision.

Only the great **** was lucky and couldn't hit him on either side.

The two teams that played against them were STK and NV.

There is also Jiang Siming’s brother-in-law in STK, Irene’s brother, alow.

STK saw that 4AM exposed their position to them, of course it would not be polite.

Not to mention that STK doesn't know that this is 4AM. Even if it knows, Alow will not be merciful.

STK's bullets came in densely.

The strength of this team is stronger than last year.

Alow's SKS has a fully automatic feel. Not only is the interval between shots very short, but also extremely accurate.

In less than two seconds, the kite that could not dodge was knocked to the ground.

Both the audience and the commentator exclaimed.

Because of Alow's sniper level, there is a faint shadow of Myoko.

If you look at it with the naked eye, Alow's SKS really seems to have reached Jiang Siming's level.

But if you really want to calculate accurately, the two are still far apart.

It's just that the operation time of the gunfight game is too short, everyone looks almost like it with their eyes.

After the kite fell to the ground, it never lasted for long, and was knocked down by another STK team member!

Jiang Siming was even more miserable and was set on fire by the two guns.

The MVP jersey on his body quickly got a few more blood holes.

However, after Jiang Siming reacted, he started to move constantly behind the haystack, evasive.

Use your body to avoid the deadly bullets behind.

Moreover, Jiang Siming took care of throwing two smoke bombs at the kite to keep her safe, and then chose to put a cigarette for himself and retreat.

There is always a great **** to extinguish the smoke, so don't worry about him.

But it's always a bit tragic. After the smoke bombs were fired, they were still killed by the opposite ‘touch the prize’.

4AM suddenly fell into crisis.

"This wave blames me." Jiang Siming took the initiative.

This wave really blamed him for being distracted. He didn't look at the map and drove everyone to such a dangerous location.

Even if he doesn't have the ability to see through, as a professional player, it is impossible to move to this position.

It is a low-level error.

"It's okay, Brother Jiang, don't worry about it at all." Always quickly comforted.

"Yes, no one knows there are two teams here." Kite also said quickly.

Jiang Siming did not answer their comfort, but took advantage of the smoke, left the keyboard and the right mouse, and began to operate seriously.

He didn't go to support the kite in the smoke first, but backed out of the haystack and out of the range of his smoke bomb.

It was actually a very risky move for him to withdraw from the haystack, because the NV people were also staring at him on the other side.

There are haystacks that can at least dodge the NV gun line. Now without the haystacks, you will face a mixed doubles of the two teams.

In other words, as soon as the smoke bomb disperses, Jiang Siming will face the siege of eight people!

Many people did not understand Jiang Siming's operation. First, they drove everyone into such a dangerous position.

It is still out of the only bunker and is about to face a gathering of eight people.

How do you feel that Myojin started to play a bit fascinated?

The audience didn't know what Jiang Siming thought, he only knew that this meant that he had to carry the big beam to make up for his mistakes.

As soon as he got out of the smoke, Jiang Siming was calculating the disappearance time of the smoke bomb.

With two seconds before the smoke bomb dissipated, Jiang Siming's eyes immediately became sharp.

【High Energy Moment】Open!

The smoke bomb dispersed for a moment.

The 98K in Jiang Siming's hand appeared like a phantom shot!

It was hard to see when Jiang Siming raised the gun, and the bullet went out!


This copper-yellow 7.62 bullet tore through the remaining smoke that had not completely dispersed, and exploded the head of the NV sniper!

The sniper was still waiting for the smoke to disperse and whether he could pick up a head.

Unexpectedly, the head was not picked up, but his head exploded!

The members of NV are so angry.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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