I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1569: Has risen to 5 billion

As soon as the call was connected, Lao Ma thanked him excitedly on the other end of the phone.

"President Jiang, haha, the pill you gave me is amazing!"

Jiang Siming is happy, why is he still thinking about it, that's the only thing about feelings.

"How? How do you feel, body?"

"Fuck, you know that I saw a pile of black mud on me just now, and I almost thought I was poisoned by you."

Mr. Ma spit out fragrant fragrance on that head, and the beautiful Chinese words came out.

Jiang Siming rolled his eyes.

"This pill is so amazing. I took a whole person and took it off as if I carried a heavy object on my back. It was too comfortable and all the old problems on my body were cured. Wow, Mr. Jiang, you really helped me a lot. !" Mr. Ma said more and more happy.

The richer people value health more.

After all, in their eyes, money is just a bunch of numbers. It would be too sad to make so much money without spending it to enjoy it.

"These two billion flowers are worth it?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile.

"It's worth it! It's worth it. Now I look in the mirror and look like I'm twenty years younger. My wife is stunned."

President Ma was very happy, and hurriedly asked: "By the way, do you still have that medicine? I want to buy one for my wife too."

Jiang Siming wanted to say yes.

After all, he just took a bunch from the pill, just a dozen of detox and beauty pill, a lot.

But Jiang Siming didn't want to sell it so easily. Two billion horses always felt worth it, indicating that he would be happy even if the price was higher.

So... hehe...

"No, I'll give you the last one. Are you not satisfied, Sir?" Jiang Siming said jokingly.

"Really not? When can I get the second one? I bought it at a high price." Mr. Ma said.

Such a magical pill, even if it cost him another 2 billion, it is worth it.

"I'm not sure, it's too difficult to practice. If I practice it in the future, I will tell you that, but you may not be able to grab it. There are too many buyers, and you know."

Mr. Ma has no doubt about this.

After all, this kind of thing, no matter how many people buy him, it is not surprising.

"In this way, I'll order one...4 billion, how about?" Mr. Ma asked.

Four billion can build a super building on the Huangpu River in Shanghai.

Jiang Siming was not tempted.

"To tell you the truth, there are three bidders."

"Who is it?"

"The richest man Wang, the penguin horse and the foreign gates." Jiang Siming nonsense, anyway, just make up.

"Damn, Gates also knows? Damn, in this way, I will give out 5 billion!"

President Ma lifted a billion.

Jiang Siming also knows that the wool can't catch one.

This pill is not difficult to make, and there is no need for the lion to speak loudly.

(Reader: If you bought 5 billion TM, wouldn’t it be considered a big opening?)

"Well, I'll give you the first time if there is something." Jiang Siming was so difficult.

As a shrewd person like President Ma, he actually noticed that Jiang Siming seemed to be doing his own routine.

But there is no way, this kind of routine, he is happy to be caught.

For nothing else, this pill is indeed effective.

"By the way, can I eat this stuff often, can I continue to buy it in the future?"

"No, this medicine can only be taken once per person, and it will have no effect afterwards, and it will be useless after taking it."

"Well, one is enough, hahaha."

President Ma said chicly.

"Slowly feel your young body, Mr. Ma, I am going to sleep."

Jiang Siming doesn't have time to waste time chatting with Mr. Ma, who is overexcited. He is about to hold his wife's hot kang.

"Don't, there's something else." President Ma hurriedly stopped.

"Our Yundian takeaway is now in full swing. President Wang has discussed with me and wants to promote it thoroughly."

"How to promote it?" Jiang Siming felt that he had to make a phone call for at least ten minutes. He simply sat down in the yard and lit a Yulong cigarette to listen to him slowly.

"We plan to develop a propaganda method that the boss will deliver, that is, three of us will deliver food."

"Don't mess with Mr. Ma, how can I have so much time."

Jiang Siming is speechless, it's not that he disdains such a small industry after success.

But he is really not free.

"Hey, we don't have time. I didn't say to send it every day. Just pick a time and send it for half a day. Arrange the photography team to shoot and then publicize it. The effect will definitely be good."

Jiang Siming smiled bitterly, and said: "I think you just left your post as CEO of Alibaba and panicked. You can come up with this kind of idea."

"Hahaha, anyway, just give it a try. It just so happens that my body is getting better now, so I don't need to run errands."

"Let's do it, you have set the time, is it delivered in Shanghai?"

"Yes, it's in Shanghai."

"Okay, it's settled, hang up."

"Wait! One more thing."

Jiang Siming: "..."

Mr. Ma is not as embarrassed, and quickly said in a short story: "Xiaoyangshan Port will be officially opened in the middle of next month, so remember to come."

"No problem." Jiang Siming nodded, this must go.

This port is the result he has waited for a year, so I don't want to see how it works.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Siming went back to the house.

The wives in the family had already taken a shower and went back to sleep.

Only Xinyi stayed in the living room at the end.

She just finished reading the book and took a shower.

Xiao Nizi happily ran downstairs in her pajamas.

I took a bottle of yogurt in the kitchen, humming a song, and planned to go back upstairs to read a book and go to bed.

Who knew it happened to see Jiang Siming enter the house.

"Senior brother, do you want to drink it, I will get you a bottle, this yogurt is a new brand, and it's quite delicious."

Xinyi still talked to Jiang Siming kindly.

He also shared his new yogurt with Jiang Siming.

"Okay." Jiang Siming agreed with a smile.

Xinyi really went back to the kitchen and took out a bottle of yogurt.

But Jiang Siming didn't pick it up at all, hugged her waist, and walked upstairs.

Knowing that she was fooled, Xinyi blushed and begged Jiang Siming for mercy.

But there is no reason or excuse for helplessness.

If relatives are here, they can still be used as a shield, then this is all right, right?

Jiang Siming carried Xinyi into her room, and when he was about to do something, he thought of the Jidan.

"Right, eat this." Jiang Siming paused temporarily and handed Zhu Jidan to her.

Xinyi didn't even think about it, and obediently ate this pill.

Xinyi felt no change after taking this medicine, and Jiang Siming didn't feel any difference.

In addition to being so maddened by this chick, Jiang Siming simply didn't care whether the medicine was useful or not, and started to work!

Soon, in Xinyi's room, there was a thunder and fire...

Xinyi didn't know that after being favored by Jiang Siming this time.

Her body is quietly changing.

A conceived seed was quietly hidden in her stomach, and the medicinal power of the medicinal pill that had just been taken gradually began to appear.

But all was absorbed by this seed...


[Author's digression]: Second more~~

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