I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1563: Intermediate Alchemy and Puppet Pill

Obviously they haven't done anything yet, why did Jiang Siming fight with them? Damn!

This is really shot while lying down!

"Kill him!" NV made an annoyed decision, ignoring the players who fell to the ground, and knocking down Jiang Siming.

After firing a shot, Jiang Siming did not rush to replace the bullet.

Because the shot just shot was too fast, he had already started to change when the opponent fell to the ground.

Coupled with the bullet bag change speed bonus, when the NV guy reacted, his bullet had been pushed into the barrel again.


As soon as the bullet was ready, Jiang Siming came again for an instant attack.

NV down another player!

These two shots sniped at once and beat the NV people into a panic.

But none of the teams that can make it to the world finals is dry.

The remaining two immediately chose to shoot back.

Jiang Siming used his extreme position to avoid the bullets shot by his opponent as much as possible.

"It's time for Awei to work, help me pull STK!" Jiang Siming shouted.

No matter how fast he reacts, no matter how good his body is, it is impossible to escape the fire of eight people without the help of a cover.

Unless it is really the big Luo Jinxian in the game, it has to be the kind of Jinxian that can't die to do it.

So Jiang Siming must have teammates help.

Weishen knew Jiang Siming's plan for a long time, first hit one side, and then solve the other side.

I have to help Jiang Siming contain STK.

Fortunately, the kite was also picked up by Awei at this time. The kite didn't even fight with medicine, and the residual blood had to smash with STK!

STK's attention was diverted, and it won't work if it doesn't.

Kite and the Great God's marksmanship are definitely not weaker than any of them.

After a few shots, STK neglected to guard, and one of the team members was knocked down.

At this time, STK was forced to confront them first.

This gave Jiang Siming a chance to operate.

The people in NV didn't know that STK had temporarily given up on meeting with them.

They also eagerly expected STK to take action with them and solve the most terrifying enemy in this game.

However, STK was too busy to take care of himself, being held back by the kite and the great gods, couldn't help.

Without STK's coveting for the time being, Jiang Siming was too relaxed.

NV is left with two opponents who are still capable of fighting.

And instead of helping his teammates, he chose to face him head-on.

This kind of reckless behavior made Jiang Siming not only not nervous, but rather happy.

I'm afraid you don't fight with me and choose to hide.

Under Jiang Siming's magical posture, he escaped most of the bullets of the two NV.

Of course, Jiang Siming still got a shot.

But the audience and the commentators always felt that Jiang Siming seemed to have taken this shot deliberately.

Because after a shot, the two of NV's are more like sharks smelling blood.

Even more biting, he kept shooting at Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming had already relied on this period of time to push another 98K bullet.

As soon as the bullet was loaded, it was shot out of the heated barrel!

The eyebrows of one of the last two who went straight to NV went!

After shooting this 98K shot, Jiang Siming did not wait for the sniper rifle to reload.

But at the moment after firing the gun, he switched out of M762 behind him.

Jiang Siming knew if he knocked down another NV player.

In the end, the NV person has a very high probability of giving up fighting him and choosing to cheer his teammates.

He must get rid of the opponent while he gives up the gun and runs to pull.

Otherwise, he will face the same predicament when everyone is lifted up.

This Boche gun is very necessary.

After the M762 was brought out, NV's last single seedling really gave up the gun and wanted to run to rescue his teammates.

Three of the four people died. If he loses with the gun again, he will definitely be sprayed as a fool by the coach.

However, it was useless for him to pull people. It happened to be captured by Jiang Siming's M762.


The macho gun was crushed into a small spot by Jiang Siming, and the bullets lined up and "squeezed" into the opponent's back.


The NV team was destroyed by the regiment!

As soon as the NV fell, two fragments flew out.

"Pick up [Intermediate Alchemy] Orange Fragment*1 (1/15). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

"Pick up [Puppet Dan x 1] blue fragment*1 (1/8). The number of fragments is not full, so it is temporarily unavailable."

Puppet Pill: The person after taking it will become your most loyal puppet, and will live forever and obey any orders from you.

Note: The life expectancy of people who take this pill will be greatly reduced, and will never have any good impressions on you, but is forced to obey, so use it with caution.

Jiang Siming didn't even have time to see these two fragments.

After killing NV, he immediately pointed the gun head at the position of STK.

At this time, STK just had a fierce exchange of fire with the Great God Kite.

The kite had too little blood and fell again after hitting a stray bullet.

One of the STK members wanted to make up for the kite.

However, Jiang Si took one step tomorrow morning and swept to the ground with M762 abruptly!

The people at STK realized that NV was dead.

The great situation where the eight men double-teamed Jiang Siming was ruined, but two generals fell on their side.

"Lao Jiang, if you don't want to fight blood first, I'll go to pull the kite." Great God looked at Jiang Siming's blood volume and got a chill behind his back.

As soon as he got out of the car, Jiang Siming was shot twice, and then he was shot again in a confrontation with NV.

Jiang Siming's blood bar under three shots was less than one-fifth, or even less.

However, Jiang Siming ignored his health bar, he never cared about it.

If you want to keep yourself safe, there is only one belief and way, then kill all the enemies.

Then no one threatens to get his health bar.

After defeating a member of STK, Jiang Siming stopped his gun and ran to help the kite.

The kite fell two times, and the blood dropped quickly.

"Do you want to close the cigarette?" Great God asked.

"No, you just need to hold it up. The other party fell two too. They must be pulled. After a while, I will lift the kite up and touch it. They are a high **** and must be touched before they can be killed. You help my back cover ."

Jiang Siming has told the great **** of the action plan.

Although Weishen was absolutely adventurous, he trusted Jiang Siming's technology so much that he agreed.

As soon as the kite got up from the ground, she dared not delay a moment and immediately gave herself a first aid kit.

Jiang Siming had already touched it while replacing the M762's magazine.

No one in the STK at Gaopo dared to show his face for the time being, for fear that another one would be really dangerous.

They didn't know that Jiang Siming was much faster than them, whether it was helping others or taking the initiative to attack.

These time lags just made Jiang Siming boldly slip under their noses.

After Alow helped his teammate up, there was something wrong in his heart.

Using the dodge action, he kept showing up on the high slope.

Although the Great God's bullets came at him, he chose to take a risk to check the location of 4AM.

What makes him a little panic is that the position of 4AM seems to be missing!


[Author's digression]: First more~

Yesterday, I was too tired. I drove the car for a whole day and got home cleaning till the night. I was really tired. I slept for a day today and I finally feel better. Today is five more!

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